Elias Bejjani/Tons Of Doubtful Question Marks & Shadow General Abbas Ibrahim’s refusal to Respond To Judge Bitar’s request/علامات استفهام كبيرة وراء امتناع اللواء عباس إبراهيم تلبية طلب القاضي بيطار


Tons Of Doubtful Question Marks Shadow General Abbas Ibrahim’s refusal to Respond To Judge Bitar’s request
Elias Bejjani/July 10/2021

علامات استفهام كبيرة وراء امتناع اللواء عباس إبراهيم تلبية طلب القاضي بيطار
الياس بجاني/10 تموز/2021

The matter is so simple, if General Abbas Ibrahim is really innocent, and  has nothing to do with the Beirut’s Criminal and terrorist port explosion, then why would he refrain from positively and as soon as possible respond to Judge Bitar’s request, and answer bravely, openly and honestly all his judicial questions in regards to the explosion?.

If General Ibrahim is actually innocent, then we really wonder why a very active, loud and extensive public and media campaign is going on openly and suspiciously in advocating for his so called security, intelligence and patriotic roles in Lebanon and in the USA !!!?

In conclusion: In case the General is so confident of his innocence, and that he did not play any illegal role in the terrorist explosion, then he is supposed to even voluntarily respond to the Judge’s official request, and answer all his questions….or otherwise he would be incriminating himself.

علامات استفهام كبيرة وراء امتناع اللواء عباس إبراهيم تلبية طلب القاضي بيطار
الياس بجاني/08 تموز/2021
إذا كان فعلاً اللواء عباس ابراهيم بريئاً ولا علاقة له بتفجير المرفأ، فلماذا يمتنع عن تلبية طلب القاضي بيطار للتحقيق معه، ولماذا الحملة الدعائية والترويجية لشخصه ولأدواره في لبنان وأميركا بشكل لافت!!!؟
