Elias Bejjani/Video & Text: Know Your Enemy: The Iranian Mullahs’ Regime and Its Terrorism Proxies


Know Your Enemy: The Iranian Mullahs’ Regime and Its Terrorism Proxies
Elias Bejjani/January 06, 2024

Click Here To Read this Piece In Arabic اضغط هنا لقراءة المقالة التي في أعلى باللغة العربية

There is no doubt that the primary and most perilous threat to Lebanon’s coexistence, culture, history, present, future, identity, common living, and Lebanon the message is exclusively the Iranian regime.

This oppressive force not only subjects its own people to torture and massacre but also stands as an adversary to all Arabs, the entire civilized world, and humanity in general.

The Iranian regime is a common enemy, and it is crucial to acknowledge its role in fostering proxies of Jihadism, fundamentalism, terrorism, and barbarism. Notable among these proxies is Hezbollah in Lebanon, along with similar entities in Gaza, Yemen, Iraq, and Syria.

These groups are the actual adversaries, undoubtedly supported by the ignorant, the uninformed, the hypocrites, and all those Lebanese who have deviated towards hostility, hatred, and rejection of others.

Dear Lebanese, it is imperative to grasp this reality and respond accordingly – the Iranian Mullahs’ Regime and all its proxies represent the true enemy.

*Elias Bejjani
Canadian-Lebanese Human Rights activist, journalist and political commentator
Email phoenicia@hotmail.com & media.lccc@gmail.com

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