Elias Bejjani/Text & Video: Lebanon Will Not Emerge from the Quagmire of Persian Occupation Unless the Maronites Fulfill Their Leading Role through Leaders Who Believe Their Sacred Duty is to Protect the Lebanese Temple
Lebanon Will Not Emerge from the Quagmire of Persian Occupation Unless the Maronites Fulfill Their Leading Role through Leaders Who Believe Their Sacred Duty is to Protect the Lebanese Temple Elias Bejjani / June 07, 2024
(Isaiah 25/01-02) ” The wilderness and the dry land will be glad. The desert will rejoice and blossom like a rose. It will blossom abundantly, and rejoice even with joy and singing. Lebanon’s glory will be given to it, the excellence of Carmel and Sharon. They will see Yahweh’s glory, the excellence of our God.”
(Deuteronomy: 3/25. 32/52. 34/4) “Moses looked to the north, towards the mountains of Lebanon, and said: And this mountain? God answered and said: Close your eyes. This mountain is a place for me. Neither you nor the one who will come after you will set foot on it.”
(Joshua ben Siag 1/4, Ezekbal 30/3, 31/15) “Moses looked to the north, to the land of Lebanon and the mountains! Who is this mountain for, He said? close your eyes, No way, God answered him with the sound of an earthquake… this land and the mountains are mine, neither your feet nor all your men will tread on them!
In brief, without diminishing the capabilities and patriotism of others, without arrogance or a sense of superiority, and without distorting history and truth, but from a perspective of sincere faith and patriotism, we firmly believe that Lebanon will not rise from its fall, fragmentation, and the tragedy of occupation unless the Maronites rise.
Lebanon will not be liberated in the absence of Maronite leaders, in heart, mind, and spirit, who believe their role is sacred, and that they are the protectors of the temple because its glory was given to their Church, and not to others. Their role is to lead all those who want their country to be free, sovereign, independent, a beacon of civilization, coexistence, openness, freedom, and equality.
The disintegration of the Lebanese factions and the shortcomings of their leaders, for whatever reason, are not important and will not be influential if the Maronites have leaders who understand their role and can assume it with courage and selflessness. Everyone will stand and rise when the Maronites lead and march forward.
The primary and most dangerous problem in Lebanon today is the absence of civil, spiritual, and elite leaders from the Maronites. We do not say that the current Maronite leaders, without exception, are traitors or collaborators, but they are nationally deficient and emasculated figures, lacking vision and possessing shallow and weak faith. Thus, they do not meet the requirements of the current time.
In reality, they are weak and incapable figures, and this is why we need to change them. Yes, we Maronites created Lebanon, and this is a fact, not arrogance; we created it to be a homeland for us and for others. Presently, it is in a state of loss, fragmentation, chaos, and occupation because our current leaders are not the men can deal with the ongoing crisis locally, regionally and globally.
What non-Maronite Lebanese must understand is that Lebanon will not rise unless the Maronites rise and lead, as is their historic sacred role in protecting the temple. The most important thing is that we, the Maronites, understand and fulfill this role. Otherwise, we are neither true Maronites nor do we deserve the sacred temple nation whose glory was given to us.