ادمون الشدياق: لازم تضل عينا على المحراث تنستحق ابوة مار يوحنا مارون وصليبنا وقداسة ارض لبنان وتراث الحرية والعنفوان/Edmond El-Chidiac: We must keep our eyes on the plow to honor the fatherhood of Saint John Maroun, our cross, the holiness of the land of Lebanon, and the heritage of freedom and pride.


لازم تضل عينا على المحراث تنستحق ابوة مار يوحنا مارون وصليبنا وقداسة ارض لبنان وتراث الحرية والعنفوان
ادمون الشدياق/فايسبوك/17 تموز/2024
تفو ه ه ه على هيك بلد … ايام المحل ما حلا تخلص بقى، ولأيمتن الحقير والوضيع والمألعط بدو يضل حاكم بأمره.
الماروني يلي ما بيركع إلا لربه ليش بعدو ساكت ومين بيحكي باسمه اليوم؟
لأيمتن لح بتضل العنزة اخدي مجدها والفحل زارر قرنه بالجل وغافي.
يا ررب لطفك واعطينا الصبر والايمان والالتزام حتى ما نترك الصند (المحراث) وفلاحة ارضنا ببذور الحرية والكرامة ومقاومة التدجين والزحفطة والذمية.
لازم تضل عينا على المحراث تنستحق ابوة مار يوحنا مارون، وصليبنا وقداسة ارض لبنان وتراث الحرية والعنفوان.

We must keep our eyes on the plow to honor the fatherhood of Saint John Maroun, our cross, the holiness of the land of Lebanon, and the heritage of freedom and pride.
Edmond El-Chidiac/Face book/July 17, 2024
What a shame for a country like Lebanon, currently under Iranian occupation.
The days of disgrace, humiliation, surrender, and Dhimmitude have not yet ended.
The vile, the lowly, and the obsequious, against all that is righteous and patriotic, insists on remaining in charge of our affairs.
The Maronites, who kneel only to their almighty Lord, why are they silent? And who is speaking on their behalf at the present time?
As we say in our holy mountains, “Till when shall the goat lead, while the stallion sprays his horn with gel and falls asleep?”
O Lord, grant us your kindness and give us patience, faith, and commitment so that we do not leave the plow and continue cultivating our land with the seeds of freedom and dignity, while resisting by all means domestication, encroachment, and Dhimmitude.
We must keep our eyes on the plow to honor the fatherhood of Saint John Maroun, our cross, the holiness of the land of Lebanon, and the heritage of freedom and pride.
Long live free and independent Lebanon, the Land of the Holy Cedars.