Elias Bejjani/Text & Video: To Hell and Its Fires: A Call to Accountability for Lebanon’s Iscariots Allied with Hezbollah


To Hell and Its Fires: A Call to Accountability for Lebanon’s Iscariots Allied with Hezbollah
Elias Bejjani/October 04/2024

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اضغط هنا لقراء ومشاهدة فيديو المقالة بالعربية

As Lebanon continues to be consumed by chaos, it is clear that many of our politicians, officials, and religious leaders have abandoned their duties. Instead of standing firm in defense of the nation, they shamefully protect and cover for Hezbollah, Iran’s terrorist proxy. This failure of leadership, compounded by their lack of patriotism, has dragged Lebanon into a disastrous conflict with Israel—a war that continues with the hope of dismantling and disarming Hezbollah once and for all.

To hell with anyone who has allied themselves with Hezbollah, cowering before it and trading Lebanon’s sovereignty and independence for political gain and personal comfort. These traitors have sold the blood of our martyrs, bartering dignity for power, and shamefully surrendered to the forces destroying our Holy homeland of the Cedars.

Damn any so-called “national unity” that serves as a lifeline for Hezbollah—the terrorist organization that has hijacked our country. Equally damned are the corrupt, treasonous politicians, the false patriots who pretend to serve Lebanon while serving their own interests, and the clergy who have betrayed their sacred duty. The likes of Miqati, Berri, Jumblatt, Geagea, Aoun, and Bassil are at the forefront of this betrayal, along with a brainwashed herd of followers who blindly worship them.

And yes, the Maronite Patriarch al-Rahi, along with his cronies, bears the blame as well. His failure of leadership and refusal to take a moral stand against Hezbollah make him complicit. He is a puppet of failure, indecision, and cowardice, lacking in both faith and leadership.

Shame and disgrace to any Christian politician or religious leader who equates Hezbollah’s dead with Lebanon’s true martyrs. Our national heroes gave their lives for independence and freedom, while Hezbollah’s foot soldiers push a deadly, foreign agenda that only brings war and destruction.

The time has come to hold Hezbollah, and all those who collaborate with it, accountable in international courts. And within Lebanon, every community must rid itself of its internal filth, those who have sold their souls for power, wealth, and submission.

In particular, the Maronite leadership must be cleansed. Samir Geagea, with his silence and cowardice, has proven himself a political corpse. From his first day in politics, he has been a failure—a silent, gutless man who hides behind others and has no vision or voice. Then there’s Gebran Bassil and Michel Aoun, who sold Lebanon to the Iranians, trading its sovereignty for personal gain. To hell with them both, and to all those like them who betray our country.

And let us not forget Patriarch al-Rahi, whose resignation is long overdue. His spinelessness and indecision have rendered him an utter failure. His presence is a disaster for the Church and the nation, and he must step down immediately for the good of Lebanon.

The Maronites, in particular, must lead by example, purging their ranks of these traitors. We must be the first to cleanse ourselves of the political filth that is destroying our country. This is not only a national duty, but a moral and urgent obligation.

*The author, Elias Bejjani, is a Lebanese expatriate activist
Author’s Email: Phoenicia@hotmail.com
Author’s Website: https://eliasbejjaninews.com

Elias Bejjani
Canadian-Lebanese Human Rights activist, journalist and political commentator
Email phoenicia@hotmail.com & media.lccc@gmail.com
Web Sites https://eliasbejjaninews.com & http://www.10452lccc.com http://www.clhrf.com
Twitter https://twitter.com/BejjaniY42177
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الياس بجاني/فيديو ونص/إلى جهنم ونارها وأحضان دودها كل من تحالف مع حزب الشيطان وتملقه واستسلم له وتلحف بالذمية/مطلوب محاكمة حزب الله وكل سياسي ورجل دين لبناني تحالف مع الحزب في محاكم دولية

الياس بجاني/فيديو ونص/إلى جهنم ونارها وأحضان دودها كل من تحالف مع حزب الشيطان وتملقه واستسلم له وتلحف بالذمية/مطلوب محاكمة حزب الله وكل سياسي ورجل دين لبناني تحالف مع الحزب في محاكم دولية
04 تشرين الأول/2024

