Detailed LCCC English News Bulletin For August 23/15


Detailed LCCC English News Bulletin For August 23/15

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LCCC Latest analysis, editorials from miscellaneous sources published on August 22-23/15
Sheik Bachir: We Miss You & Long For Your Leadership Calibre/Elias Bejjani/August 23/15
Unity of Free Patriotic Movement at stake/Myra Abdallah/Now Lebanon/August 23/15
Train gunman: French intelligence fails again to distinguish between informer and Islamist terrorist/DEBKAfile/August 23/15
Sectarian Re-Engineering of Syria’s Demography Followed by Cease-Fire/Samir Altaqi &Esam Aziz/Middle East Briefing/August 23/15
Kuwait Answers the Question: Should Iran’s Containment Policy be Dropped after the Deal/Samir Altaqi &Esam Aziz/Middle East Briefing/August 23/15
The Year of the Wall: The Story of Borders in the Middle East/Samir Altaqi &Esam Aziz/Middle East Briefing/August 23/15
Is Spain Fueling the BDS War Against Israel/Soeren Kern/Gatestone Institute/August 23/15
What is the BDS “Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions”/Logo for the BDS movement/August 23/15

LCCC Bulletin titles for the Lebanese Related News published on August 22-23/15
Sheik Bachir: We Miss You & Long For Your Leadership Calibre
Unity of Free Patriotic Movement at stake
Report: U.N. Security Council Unanimously Agrees Renewal of UNIFIL Term
Salam Calls for Cabinet Session Next Week to Tackle Pressing Issues
Downtown Beirut Turns into War Zone as Police Battle Anti-trash Protesters
Rights Group Decries Violence against Protesters
Fatah Official Escapes Murder Attempt in Ain el-Hilweh, 2 Dead in Clashes
Berri Urges ‘those Paralyzing Cabinet Sessions to Cease Obstructing People’s Lives’

LCCC Bulletin Miscellaneous Reports And News published on August 22-23/15
Abbas Quits PLO Leadership ahead of Internal Election
20 Civilians Dead in Syria Regime Bombardment Near Damascus
Iran Shoots down Suspected Spy Drone near Iraq Border
Iran Unveils New Short Range Ballistic Missile
Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood Chief Gets New Life Term
Dozens Die in Fighting, Air Strikes in Yemen’s Taez
North, South Korea Hold Top-Level Talks to Defuse Military Tensions
Obama reveals compensation to Israel over Iran nuclear deal
Hard to buy Barak’s claim that IDF, ministers tied his hands on Iran strike
‘Israeli bombing of Syria aimed at rallying US Jews against Iran nuclear deal’

Links From Jihad Watch Web site For Today
Islamic State ‘beheading, raping, and selling’ Christians, Obama does nothing
Jihadi John”: “I will go back to Britain…and will carry on cutting heads off”
France train jihadi trained in Islamic State, was being watched by police
Saudi Muslim leaders oppose extradition of murderer: “He is an Islamic missionary”
The Sad Case of Mogens Camre: Criminalizing Dissent in Denmark
Multiculturalism and the Rise of Islamic Terrorism
UK Islamic State supporters groomed their teen daughter to be jihadi bride
UC Santa Cruz: Muslim threatened two campus colleges with explosives
Muslim Butchering in Swedish IKEA — on The Glazov Gang
A Strange Turn of History
Mauritania court upholds conviction of anti-slavery activists
Robert Spencer, PJM: Harvard Prof: ISIS Sex Slavery Is Bad, but Hey, U.S. Had Slavery