Elias Bejjani/Text & Video: For These Reasons, We Fear the Nasserite Arabists, Fatah Supporters, and Leftists Like Nawaf Salam and Tarek Mitri


Elias Bejjani/Text & Video/For These Reasons, We Fear the Nasserite Arabists, Fatah Supporters, and Leftists Like Nawaf Salam and Tarek Mitri

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Elias Bejjani/February 15/2025
In Lebanon, some—leftists, fake nationalists, eternal adversaries of Israel, and those who trade in the deception of so-called “resistance & Liberation”—criticize us (The Lebanese Patriots) for labeling Nawaf Salam and Tarek Mitri as Nasserite Arabists and as Palestinians more Palestinian than Arafat the Muslim Brotherhood loyalist, George Habash the leftist, and Yahya Sinwar the jihadist. They accuse us of being Lebanese nationalists, opposing the Taif Agreement, and advocating for federalism and partition.

Rather than engaging in futile debates with Lebanon’s enemies and those who reject the Christian role in governing the country, we respond firmly and unapologetically, relying on the facts and history that expose the true nature of these figures and their ideology:

Abdel Nasser Nasser and all the officers who overthrew King Farouk’s regime in Egypt were members of the Muslim Brotherhood. There is no need to elaborate on the hatred, extremism, and radical objectives of this jihadist movement.

Abdel Nasser, who infused Arabism with Brotherhood ideology, led the region into ignorance, populism, and fanaticism, culminating in one of the greatest defeats in Arab history. He failed in his union with Syria, his war in Yemen, his hostility toward the Gulf states, and in every civilian, military, social, and political endeavor. Today, few in Egypt even know where his grave is.

Meanwhile, Palestinian organizations—chief among them Fatah, which Nawaf Salam, Tarek Mitri, and many others supported under the deceptive umbrella of the so-called “National Movement”—turned against Lebanon, its people, and its government, particularly the Christians. They waged wars, launched invasions, and committed massacres, all while promoting delusions that the road to Palestine passed through Jounieh. In this, they are no different from Iran’s mullahs and their jihadist proxies, including Hezbollah, who—by deliberate choice—have never once found the road to Jerusalem. According to their twisted logic, the road to Jerusalem passes through Damascus, Baghdad, and Cairo. Today, their deceit has evolved, and now, the road supposedly runs through Beirut International Airport!

As for the Arabists and Fake nationalists—whether Baathists, Syrian nationalists, leftists, communists, or others consumed by hatred for everything, including themselves, their people, and their homelands (excluding the Gulf Arab identity, which fundamentally opposes Nasserite and Arafatist Arabism)—their record of failures and betrayals is immeasurable. They are not only Lebanon’s enemies but also their own worst adversaries. With the fall of Assad’s regional influence, they have vanished from every ruling Arab government. It is also worth noting that Erdogan and Qatar’s rulers belong to the same jihadist breed, and the devastation of Gaza is a direct consequence of their policies.

This is why our concern for Lebanon and its people is both urgent and justified—against every Arabist, Nasserite, leftist, fake nationalist, mullah loyalist, and deceiver who chants about throwing Israel into the sea, “liberating” Palestine, and praying in Jerusalem.

Based on all of the above, and because Nawaf Salam, Tarek Mitri, and perhaps Ghassan Salamé are deeply rooted in the defeatist, deceptive ideology of Arafat and Nasser—one built on manipulation, false resistance, and perpetual failure (Arafat himself was a prominent Muslim Brotherhood member)—we have every right to reject them in the current new Lebanese government, or at least to fear their non-Lebanese agendas. How can we be trustful when the newly formed government’s primary mission must be the complete eradication of Iranian influence, embodied in Hezbollah’s terrorist network, and active participation in the Arab-Israeli peace process embraced by all Arab states.

Ultimately, the mindset and ideology of leftists, Nasserite Arabists, mullah loyalists, Islamists, and jihadists are, at their core, one and the same.

*The author, Elias Bejjani, is a Lebanese expatriate activist
Author’s Email: Phoenicia@hotmail.com
Author’s Website: https://eliasbejjaninews.com

Elias Bejjani
Canadian-Lebanese Human Rights activist, journalist and political commentator
Email phoenicia@hotmail.com & media.lccc@gmail.com
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