تذكار القديسة مريم المجدلية السنوي/St. Mary Magdalene Annual Remembrance Day



St. Mary Magdalene Annual Remembrance Day on July 22

تذكار القديسة مريم المجدلية السنو في 22 من تموز
موقع قديس اليوم/22 تموز/2023
الذكرى السنوية للقديسة مريم المجدلية
قيل إنها ولدت في مجدلا، وهي قرية صغيرة لصيادي الأسماك على الضفة الغربية من بحيرة جنيسارت، على بعد خمسة كيلومترات من مدينة طبرية. عذبتها سبعة شياطين حررّها منها وشفاها الرب يسوع المسيح. كانت من اتباعه وخدمته في مسيره على الأرض. هي التي وقفت بالصليب في الجلجثة مع والدة الإله. وبعد موت الرب يسوع زارت قبره ثلاثاً. ثم عندما قام من الأموات عاينته مرتين، مرة لوحدها وأخرى مع بقية حاملات الطيب. قيل في التراث إنها سافرت إلى رومية وعرضت شكواها على الأمبراطور طيباريوس قيصر في شأن الظلم الذي ألحقه بيلاطس البنطي بيسوع. وقد ورد أن طيباريوس عزل بيلاطس، الذي ربما قضى قتلاً. كذلك ورد أن مريم المجدلية بشرت بالكلمة في بلاد الغال (فرنسا) ثم أنتقلت إلى مصر وفينيقيا وسوريا وبمفليا وأماكن أخرى. وبعدما أمضت بعض الوقت في أورشليم انتقلت إلى أفسس حيث أنهت سعيها بنعمة الله. قيل ووريت الثرى عند مدخل المغارة التي قضى فيها فتية أفسس السبعة المعيّد لهم في 4 آب. هناك فاضت عجائب جمّة إلى أن جرى، في العام 899م، نقل رفاتها إلى القسطنطينية بهمّة الأمبراطور لاون السادس الحكيم.

St. Mary Magdalene Annual Remembrance Day on July 22
Saint of the day website
St. Mary Magdalene is one of the greatest saints of the Bible and a legendary example of God’s mercy and grace. The precise dates of her birth and death are unknown, but we do know she was present with Christ during his public ministry, death and resurrection. She is mentioned at least a dozen times in the Gospels.
Mary Magdalene has long been regarded as a prostitute or sexually immoral in western Christianity, but this is not supported in the scriptures. It is believed she was a Jewish woman who lived among Gentiles, living as they did. The Gospels agree that Mary was originally a great sinner. Jesus cast seven demons out of her when he met her. After this, she told several women she associated with and these women also became followers.
There is also debate over if Mary Magdalene is the same unnamed women, a sinner, who weeps and washes Jesus’ feet with her hair in the Gospel of John. Scholars are skeptical this is the same person.
Despite the scholarly dispute over her background, what she did in her subsequent life, after meeting Jesus, is much more significant. She was certainly a sinner whom Jesus saved, giving us an example of how no person is beyond the saving grace of God.
During Jesus’ ministry, it is believed that Mary Magdalene followed him, part of a semi-permanent entourage who served Jesus and his Disciples.
Mary likely watched the crucifixion from a distance along with the other women who followed Christ during His ministry. Mary was present when Christ rose from the dead, visiting his tomb to anoint his body only to find the stone rolled away and Christ, very much alive, sitting at the place they laid Him. She was the first witness to His resurrection.
After the death of Christ, a legend states that she remained among the early Christians. After fourteen years, she was allegedly put into a boat by Jews, along with several other saints of the early Church, and set adrift without sails or oars. The boat landed in southern France, where she spent the remaining years of her life living in solitude, in a cave.
St. Mary Magdalene’s feast day is July 22. She is the patroness of converts, repentant sinners, sexual temptation, pharmacists, tanners and women, and many other places and causes.