Corrupted Lebanese Politicians & Clergymen
Elias Bejjani/ June 03/15
There is no doubt that the critical and very dangerous evolving events that are hitting Lebanon and the Lebanese people are unveiling the rotten and venomous nature of the Lebanese politicians and the high ranking clergymen.
Sadly these civil, political and spiritual leaders are corrupted, evil and mere “temple merchants” without any trace of self respect, honesty, transparency or conscience.
Their fierce hunger for power and earthly riches made them like wild beasts that are mercilessly and instinctively devouring the country and its oppressed and impoverished people.
Their priorities have nothing to do with the welfare of the Lebanese people or with the sovereignty, independence and freedom of the country, but completely focusing and revolving on and around their personal agendas of wars, strives, thievery, bribery, money trafficking, vindictiveness, hatred and all kinds of comprises.
Accordingly Lebanon is not going to be a free, safe and prosperous country or be able to reclaim its confiscated independence before the Lebanese people revolt and change these evil leaders.
As the saying goes, “one can not give what he does not have or own”, and accordingly these inhuman and corrupted leaders can not solve our country’s crucial and devastating problems, and definitely they are unable and at the same time unwilling to be the savers, because they themselves are the problem and the enemy.
Unfortunately the worst and most destructive of all the Lebanese spiritual, political and civil leaders are the Maronite ones who do not fear Almighty God or His Last Day of Accountability and who because of lack of both faith and hope became fully blind, deaf, demagogue, selfish and conscienceless.
In conclusion, our Lebanese people are in a bad need for a new leadership.
May Almighty God protect and safeguard our beloved Lebanon.
Elias Bejjani
Canadian-Lebanese Human Rights activist, journalist and political commentator
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