Elias Bejjani/Text & Video: With Hassan Nasrallah’s Burial, the Iranian Occupation Scheme in Lebanon is Buried


Elias Bejjani/Text & Video: With Hassan Nasrallah’s Burial, the Iranian Occupation Scheme in Lebanon is Buried
Elias Bejjani/February 22/2025

Click Here to read & watch the Arabic Video version of this piece/اضغط هنا لقراء ومشاهدة فيديو المقالة بالعربية

Tomorrow, Sunday, February 23, 2025, Beirut will witness the funeral of Hassan Nasrallah, the criminal, terrorist, and notorious Iranian mercenary.

Hassan Nasrallah, throughout his life, was a mercenary soldier in the army of the Iranian “Velayat-e Faqih,” whose sole loyalty was to the rulers of Tehran and who acted only under the orders of its mullahs. Hassan Nasrallah is the greatest enemy of Lebanon and a traitor who sold out Lebanon, its people, as well as its present and future in exchange for implementing the Iranian agenda of destruction.

Nasrallah was never Lebanese, even if he held Lebanese citizenship. He polluted the sacred land of the cedars, insulted the Lebanese identity, and drowned Lebanon in the quagmire of subservience and dependency. He was the spearhead of Iran’s plan to occupy Lebanon and turn it into a terrorist base, from which destruction would be launched across the entire region.

Lebanon has never known, throughout its history, a figure who held Lebanese citizenship in a formal way, while betraying his people and working to destroy them as Nasrallah did.

This butcher was the mastermind behind the assassination of many patriotic Lebanon’s leaders and politicians. He and his gang killed thousands of Lebanese in general, including members of his Shiite community, whom he kidnapped and took hostage in Lebanon The Shiites), Syria, Iraq, and Yemen in the mullahs’ satanic, savage and criminal wars.

He embarked on bloody adventures under direct orders from the Iranian Revolutionary Guard. He sowed havoc, opened borders for weapons and drugs, and turned Lebanon into a den for terrorist operations and money laundering until the reputation of the homeland of the cedars became synonymous with militias and international terrorism.

Below is a short list of the many crimes committed by Nasrallah and his gang, blasphemously called Hezbollah:

*Hostility against the Gulf States: Destabilizing the Gulf States, especially Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and Bahrain, carrying out assassinations and terrorism operations there, and recruiting the Houthis and other mercenaries to carry out these criminal missions.

*Assassinations: He was behind the assassinations of Lebanese figures opposed to the policies of Hezbollah and Iran.

*Destabilizing political and economic stability: He worked to undermine the political system and security in Lebanon and many countries in the region, especially Syria.

*Intervention in Syria: Nasrallah led Hezbollah, under orders from Iran, to intervene militarily in the Syrian civil war, where its members fought alongside the criminal regime of Bashar al-Assad, leading to the killing of thousands of Syrians and the displacement of millions, in addition to the deaths of more than 4,000 Lebanese Shiites whom he recruited into his army, along with the wounding and disabling of 15,000 others.

*Supporting terrorism: Hezbollah, led by Nasrallah, has been classified as a terrorist organization by many countries and international and Arab organizations due to its involvement in terrorist operations around the world.

*Drug smuggling and manufacturing: Hezbollah was involved in manufacturing and smuggling drugs, money laundering, and trading in all types of prohibited items, including weapons, to finance its terrorist activities.
*Undermining Lebanon’s sovereignty: Nasrallah and his criminal thugs worked to undermine the sovereignty of the Lebanese state, establishing a state within a state by force and terrorism, and possessing a huge arsenal of weapons used in Lebanon and abroad in Iranian-mullah terrorist and criminal operations.

*Involvement in the Gaza war: He and the Iranian rulers dragged the Palestinians into the devastating Gaza war and launched a war on Israel that resulted in the killing of 11,000 Lebanese, most of whom were from his Shiite environment, and led to the near-complete destruction of all Shiite residential areas.
With his death, part of the Iranian criminal and occupational plots in Lebanon are buried with his body, but the danger is not over yet.

The funeral of this terrorist will not only be a farewell to him but also a burial of Iran’s terrorist schemes and its occupation of Lebanon, as well as a test for those who still blindly bear loyalty to him and the mullahs’ regime.
Hence, everyone who participates in his funeral tomorrow is participating in the crime and declaring their partnership in all the blood that was shed because of him and in service of the Iranian occupation, sectarianism, and expansionist evil schemes.

In conclusion, Nasrallah does not deserve mercy, nor does he even deserve a curse, as he is a black page in Lebanon’s history and must be erased and folded forever.

However, the battle with his mullah masters and his gang of mercenaries, killers, and terrorists has not ended, and the Lebanese and Arabs still have a major battle ahead of them to eradicate all remnants of his black legacy and the mullahs’ satanic legacy and to liberate Lebanon and all Arab countries from the ambitions and plans of the devilish mullahs.

*The author, Elias Bejjani, is a Lebanese expatriate activist
Author’s Email: Phoenicia@hotmail.com
Author’s Website: https://eliasbejjaninews.com

Elias Bejjani
Canadian-Lebanese Human Rights activist, journalist and political commentator
Email phoenicia@hotmail.com & media.lccc@gmail.com
Web Sites https://eliasbejjaninews.com & http://www.10452lccc.com & http://www.clhrf.com
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