Elias Bejjani/Text & Video: Dima Sadek’s Documentary on Shiite Victimhood is a Blatant and Shameless Falsification


Elias Bejjani/Text & Video: Dima Sadek’s Documentary on Shiite Victimhood is a Blatant and Shameless Falsification
Elias Bejjani/January 07/2025

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“Enough with the attacks on what is referred to as ‘Political Maronism’ as a cover for disasters and a justification for the crimes, heresies, terrorism, and atrocities committed in the eras that followed. These periods were marked by jihadists, Arab nationalists, leftists, and so-called resistance merchants abandoning Lebanon’s values of freedom, independence, democracy, and coexistence.

In reality, there was never a historical period of ‘Political Maronism’ in Lebanon. Rather, it was an era of independence, freedom, progress, peace, openness, democracy, art, culture, and leadership.
The so-called “Political Maronism” was Lebanon’s only true era of independence following liberation from the French Mandate.

Every era that followed was marked by submission and subjugation to Palestinian, Syrian, and Iranian occupations driven by sectarian motives that destroyed Lebanon, obliterated its sovereignty, displaced its people, and dismantled its institutions—most glaringly evident in the ongoing crimes of the Iranian Shiite duo.
In the context of Lebanon’s continued Iranianization and the attempts to beautify this era, Dima Sadek’s documentary aired yesterday on MTV under the title “Shiite Victimhood.”

This fabricated and falsified documentary has no connection to history, truth, or facts. It is nothing but deception, a deliberate distortion aimed at misleading the Lebanese public and justifying the crimes and Persian agenda of the Iranian Shiite duo with vulgarity and audacity.

For countless reasons, the genuine independence era, misrepresented as “Political Maronism,” must never be equated with any political phase that followed.

The Shiite duo has committed heinous crimes against Lebanon, holding their sect hostage, alienating it from its homeland, and plunging it into disasters.

Therefore, the so-called “Shiite duo” has no connection to Lebanon or the Shiite community itself.
Yes, absolutely, the Shiites are a respected and influential Lebanese component whose rights should be equal to those of all Lebanese, and their duties should also be bound by the state, the law, the constitution, and national charters.

No to Dima Sadek’s leftist-leaning documentary, driven by dreams of throwing Israel and the Jews into the sea while deceitfully exploiting the Palestinian cause.

In conclusion, the leaders of the Shiite duo must be prosecuted for all the crimes they have committed against Lebanon and the Shiite community, specifically Hezbollah, which must be prohibited from engaging in any political, social, or cultural activities.

*The author, Elias Bejjani, is a Lebanese expatriate activist
Author’s Email: Phoenicia@hotmail.com
Author’s Website: https://eliasbejjaninews.com

Elias Bejjani
Canadian-Lebanese Human Rights activist, journalist and political commentator
Email phoenicia@hotmail.com & media.lccc@gmail.com & clhrf@yahoo.com
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