Abdulrahman al-Rashed/Removing Maliki: The end of a nightmare


Removing Maliki: The end of a nightmare
Tuesday, 12 August 2014
Abdulrahman al-Rashed/Al Arabiya
We have not known Iraqi, regional and international enthusiasm like what we’ve seen in the past few days to remove Nouri al-Maliki from the Iraqi premiership. Shiites, Sunnis, Kurds, Arabs, Americans and the United Nations have all agreed on removing Maliki.
Haider al-Abadi’s name suddenly became one of the most famous and most popular after he agreed to confront Maliki and replace him as premier.
Now, there are temporarily two states in Iraq. The first one is the Iraqi one, and the second one is illegal and it’s the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS). There are also two prime ministers in Iraq. The first one is Abadi who represents the representatives of the parliamentary majority and the second one is Maliki whose term ended and who insists on claiming legitimacy.
“In order to stay in power, Maliki has tried all tricks and failed”. Abadi will find unprecedented support as a result of Maliki’s bad actions which tore Iraq apart into troubled sectarian areas and led to struggles with the Kurds, and led to terrorists’ seizure of major areas and horrific massacres. All this is due to Maliki’s government which was concerned about serving Maliki himself and engaged in battles at the expanse of the state and the entire country.
Maliki has tried all tricks
In order to stay in power, Maliki has tried all tricks and failed. He deployed his tanks a night before removing him and accused the new president of violating the constitution. Yesterday morning, he tried to fabricate a statement in the name of the constitutional court then he gathered marginal figures from the Dawa Party claiming Abadi does not represent the bloc and only represents himself.
I think we will see Baghdad restoring its vitality and ordinary life. Arab, Iranian and western delegations will visit it to congratulate the prime minister who represents Iraqi consensus. We will see that there’s an expanded Iraqi agreement that represents the first real patriotic unity whose first duty includes fighting the terrorist ISIS and restoring powers which Maliki eliminated to work within constitutional legitimacy instead of taking up arms. Abadi must reassure the Kurds, reconcile Arab Sunnis, restore relations with angry Shiite powers, be open to Gulf countries, reactivate the Iraqi role and head towards constructing the country and enhancing the livelihood of all Iraqis.