Video-Audio/Our Lebanese Deeply Rooted Heritage/A dialogue between Colonel Charbel Barakat & his grandson إرث وتراث لبنان المتجذر بالتاريخ في حوار بين الكولونيل شربل بركات وحفيده المولود والمقيم في كندا


إرث وتراث لبنان المتجذر بالتاريخ في حوار بين الكولونيل شربل بركات وحفيده المولود والمقيم في كندا

Video-Audio/Our Lebanese Deeply Rooted Heritage/A dialogue between Colonel charbel Barakat & his grandson
Colonel Charbel Barakat/February 19/2023
Lebanon has been for thousands of years, with its protective bays and mountains, a shelter for adventurers, dreamers and freedom lovers. This ancient land has served as a launching pad for explorers, travelers and merchants to build new cities and create civilizations.
From Mesopotamia to Greece, Egypt to Rome, England to Scandinavia, around the African continent and as far as the Americas, the Lebanese sailors travelled on their wooden boats, helped by the power of wind, directed by the stars, always believing that something better is waiting for them at the other end.
This is our history, our heritage. Our ancestors taught humankind the art of dreaming big, exchanging goods and building altruistic trade routes.
The rationale behind this book came from a presentation given at Our Lady of Lebanon parish in Toronto, Canada during the Maronite Youth Convention in 2016. It was intended to give the young generation an idea of the importance of their Lebanese heritage.
Author and Narrator: Charbel Barakat. He is interested in History and Politics. He regularly writes articles published on the web and social media. He is also published a book in 1990, called “Madameek”
Illustrator: Maroulla Barakat Durieux. Passionate about drawing, she has been illustrating children’s books since 2012. Her first picture book “My mom has cancer” written by Nuha Sanghari-Hachach was published by editor Hachette-Antoine in 2015.

ادمون الشدياق: إنه كتاب مصور باللغة الإنجليزية من انتاج الصديق الكاتب الكولونيل شربل بركات للشباب والنشاء الجديد والراغبين بدرس تاريخي مبدئي حول التراث اللبناني منذ الفينيقيين وحتى بداية القرن العشرين. إنه يعطي المعرفة الأساسية والفهم الأولي للتاريخ اللبناني والمسيحي للبنان ويعمل كنقطة انطلاق وأساس لمزيد من المعرفة المتعمقة في مستقبل جيلنا القادم. يعلم اولادنا لماذا لبنان صغير الحجم ولكنه كبير في تراثه ولماذا يستحق النضال من أجله وحمايته. إنها بداية قوية للجيل القادم في الشتات للتواصل مع جذورهم وتراثهم والقيم التي تمثلها الهوية والقومية اللبنانية وتدافع عنها وتدعمها.
الرجاء من المنظمات والنوادي والاحزاب المهتمة بتاريخ لبنان وتعليمه إلى النشاء الجديد الاتصال بالصديق شربل بركات Charbel Barakat عبر الفايسبوك لحجز نسخ من الكتاب الذي سيكون هدية ثمينة لكل من اولادنا تبقى معه مدى العمر يكتشف فيها تراثه وتاريخه وجذوره.

Edmond El-Chidiac: It is an illustration book written by colonel Charbel Barakat in english for children, youth and young adults about the Lebanese heritage since the phoenicians through to the beginning of the twentieth century. It gives basic knowledge and understanding of Lebanese and Christian history of Lebanon and serves as a starting point and a basis for more in depth knowledge in the future of our next generation. why Lebanon is small in its size but great in its heritage and why it is worth it to fight for and protect. It is a solid beginning for the next generation that are in the diaspora to get in touch with their roots and heritage and the values that heritage represent, defend, and uphold.
Organizations, clubs and parties interested in the history of Lebanon and teaching it to the new generation are encouragd to contact Colonel Charbel Barakat via Facebook to reserve copies of the book, which will be a valuable gift for each of our children that will remain with him for a lifetime, in which he will discover his heritage, history and roots.
