Walid Phares/STL pieces of truth emerging//Walid Phares/It doesn’t fit…


It doesn’t fit…
Walid Phares/May 09/15
Face Book

 25 years later, many regular folks in Lebanon are learning that lots of things they’ve heard from politicians do not fit with many other things they’ve also heard. For example they cannot fit a truly multiethnic federal system in the Taef mono-identity agreement, disarming the militias with the a para-state “resistance,” Aramaic language with the country’s official solo-Arabism, UNSCR 1559 with Syro-Lebanese defense accord, praising the past after abandoning it, ‘wa ila ma hunalika min’ (and so many) urban legends created by opinion makers for over 40 years. It simply doesn’t fit. The public complains to the world, but the country is stuck with an establishment disconnected from reality. Someone has to sort it out first, someone from inside the country. Someone who is not part of the making of its chaos. Then it may be possible to get disentangled. Otherwise, more of the same…

STL pieces of truth emerging…
Walid Phares /May 08/15
Face Book

To the surprise of many citizens and observers who were told otherwise over the past ten years, the STL’s sessions and witnesses are revealing pieces of truth slowly emerging. One is that the UNSC resolution 1559 was not initially engineered by the late Prime Minister Rafiq Hariri or his allies or anyone among the Lebanese Christian politicians. Two, Bashar Assad miscalculated by ordering assassinations in Lebanon to preempt the implementation of 1559, thinking that Hariri was -if not behind it- but moving along with it (and he wasn’t). Three there is no major difference in responsibility between the Assad regime and Hezbollah as they had and continue to have a joint strategic operation room. Assad’s Mukhabarat and Hezbollah’s security worked and continue to work together. It was logical that “Lebanese” Hezbollah would be more appropriate to “execute” a decision made by the “Syrian” Assad regime.
It took ten years for these simple analytical pieces to surface. This is only the tip of the iceberg. Let’s watch the STL progress…