Elias Bejjani/Mother’s Day in Canada: All people have hearts, but Mothers’ Hearts brings all hearts together


Mother’s Day in Canada: All people have hearts, but Mothers’ Hearts brings all hearts together
Elias Bejjani/May 14/2023

Canada celebrates today, on the ninth of May 14/2023, “The Mother’s Day” and honors with love and gratitude all her sacrifices, devotion, and commitments.

This blessed ritual of genuine honoring is certainly a faith obligation and a human, moral, ethical, religious and ecclesiastical duty for each and every believer who fears God and the day of his last Judgement,
and at the same adheres in his/her pattern of lifestyle, and practices to the Ten Biblical Commandments in which its fifth one verbatim reads: “Honor your father and your mother that your days may be long upon the land which the LORD your God is giving you”.

Honor means to give high regard, respect and esteem to; to bring respect or credit to; an outward token, sign or act that manifests high regard.

Respect means to have deferential regard for, to treat with propriety and consideration; to regard as inviolable.

Meanwhile, this honor and respect, though primarily intended by God to be given to parents, are not limited to them. In spirit it includes civil, religious and educational authorities as well.

God want us to honor our parents because the family is the basic building block or unit of society, thus the stability of the community depends on the stability of the families that comprise it.

“In God’s eyes—and in a small child’s—a parent stands in the place of God Himself. In the physical sense, parents are the child’s creator, provider, lawgiver, teacher, and protector—and sometimes even savior. A child’s response to this relationship will greatly determine his later response to larger relationships in society. And it is ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN to affect his relationship with God. Thus, since parents represent God, it becomes their obligation to live lives worthy of that honor. Ultimately, the responsibility for keeping this commandment falls on the child, but it begins with the parents through child training and example. If parents neither provide the correct example nor teach the correct way, they can hardly expect their children to honor them” (John W. Ritenbaugh).

Mothers and fathers, through the bond of sacred marriage, secure the continuity of humanity. This holy and blessed institution, the institution of the family “Marriage” is the cornerstone of every society. Without it, societies disintegrate, lose values ​​and morals after which destructive chaos and all forms of loss of faith and immorality prevail.

In one of our proverbs back home in Lebanon we say: The Good mother is like a magnet that pulls together her family members and holds them under her wings. Practically this means that with her love, warm and big heart, devotion, passionate, role model, hard work and sacrifices she brings her family members together, embraces them, nurtures them, and always works to cultivate in them all values of love, forgiveness, giving, humility, tolerance, and faith.

We congratulate the mothers on their annual day, and pray for the eternal rest of the souls of the mothers who have passed away.

We ask our mothers who are in heaven dwelling in God’s mentions to pray for us and for peace in the world, especially during this time of world wide state of loss, confusion, despair and fear, while facing the deadly threats of Corona Virus plague.

A Special Prayer For The Mothers
Dear God,
Thank you for your endless provisions of grace and mercy. We come to you today to lift up every woman who answers to the name of “mom.” We ask that you supply each one with the strength they need for those difficult days. Give them wisdom to know when to encourage and when to correct their children. Supply them with an extra dose of patience. Remind them that children are a heritage and a reward from You (Psalm 127:3 CSB), and shower them with special moments they can cherish. Lord, we also ask that you draw them close to you daily. Remind them of their worth in Your eyes – that they, too, are cherished children of a loving Father. We pray for contentment in this very special calling. May every mom realize that this is a mission from You, one that brings truly great rewards in the end. quoted from the Batchelor Brothers page)

N.B: Click Here To Read the above editorial in Arabic

**Elias Bejjani
Canadian-Lebanese Human Rights activist, journalist and political commentator
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