Elias Bejjani:The Lebanese people shall have No mercy for those who like Judos sold their country and honor for thirty silver dinars.

A noose and gallows hang from the monument at Martyrs’ Square in Beirut on Aug. 9. Lebanon’s political elite faced pressure from all sides after a deadly explosion was blamed on official negligence. JOSEPH EID/AFP via Getty Images

The Lebanese people shall have No mercy for those who like Judos sold their country and honor for thirty silver dinars.
Elias Bejjani/March 25/2022

We hear every now and then some odd voices downplaying our resistance, and taking sarcastic attitudes towards its outcome. We also receive from time to time some advise saying, do not waste your time, the era of resistance has become history, have lost its glamour and not worth your time and effort.

They add, Realism is the master of stances, be like every body else, cope with the current status quo, live and let others live. Do what is required to be done, and protect your personal interests, even if you have to compromise freedom, dignity and divine beliefs.

To all those losers we loudly say, it is a well known historical fact that Lebanon is not going to be liberated by the opportunists who exchange peace with surrender, independence with subservience, liberation with collaboration, freedom with slavery, honor with submission and sacred national causes with individual interests and benefits.

Lebanon the 10452 km square, and the sacred land, by God’s will shall be liberated by the honest, dignified, patriotic, faithful and courageous Lebanese who are devoted to serve their people and country, and not themselves.

Those patriotic Lebanese are the lit torch in an era of defeatism, collaboration and cajolism.

In summary, neither history, nor the Lebanese people shall have no mercy for those officials, politicians and leaders who like Judos sold both their country and honor for thirty silver dinars.

Elias Bejjani
Canadian-Lebanese Human Rights activist, journalist and political commentator
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