Elias Bejjani: The Seventh of August 2001 Crime Remembrance Day


The Seventh of August 2001 Crime Remembrance Day, and the importance of not forgetting those who committed it, and those who later betrayed and sold it heroes
Elias Bejjani/07 August/2023

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It is important for every Free and dignified Lebanese Free Citizen to remember August 07 Crime, and at the same time never turn a blind eye to those who planned and implemented it in a bid to target and terrorize the free and sovereign youth of Lebanon.
It is very important that we do not ally with them, bury our heads in the sand, and hide behind Dhimmitude and taqiyya camouflage cowardice stances.
In summary let the curse of earth and Heaven be upon those who betrayed the Lebanese holy cause and sold it to join the terrorist the Assad’s regime and Hezbollah such as Aoun, his son-in-law, and their sheep, while evilly exchanging sovereignty with governing posts.
The Seventh Of August 2001 was a great day to be remembered with pride, hope and faith.
Justice in Lebanon will remain a mirage as long as it is occupied by the terrorist Hezbollah, and governed by local Trojans.

Elias Bejjani
Canadian-Lebanese Human Rights activist, journalist and political commentator

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