Elias Bejjani/On this day of August 23/1982, Bachir Gemayel was elected President


On this day of August 23/1982, Bachir Gemayel was elected President.
Elias Bejjani/August 23/1982

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On the annual anniversary of Bachir’s election as Lebanon’s president on August 23/1982, we renew our vows, and declare again our commitment to Bashir’s cause and dream, to our national Lebanese identity, to liberation, to basic dignity and to holy resistance against all kinds of occupations.

Bashir’s cause is not dead. It cannot die, and will never die as long as one Lebanese remains committed to Bashir’s patriotic beliefs and loyalty to Lebanon, to its 7000 years of history and civilization.

Bachir was “the young president who brought the light of hope to Lebanon”, as described by President Ronald Reagan. This patriotic president, known for his strategic planning and stances that crossed all red lines, led the Lebanese people to dare to dream again. His leadership drove them to yearn for a free country that was worth fighting for. A day where Bachir’s love for his nation was contagious, and his patriotism was infectious more than ever.

Bashir’s national dream for Lebanon is not dead, for no criminal can kill Freedom dreams. Dreams are acts of intellectual imaging and portrayal of aspirations, objectives and hopes that people Endeavour to fulfill in reality. Bashir’s dream is alive in the hearts and spirits of every patriotic Lebanese all over the world.

Our deep-rooted Lebanese identity is unique. It was carved by our faithful ancestors in Lebanon’s mighty mountains, and planted with sweat and blood in its holy soil throughout seven thousand years of heroism and sacrifices. Generation after generation, Lebanese have built Lebanon and made it into a fort and oasis for freedom, and an asylum for the persecuted…. Lebanon may not be a big country, but it is big in deeds.

For 7000 years Lebanon was successful in surviving with dignity, through hundreds of invaders, tyrants and conquerors…all were forced to depart defamed and in humiliation, defamed. Bashir gave our identity worldwide dimension, and made it a cause and purpose for each and every Lebanese. Lebanon’s liberation is the aim of every patriotic Lebanese.

 Bachir, when the Pharisee’s murdered you, only your flesh passed away. And in that moment your sanctified image was implanted forever into the hearts of your people. Your heroism was sealed. Bashir, you speak to the conscience of every Lebanese who believes in Lebanon and its people. You live on in us, and in our blessed heritage.
Long Live Free Lebanon.

*Elias Bejjani
Canadian-Lebanese Human Rights activist, journalist and political commentator

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