True Jihadist Identity of ‘Christian’ Child-Stabber in France Revealed? Raymond Ibrahim/June 13/2023
A Middle Eastern man who fled the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (“ISIS”) has just come out to insist that he knows the real identity—and real name—of the supposed “Christian” man who recently stabbed several children in a French playground.
Because the assailant had originally given his name to European officials as “Abdul-Masih”—“Slave of Christ” in Arabic—and because he grabbed onto a crucifix around his neck and yelled Jesus’s name during his stabbing spree, French/Western media—far from finding such theatrics before a captive audience all too suspicious—have concluded that he must be Christian, apparently oblivious to the fact that jihad is all about trickery and subterfuge—all about deceptions layered within layers. (In one example, Muslims spent a year getting close to a pastor—including by joining his church, getting baptized, and becoming like “family” to him—when all they really wanted to do is assassinate the Christian.)
Enter Sami Tounsi: On June 11, 2023, he made an Arabic-language video (image above) denouncing the naivety of Western officials, and insisting that the stabber is one of the Islamic terrorists that had operated in Syria, “whom we know all too well, and who have completely ruined our lives.”
After again reiterating that “We who were forced out of our nations due to these savage groups are the people who most know them and how they operate, Tounsi said:
Today I ask of every person who has any connection to Europe’s intelligence and security agencies, if you hear this video, to translate and deliver its information to these agencies. This man’s name is Silwan Majid, from among the takfiri groups that were operating in Syria in the city of al-Hasakah….. This criminal, and thousands like him, are now in Europe, right in the midst of your societies, families, and children.
In fact, in 2015, ISIS itself boasted that it had smuggled “thousands” of clandestine jihadists among the migrants.
Continues Tounsi:
These criminals are present like hidden grenades that can explode whenever any unsuspecting person triggers them. In the future, you will see much worse crimes than this one [child stabbing spree] if you don’t move immediately to capture these terrorist groups.
Tounsi went on to say that the child-stabber was evicted from al-Hasakah sometime between 2013-2014, went to Turkey, and from there to Europe, Sweden first, then France, where he presented himself as a persecuted Christian in an effort to get asylum. When that failed, he decided to avenge himself by stabbing European children while mocking Christianity.
Tounsi also stressed an often overlooked fact: the overwhelming majority of those millions of Muslims that migrated to Europe had no formal papers, meaning they can and do give any name, religion, and backgrounds to European officials.
For the record, I cannot independently verify the information provided by Sami Tounsi, nor ascertain how he gathered it, though the implication is that he personally knew or recognized the child-stabber from al-Hasakah. Lending to Tounsi’s credibility is that his accent is definitely North Syrian, where al-Hasakah is located. His adamant passion while speaking in the video is, moreover, indicative of sincerity.
حقيقة المجرم الداعشي الذي طعن الاطفال في فرنسا
المجرم الذي طعن الاطفال في فرنسا ، والذي أعلنت جميع القنوات العربية و بفرح أن اسمه عبد المسيح وهو مسيحي من سوريا ، والغريب وهو يطعن الاطفال يذكر اسم المسيح وعند هروبه كان يرفع الصليب الذي علقه على عنقه ؟
تعالوا لنعرف من هو !
الاسم الحقيقي هو ( سلوان مجد) .
الديانه ( مسلم سوري ) .
الانتماء ( داعشي )
المنطقة (الحسكة )
غادر سوريا عام 2012 أثناء الحملة على الحسكة مابين الجيش السوري والقوات الكردية .
وصل تركيا وكان يحاول الحصول على لجوء إلى أي بلد أوروبي ولكن لم يستطيع الحصول على حق الجوء.
بعد محاولات فاشله ومعرفته أن الأمم المتحدة تمنح حق الجوء فقط إلى الاقليات الدينية ومنها المسيحية ،
حاول التواصل واستخدام الكذب أنه يريد أن يكون مسيحي وغير اسمه إلى عبد المسيح ولكن أيضا فشلت خطته هذه أيضا ، .
استطاع اصطياد فتاة تحمل الجنسية السويدية وخداعها على أنه مسيحي مضطهد وهو ملاحق من قبل الجماعات الإسلامية ، وهذه الفتاة الساذجة انطلت عليها الكذبة وقررت مساعدته وبالفعل قدمت له دعوى بعد أن ارتبطت به وبالفعل وصل الى السويد واعطى معلومات غير حقيقية وكاذبة وأوراق مزورة إلى دائرة الهجرة السويدية وكان اسمه في دائرة الهجرة السويدية هو( عبد المسيح) وادعى أنه اعتنق الديانه المسيحيه ؟ وبعد مرور فترة اكتشفت دائرة الهجرة السويدية أن أغلب معلومات هذا الشخص غير حقيقية ، وكانت عليه قضايا احتيال في السويد على دوائر حكومية مختصة في الدعم المالي.
وهنا تم رفضه من قبل دائرة الهجرة السويدية ، وبعد رفضه في السويد قرر الهجرة إلى سويسرا وهناك أيضا قدم أوراق مزيفة ولكن السلطات السويسرية كشفته بسرعة ، بعدها توجه إلى فرنسا و كرر نفس الشيء ولكن السلطات الفرنسية تواصلت مع السلطات السويدية وكشفت أمره أيضا ، .
وبشكل غريب وبعد تصريح وزير الداخلية الفرنسي عن الإرهاب ووجهته ، تفاجئ العالم بشخص يحمل سكين وهو يذكر اسم المسيح وهو يطعن الاطفال لكي ما يوهم الإعلام بأنه مسيحي وهذا الشخص هو ( سلوان مجد ) داعشي ،
اولاد ابليس و أساليبهم القذرة لا نهايه لها.