Elias Bejjani/Text & Video: Hassan Nasrallah’s Funeral Is An Insult to Lebanon and the Lebanese, and a Promotion of Terrorist, and Participation in It Is a Grave Mistake
Elias Bejjani/Text & Video: Hassan Nasrallah’s Funeral: An Insult to Lebanon and the Lebanese, and a Promotion of Terrorism, and Participation in It Is a Grave Mistake Elias Bejjani / February 19, 2025
On the twenty-third of this month, the southern suburb of Beirut, the stronghold of the Iranian, terrorist, and sectarian Hezbollah, is preparing for a festival and a play of burying the body of the terrorist Hezbollah’s secretary-general, Hassan Nasrallah. This funeral, to which the terrorist Hezbollah has invited political, religious, media, and official figures from Lebanon and abroad, is a sad occasion not for mourning a “leader,” but for reminding the Lebanese of the magnitude of the national tragedy left by this man, who was never in his life anything but an enemy of the Lebanese people in general, and the Shiite community in particular.
Nasrallah’s Criminal Legacy
Nasrallah’s legacy is a criminal one by all standards. In the modern history of Lebanon, the Lebanese have not known a criminal of Nasrallah’s magnitude, nor a leader who embroiled his environment, his country, and the Arab countries to this extent of blood, tears, and blind subservience to the mullahs of Iran. Since assuming the Secretary-Generalship of the terrorist Hezbollah, he has led Lebanon into futile wars, assassinated his political opponents, destroyed the nation’s economy, and turned the Lebanese into hostages in a large prison run from Tehran.
The Heavy Toll of Nasrallah’s Legacy
The toll of Nasrallah’s legacy is heavy, from the assassination of PM, Rafik Hariri, through the July 2006 war, the invasion of Beirut and the Chouf mountains, to the blatant intervention in the Syrian war, the terrorist attacks on Egypt, Gaza, the West Bank, Bahrain, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and the rest of the Arab Gulf states, and hundreds of terrorist operations in many countries around the world. All of these are bloody milestones that claimed thousands of victims and drowned Lebanon in a quagmire of sectarian and regional conflicts. As for the blind loyalty to Iran, Nasrallah declared it publicly, boasting shamelessly and outrageously of his absolute subordination to the mullahs’ Guardianship of the Islamic Jurist, disregarding Lebanese sovereignty and identity.
Burying Nasrallah in Beirut
The Iranian Decision to Bury Nasrallah in Beirut is a provocation and consolidation of Iranian Influence The decision to bury Nasrallah in Beirut instead of his hometown in the south is not only a blatant provocation of the Lebanese people’s feelings, but also a consolidation of Iranian influence in the heart of the Lebanese capital. Beirut, which was once a beacon of freedom and culture, is being humiliated today by this vile display of the body of a man who destroyed Lebanon and drained its human and economic resources… It is worth mentioning here that most of the properties in the southern suburb of Beirut are not owned by the terrorist Hezbollah, but were occupied and their lands confiscated, and their original inhabitants forcibly displaced by the terrorist Hezbollah.
Participation in the Funeral
Meanwhile it should be very clear to all those concerned that participation in the funeral is a criminal act and betrayal. Therefore participation in Nasrallah’s funeral, under any pretext, is a criminal act in itself, and a betrayal of the blood of innocent people who fell because of his dark policies in Lebanon, Syria and all countries of the world. It is an implicit endorsement of the mullahs’ and the terrorist Hezbollah’s project, which seeks to turn Lebanon into a permanent arena of conflict, serving Tehran’s agenda.
A Call for Boycott and Opposition
Therefore, we call on all honorable and sovereign patriots to boycott this funeral, which is an insult to Lebanon, the Lebanese, and all human values, and even to confront it morally and through the media. Silence at such historical junctures is betrayal, and participation in this grim funeral scene is complicity with terrorism and submission to it.
An Appeal to Rulers, Church Leaders, Sects, and Parties
Loudly, we direct a fervent appeal to the rulers in Lebanon, to the heads of churches and sects, and to the so-called parties, which are in practice family and commercial businesses and agencies for foreign powers and jihadists: Do not participate in this insulting funeral. It is not a religious occasion, but a dirty political show of an Iranian terrorist Hezbollah. Any participation in it will constitute a cover-up for the terrorist Hezbollah’s crimes, a polishing of a murderer’s image, and a furtherance of the criminal, expansionist, and sectarian schemes of the mullahs of Iran.
In Conclusion: Nasrallah’s Departure is an Opportunity for Accountability and National Revival In conclusion, the departure of Hassan Nasrallah should be a national occasion for self-reflection and a profound review of the course imposed on Lebanon by the terrorist Hezbollah’s weapons. It is time for the Lebanese to rise up against this bitter reality, to reclaim their homeland from the clutches of Iranian terrorism, and to build a free, sovereign, and independent state whose loyalty is to Lebanon only, and not to any leader or regime outside the country’s borders.