Elias Bejjani/Text &Video: A Spiritual Summit of Hypocrisy, Lacking Lebanon’s Spirit, and Its Statement a Replica of Hezbollah’s Declarations; All It Lacked Was Praise for the Shameless Slogan of “Army, People, and Resistance”


Elias Bejjani/Text &Video: A Spiritual Summit of Hypocrisy, Lacking Lebanon’s Spirit, and Its Statement a Replica of Hezbollah’s Declarations; All It Lacked Was Praise for the Shameless Slogan of “Army, People, and Resistance”

A Time of Decay, Misery, and Dwarfs Alienated from Lebanon’s Identity, Mission, and History

Elias Bejjani/October 16/ 2024

الياس بجاني/نص وفيديو: قمة روحية تكاذبية افتقدت لروحية لبنان وبيانها استنساخ لبيانات حزب الله ولم يكن ينقصه غير التغني بالثلاثية الخشبية،”جيش وشعب ومقاومة/إنه زمن مّحل وبؤس وأقزام وغربة عن لبنان وإنسانه وهويته ورسالته وتاريخهه 

Click Here to read & watch the the Arabic Video version of this piece
اضغط هنا لقراء ومشاهدة فيديو المقالة بالعربية

To start, anyone who cannot speak the truth in this critical moment—while the war between Israel and Hezbollah rages, leaving behind casualties, destruction, and displacement—anyone who lacks the courage to call things by their true names, to testify without distortion, cowardice, or selfish motives, no matter their position, be it clergyman, politician, party leader, media personality, or even an ordinary citizen—it is a thousand times better for them to remain silent! They should tie their tongues and cease their hollow, useless talk. They should stay at home and stop burdening the Lebanese with their nonsense and lies. Silence is far more merciful than the deceitful drivel of those who pander and speak out of cowardice. Especially if all they are going to offer is the pinnacle of hypocrisy, deceit, and denial of reality, hiding behind misleading words that deceive themselves and others.

In this context, Patriarch Al-Rahei has utterly failed in his ecclesiastical and pastoral duties. He has become estranged from the suffering of Lebanon and indifferent to the injustices, oppression, violations of rights, marginalization, and division his community and country have endured since he was installed as Patriarch by agents of occupation. It would have been better if he had shut the doors of Bkerke, locked himself in with his civilian and ecclesiastical team, who are immersed in worldly, material pursuits, and retreated in prayer, humbly seeking forgiveness and repentance for the mistakes and sins they have committed. Only after sincere repentance could they begin to atone.

Many of us, both in Lebanon and Diaspora, ask: What did this so-called spiritual summit achieve? It was nothing more than a summit of hypocrisy, blindness, and deceit, ignoring the root causes of the war, and failing to hold accountable those who dragged Lebanon into this conflict against the will of its people. There is no doubt—the culprit is Hezbollah, the Iranian jihadist and criminal entity.

Anyone who reads the summit’s final statement (attached below in both Arabic and English) will immediately realize that it might as well have been written by Hezbollah’s propaganda machine. The only thing missing was the forced mention of the worn-out slogan, “Army, People, Resistance.”

The statement deliberately ignored Hezbollah’s heinous crimes and the group’s declaration of war on Israel. It was filled with meaningless, outdated phrases that no longer fool anyone, all aimed solely at attacking the State of Israel while conveniently bypassing the core issue: Hezbollah’s destructive occupation of Lebanon.

If the participants of this spiritual summit had truly wanted to help Lebanon—to liberate it, to restore its sovereignty, independence, and free will, to end the war, and to rid the country of Hezbollah’s Iranian-backed terrorist occupation—they would have acted boldly. By now, they should have packed their bags, headed straight to the United Nations Security Council, and demanded that Lebanon be placed under Chapter VII of the UN Charter as a failed and rogue state, needing international protection and intervention.

In short, this so-called spiritual summit was nothing but a gathering of hypocrisy and deceit, completely detached from Lebanon’s mission and sanctity, and utterly incapable of bearing witness to the truth and justice. It was doomed to fail before it even began and will have no impact whatsoever on the course of the war.

*The author, Elias Bejjani, is a Lebanese expatriate activist
Author’s Email: Phoenicia@hotmail.com
Author’s Website: https://eliasbejjaninews.com

Elias Bejjani
Canadian-Lebanese Human Rights activist, journalist and political commentator
Email phoenicia@hotmail.com & media.lccc@gmail.com
Web Sites https://eliasbejjaninews.com & http://www.10452lccc.com & http://www.clhrf.com
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Final Statement of the Bkerke Summit: Emphasis on Lebanese Unity and Call for Immediate Security Council Session to Cease Hostilities and Begin Implementing Resolution 1701, and Elect a President Who Enjoys the Confidence of All
National News Agency, October 16, 2024 (Google Translation from Arabic)
A final statement was issued by the Christian-Islamic spiritual summit, held at the Patriarchal See in Bkerke, and read by Bishop Antoine Aker, the Patriarchal Vicar. The statement reads as follows:

“Out of a sense of spiritual, moral, and national responsibility, and in an effort to foster a positive impact on Lebanese society and urge the salvation of the nation, a Christian-Islamic spiritual summit was convened on Wednesday, October 16, 2024, in Bkerke, upon the invitation of His Beatitude Cardinal Mar Bechara Boutros al-Rai, Patriarch of Antioch and All the East for the Maronites. The summit was attended by Christian and Muslim spiritual leaders, including His Beatitude Cardinal Mar Bechara Boutros al-Rai, His Eminence the Grand Mufti of the Lebanese Republic Sheikh Abdel Latif Derian, His Eminence Sheikh Ali al-Khatib, Vice President of the Higher Islamic Shiite Council, His Beatitude John X Yazigi, Greek Orthodox Patriarch of Antioch, His Eminence Sheikh Sami Abi al-Muna, Spiritual Leader of the Druze community, His Beatitude Joseph Absi, Greek Melkite Catholic Patriarch, represented by Bishop George Bacouni, His Holiness Catholicos of the Armenian Orthodox Aram I Keshishian, represented by Bishop Shahe Panossian, His Beatitude Patriarch of the Syriac Catholic Church Mar Ignatius Joseph III Yonan, represented by Bishop Charles Mourad, His Holiness Syriac Orthodox Patriarch Mar Ignatius Aphrem II, represented by Bishop Paulos Saffar, Sheikh Ali Kadour, President of the Islamic Alawite Council, Reverend Joseph Kassab, President of the Supreme Evangelical Council in Lebanon and Syria, Bishop Michel Kassarji of the Chaldean Church, and Metropolitan Mar Meelis Zia of the Assyrian Orthodox Church, represented by Archimandrite Korkis Touma. The summit was attended by several other religious leaders.

The discussions centered on the brutal and savage aggression that Israel is committing against Lebanon, disregarding international treaties and conventions, particularly the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and showing no regard for the United Nations or the Security Council and its resolutions. Israel continues to engage in violence, destruction, killing, and genocide, demolishing infrastructure, institutions, and homes, burying their inhabitants underneath. This comes after Israel completely destroyed Gaza, killing children, women, the elderly, and leveling hospitals, mosques, and churches.

Faced with this catastrophic, tragic, and horrendous humanitarian reality, unprecedented in modern history in terms of the scale of the atrocities and massacres, the silence over the horrors committed, and the degree of passivity and inaction in adopting measures to deter Israel and maintain international peace and security, the spiritual leaders of Lebanon convened this national gathering. They addressed the Lebanese people, particularly those in the south, the Beqaa, Beirut, and its suburbs, and all areas targeted by the Zionist aggression. The leaders expressed heartfelt condolences to the martyrs of the nation who sacrificed their lives in defense of Lebanon, as well as to the innocent civilian victims, including women, children, the elderly, and the infirm. They prayed to God to heal the wounded and grant them a speedy recovery.

The summit affirmed that the barbaric Israeli aggression against Lebanon affects the entire country and undermines the dignity and pride of all Lebanese. The Lebanese, through their unity, solidarity, and attachment to their land and nation, are capable of resisting and driving the enemy back. The leaders stressed that solutions for Lebanon must come through national, inclusive solutions rooted in adherence to the Lebanese constitution, the Taif Agreement, the Lebanese state, its singular authority, free decision-making, and its responsible role in protecting the nation, national sovereignty, and the well-being, security, and prosperity of its people.

Based on this, the summit concluded the following:

Call for the United Nations Security Council to convene immediately and without delay to take decisive action to cease hostilities and stop this humanitarian massacre being perpetrated against Lebanon, a country that stands as a remarkable model in the region, upholding values of justice, equality, tolerance, openness, and peaceful coexistence among religious communities and cultures. Lebanon was described by Pope John Paul II as a “message of peace and love.”

Call on all Lebanese to save their homeland. This is not the time for fruitless debates or pursuit of demands and gains. It is a time to prove our worthiness as united Lebanese and to deserve our belonging to this country, which the world admires. Now is the time for understanding, cooperation, and solidarity, as Lebanon’s very existence is under threat from Israeli ambitions, which know no bounds. It is time for sacrifice for the salvation of Lebanon, time for solidarity, mutual support, and unity. Trust in one another must be strengthened, and collaboration to build a capable and just state must be fostered, so that Lebanese unity remains the most effective weapon in defending Lebanon and asserting its right to freedom, independence, and sovereignty.

Urging all Lebanese to fulfill their national duties, starting with the re-establishment of constitutional institutions. The Parliament must immediately begin the process of electing a President of the Republic who enjoys the trust of all Lebanese, in accordance with the constitution, with as much consensus as possible, through a collective Lebanese will, in the spirit of the National Pact, and by prioritizing national interests over external ones.

Immediate implementation of United Nations Security Council Resolution 1701 in its entirety, including supporting and strengthening the Lebanese Army’s capabilities to defend Lebanon and ensuring its broad deployment south of the Litani River and throughout Lebanese territories. The Lebanese government, as the custodian of executive authority, must assume its full responsibilities and work in cooperation with the Parliament to mobilize efforts and engage the support of Arab and international allies to contribute with the Lebanese people to Lebanon’s salvation.

Affirming Lebanese unity and the need for mutual support, especially in this difficult period of widespread concern among all Lebanese. It is essential that they return, as a united and cohesive team, to what is in their collective best interest and in the interest of Lebanon, under the conditions and authority of the Lebanese state. This means that the state must firmly hold the national decision-making power, defend its sovereignty, and be the sole authority across all Lebanese territory.

Expressing gratitude to all Lebanese for their goodwill initiatives throughout Lebanon, which reflect their authenticity and patriotism in embracing one another and in providing relief to their displaced compatriots, who were forced to flee their villages and homes due to Israeli aggression. The summit stressed the importance of hosting these displaced people as guests until they can return to their villages, with care and attention, and with respect for private property, rejecting any form of trespassing on individuals and their belongings.

Extending thanks to the brotherly Arab nations and friendly countries for their supportive initiatives toward Lebanon, offering political backing and material, medical, and food aid. The summit called on these nations to increase their efforts in supporting Lebanon to stop the brutal Israeli aggression and to reinforce the resilience of the Lebanese people, as Lebanon has now become a disaster-stricken country in need of assistance from all brotherly and friendly nations, as well as international and humanitarian organizations, to provide all necessary and urgent aid to preserve the dignity of those displaced from their villages and towns, and to begin rebuilding and reconstructing what has been destroyed.

Thanking the United Nations forces operating in southern Lebanon for their efforts and sacrifices in protecting Lebanon’s southern borders and the residents of that region. The summit appreciates their determination to remain at their posts despite unjustified Israeli harassment and warnings aimed at eliminating any witnesses to the atrocities being committed against Lebanon. The summit called on the international community to stand by these forces and protect them.

Reaffirming that the central cause in the Arab region remains the legitimate Palestinian cause, which still awaits a just and comprehensive solution, allowing the Palestinians to have their homeland and establish their independent sovereign state, in line with the Arab Peace Initiative launched at the 2002 Beirut Summit. This should be achieved through a fair and lasting solution under the auspices of the United Nations and international and Arab capitals, bringing about peace and ending the tragedy.
In conclusion, the summit participants prayed to God, the God of peace, to grant us lasting, just, and comprehensive peace, making us builders of peace. They beseeched Almighty God to protect Lebanon and the Lebanese from all harm, and to grant the Lebanese people the strength and hope to endure this catastrophe, while reinforcing their national unity, sovereignty, freedom, and the safety of their land across all of Lebanon’s territory.”
