نص عظة المطران عوده لليوم 30 تموز/202/ نسأل عن جريمة 4 آب: هــل هــذه هـي الـعـدالةُ الـتـي يَــطـمـحُ إليها كــلُّ إنسان؟ وإلـى مـتـى سـيـبـقـى شـعــبُ لـبـنـان شُـعــوباً؟/Text of Bishop Aoud’s sermon for today, July 30, 202/ We ask about the August 4 crime: Is this the justice that every person aspires to? And how long will the people of Lebanon remain as numerous peoples?
Text of Bishop Aoud’s sermon for today, July 30, 202/ We ask about the August 4 crime: Is this the justice that every person aspires to? And how long will the people of Lebanon remain as numerous peoples? NNA/Google translation / July 30 / 2023
Text of Bishop Aoud’s sermon for today, July 30, 202/ We ask about the August 4 crime: Is this the justice that every person aspires to? And how long will the people of Lebanon remain as numerous peoples? NNA/Google translation / July 30 / 2023
Aoudi said: “Oh beloved, in our country every group puts its trust in a specific place, except in the appropriate place. No clear allegiance to Lebanon, one homeland for one people, protected by one army that unites all under the banner of the The homeland of the one, this army that, on the occasion of its feast, We ask God to protect it, its leadership and individuals.Each group fears the other, who is its partner in the homeland. Because of the absence of love, the lack of acknowledgment of the other who is different and communication with him out of fear of him. And how long will Lebanon remain under the weight of differences, divisions, and discrepancies in Opinions?”
And he continued: “After a few days, the third anniversary of the painful and bloody event that struck the heart of the capital will come. The fourth of August 2020 is a memory that will not be forgotten in the conscience of any Lebanese, wherever it may be. What about the people of Beirut, who paid with their lives, the treasures of their livers, and their possessions for a crime that does not It is committed by someone who has a fleshy heart that beats with humanity in his chest, or someone who has a conscious conscience that points him to good and responds. This memory will remain a thorn that pricks the conscience of those responsible for it, those who abused it. A, and those who were aware of the possibility of its occurrence and did not prevent it, and those who did not move after its occurrence, and those who promised us To complete the investigation as soon as possible. Years have passed and we are still waiting in the ruins. Sahih that the people followed their lives, but that does not mean that it is not the effect of its vicinity and its bodies and their hearts. Our people are strong and sanctify life, but at the same time they do not forget their loved ones whom they lost in Lah. treachery, when they were in the safety of their homes, or in their cars, or in their work centers, such as nurses Those who are missed by St. George’s University Hospital, and other heroes who gave their lives I’m brave Members of the Beirut Fire Brigade should be mentioned in particular. This strong people demands that truth be established, that justice take its course, and that immunities be lifted so that he can be held accountable. Every perpetrator or negligent person, whoever he is, may this be a lesson for everyone who tempts himself to commit a crime. A tree, and a step that cools the hearts of all those who have lost their loved ones, their possessions, and the earnings of their lives, or They were wounded in their bodies. All of them are waiting for the investigation to be completed, the truth to be revealed, and punishment for those who inflicted such grave harm on them. But the sad thing is that they are the ones who are punished either by obstructing the investigation, or by concealing the truth, or by silencing them, repressing them, and persecuting them. they count. Is this the justice that every person aspires to? Is this how you deal with a capital-sized crime? How does a citizen feel safe without a fair judiciary and without holding criminals accountable? Is it permissible for a crime that destroyed the capital and injured thousands to pass without accountability? Where there is no accountability, no security, no discipline, and no stability.”
Aoudi concluded: “Today we will pray together for the repose of the souls of everyone who fell victim to the sinful bombing, and for the Condolences to all those who have been afflicted physically and psychologically, we pray for our capital, Beirut, which is still picking up its pieces. Yarot, who always pays the price with her children, and it is not her fault. However, it is the beautiful capital, beloved by all who knew it, and persecuted by all who are angry at the state, or w I hate politicians, or I despair of the situation we have reached, Beirut, which is still waiting for special initiatives to light the streets. or to repair its roads or to restore its homes destroyed by the explosion, There are still those waiting for opportunities to buy it and displace its people. Q: Why was it not completed? Beirut, which, while adhering to its right to know the truth and inflict punishment on those who stabbed its heart and oppressed its children, believes that justice Heaven comes no matter how late it is, because “vengeance is mine, I will repay” says the Lord Almighty (Heb 10:30). May God bless your life and keep away from you all treachery, all evil, all sadness and anxiety, and multiply the love in your hearts so that they radiate faith, joy and giving. Amen