Instead of taking a decisive national stance against the Iranian terrorist and jihadist gang Hezbollah, which dragged Lebanon into a devastating war against Israel and plunged the country into destruction and ruin, Nawaf Salam, tasked with forming the new government, continues to adopt a policy of appeasement and surrender to this militia. He also kneels before Nabih Berri, the Speaker of Parliament, who has imposed his rule by force, backed by occupying powers, for the past 30 years.
So far, Salam has wasted valuable time in cowardly negotiations with Berri and Hezbollah, allowing them to dictate their conditions. Their primary demand: control over the Finance Ministry—a key tool for obstructing and sabotaging the government. The new government is supposed to oversee the implementation of the ceasefire agreement with Israel and enforce international resolutions that mandate Hezbollah’s military dismantling, its complete disarmament across all Lebanese territories, and the removal of its affiliated militias. Additionally, and more importantly it will be tasked for appointing over 600 senior state officials, including the Army Commander, the Central Bank Governor, the Director of the General Security Directorate, and heads of various security agencies.
Yet instead of fulfilling his duty to reclaim the state, Salam—well-known for his leftist, Arab nationalist background, a remnant of Nasserist-era ideology, and his deep-rooted hostility toward Israel—is bending over backward to appease Hezbollah and Berri. His actions prove he is politically impotent, weak-willed, and incapable of making sovereign decisions. He has allowed Hezbollah and Berri to humiliate him, with Berri outright dismissing him by declaring: “Don’t ask me for names for the Finance Ministry—I want Yassine Jaber, and I will accept no one else, period.”
Meanwhile, in a desperate attempt to intimidate President Joseph Aoun and Nawaf Salam, Hezbollah launched barbaric, mob-like invasions into Beirut, deploying hundreds of armed militants on motorcycles, waving sectarian banners and chanting inflammatory slogans. Yet Salam remained a mere spectator, too afraid to confront this terrorist provocation.
The truth is clear: Hezbollah and Amal Movement have suffered a humiliating defeat. Their era of unchecked dominance is over. They do not represent the entire Shiite community, and they have no legitimate right to monopolize Shiite representation in the government. Moreover, the appointment of Joseph Aoun as president and Nawaf Salam as designated prime minister was not a Lebanese decision—it was imposed by the United States, Arab states, and Western powers to break the corrupt political establishment’s submission to Berri and Hezbollah.
The Defeated Must Not Be Rewarded with a Place in Government! If Nawaf Salam is incapable of forming a sovereign government free from Hezbollah and Berri’s grip, then he must resign immediately and disappear from Lebanon’s political scene. This critical phase in the country’s history requires strong, decisive leaders—not weak bureaucrats who bow to terrorists and criminals.
As long as Hezbollah maintains its stranglehold on Lebanon’s deep state, the country will inevitably be dragged back into war. Israel will not hesitate to finish what it started—to completely annihilate the Iranian terrorist Hezbollah and eradicate its existence once and for all.
Five New Tweets by Elias Bejjani Addressing the cowardice Of Nawaf Salam & His Humiliating submission To Corrupted Berri February 02/2025
Nawaf Salam Is Forming a Government for Berri, Hezbollah, and Iran’s Mullahs
Nawaf Salam’s cowardly surrender to Nabih Berri by conceding the Ministry of Finance proves that he is powerless, a failure, and utterly detached from sovereignty and national dignity. His betrayal guarantees the survival of crime, terrorism, and the Iranian occupation of Lebanon. With such a government, Hezbollah’s grip remains unchallenged, and Lebanon’s sovereignty is buried under Iranian boots.
Including Sectarian Mafias in Government Is a Crime
Lebanon has no real political parties by democratic standards—only Iranian proxies like Hezbollah, Baathist remnants, jihadist factions like the Islamic Group, and corrupt family-run businesses masquerading as political entities. Including these factions in government is an act of treason, stupidity, and a blatant betrayal of Lebanon’s future.
Don’t Squander the Prestige of Lebanon’s New Government
The credibility and strength of the new government will be determined in the first ten days. If it falters, Hezbollah and Berri’s corruption will extend Lebanon’s suffering for another six years. Let Lebanon not remain hostage to Iran’s occupation, lawlessness, and systemic corruption.
Salam Must Stand Firm or Step Aside—No Submission to Hezbollah and Berri’s Terrorism
Yassin Jaber is Berri’s loyal puppet, and placing Lebanon’s finances in his hands cements Iran’s control over the country. If Nawaf Salam lacks the courage to resist Hezbollah’s and Berri’s dictates, he must step aside and refuse to legitimize a government that serves Iran’s interests. A true national government must abide by the oath of office, not bow to the Axis of Evil. Any government that includes Hezbollah and its allies is doomed to failure and international isolation.
Lebanon’s Rulers Must Enforce International Resolutions—Netanyahu Must Finish the Job
As long as Hezbollah continues to deny its defeat, live in delusion, and send drones into Israel, Netanyahu must persist in dismantling this terrorist menace. Lebanon’s rulers must uphold international resolutions, end their cowardice, and cease appeasing Iran’s murderous proxies. Enough hypocrisy—Lebanon must be liberated from Hezbollah’s tyranny, and the Iranian cancer must be eradicated once and for all.