Elias Bejjani/Child Naya Hanna, the victim of stray bullets died after 23 days of hospitalization


Child Naya Hanna, the victim of stray bullets died after 23 days of hospitalization
Elias Bejjani/August 26/2023

Click here to read the Eulogy in Arabic

Innocent child, Naya Hanna, who was hit by a stray bullet while in her school playground, passed away today after 23 days of hospitalization.
Naya is a victim of chaos, uncontrolled weapons, and occupation that destroyed Lebanon, dismantled its institutions, embarked chaos on its borders, generalized-legitimized terrorism, criminality, and all the practices of rogues, thieves, murderers, and demons.
We pray for Nay’s dwelling in paradise in the holy heavenly dwellings alongside the righteous and saints, where there is eternal joy, comfort and peace.
We pray that the Lord, Our Heavenly Father, will grant patience and solace to Nay’s bereaved parents, her family, and the people of her town.

*Elias Bejjani
Canadian-Lebanese Human Rights activist, journalist and political commentator

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