Elias Bejjani/Text & Video: Iranian Terrorist Hezbollah Booby-Trapped Shiites Villages, Cities, Institutions & Created a Landscape of Hatred and Deception


Elias Bejjani/Text & Video: Iranian Terrorist Hezbollah Booby-Trapped Shiites Villages, Cities, Institutions & Created a Landscape of Hatred and Deception
Elias Bejjani/September 24/2024

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اضغط هنا لقراء ومشاهدة فيديو المقالة بالعربية

There is no shed of doubt that the terrorist Iranian proxy, Hezbollah, is the one that has mined and booby-trapped the Shiites areas in occupied Lebanon and placed them evilly on explosive barrels. It drowned its Shiites communities with illusions, myths, hatred, arrogance, worshipping death, while belittling its opponents and labeling them as traitors. In this context we are sadly witnessing the ongoing tragedies inflicted on the civilian Lebanese Shiites’ communities.
In the recent wave of violence, only in one day over 600 innocent Shiite civilians were killed and two thousand inquired and thousands forced to abandon their homes and livestock’s in fear for their lives because of devastating Israeli air strikes targeting Hezbollah’s weapon caches strategically hidden among populated areas in South Lebanon, beeka valley, Dahea district in Beirut. This tragedy underscores a painful truth and shows clearly that the real perpetrators behind the suffering of these victims are not only the Israeli forces, but rather Hezbollah and its Iranian backers.
For decades, Hezbollah has turned Lebanese neighborhoods, mainly the Shiites villages, cities and institutions into battlegrounds, placing weaponry in schools, religious institutions, and even homes, endangering the very people it claims to protect. This reckless strategy has turned civilians into collateral damage in a conflict driven by Iran’s regional expansionist and denominational satanic ambitions.
Compounding this situation, recently Iran has increasingly distanced itself from Hezbollah and Hamas, opting instead to appease the United States. The Mullahs have publicly stated that they do not seek to engage in direct conflict with Israel, declaring a shift towards cooperation with the U.S. This pivot reveals a significant change in Iran’s approach, highlighting its desire to stabilize its position rather than escalate tensions because its main aim is to keep its regime in power.
The continuous threats from Hezbollah and Iran have put Israel in a precarious position, where it feels compelled to act in self-defense. The recent bombings, while devastating, are a response to a longstanding pattern of aggression and provocation. It is essential to recognize that the chaos affecting the Middle East, including the tragic loss of life among Shiite communities, is a direct consequence of Iran’s expansionist policies and Hezbollah’s militant strategies.
As Lebanon grapples with this ongoing crisis, it is vital to hold accountable those who have chosen to weaponries their neighborhoods. The suffering of innocents must be acknowledged, but so must the responsibility of those who have perpetuated this cycle of violence.
The massacre that the people of the south Lebanon are being subjected falls on the terrorist Hezbollah, which is made up of Lebanese and non-Lebanese mercenaries, as well as their masters the Iranian Mullahs. Hezbollah has booby-trapped and mined the south villages and towns with weapons depots among the people in schools, religious, educational and governmental institutions, and even inside homes. Yesterday, Israel blew up a large number of these depots, killing hundreds and wounding thousands of civilian victims.
Terrorist Hezbollah, the enemy of Lebanon and the Lebanese, has kidnapped the Shiites communities and taken them hostage by force and terror. Hezbollah is a mere slave to an expansionist Iranian agenda that has lured Israel into waging its destructive war on Lebanon in general, and on the Shiite areas in the south, the Bekaa and the southern suburbs of Beirut in general in a bid to defend its people and existence of the Jewish state..
What do Hezbollah and its Iranian masters expect from the state of Israel, while they have been shamelessly, immorally and promiscuously promoting the idea of ​​throwing their state into the sea, killing Jews, while raising their children on a culture of ignorance, barbarism, hatred, reverence, sanctification of death and crime, and at the same time demonize who oppose their Iranian ambitions, and labeling them as traitors.
The killing, assassinations and destruction that Israel is doing currently in Iranian occupied Lebanon are caused by the policy and culture of the mullahs of Iran, as well as the Sunni and Shiite political Islam, leftist, nationalist groups, and merchants of the so called resistance and liberation.
In conclusion, Iranian occupied Lebanon will not be saved or restore is sovereignty, independence and free decision making process before uprooting the criminal Hezbollah, arresting and putting on trial its Trojan and mercenary leaders, and implementing the UN resolutions related to Lebanon; The Armistice Accord, 1559, 1701 and 1680, which gives the Lebanese state full control over all Lebanese territories by its own forces, and disarming all Lebanese and non-Lebanese militias. At the same time arresting and putting on trial all Lebanese politicians, officials and clergymen who conspired against Lebanon and helped Hezbollah to fully occupy Lebanon.

*The author, Elias Bejjani, is a Lebanese expatriate activist
Author’s Email: Phoenicia@hotmail.com
Author’s Website: https://eliasbejjaninews.com

Elias Bejjani
Canadian-Lebanese Human Rights activist, journalist and political commentator
Email phoenicia@hotmail.com & media.lccc@gmail.com
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