الجنرال فايز كرم: لبنان أكبر من أن يُبلع/General Fayez Karam: Lebanon, is bigger then to be swallowed


لبنان أكبر من أن يُبلع
الجنرال فايز كرم/من أرشيف 12 آيار/1999
في قلب كل لبناني، اليوم، بعض من الخيبة وبعض من الحسرة وبعض من الإشمئزاز، فكلنا حلمنا “بوطن” والحلم حق وأمل وكلنا ضحّينا وعملنا من أجله والتضحية والعمل مقياس قيامة الأوطان. في خيبتنا وحسرتنا واشمئزازنا سَعَينا، كل على طريقته، لإخراج وطننا ومواطنينا من واقع الركود و”الإنبطاح” وإيجاد المسبّبات وتفسير الظروف التي أوصلتنا إلى ما نحن فيه. وفتَّشنا، في حلمنا الخفي ربما، عن الطريقة الفضلى لإعادة جمع الشمل.

وكم سمعنا تنظيراً وكلاماً في هذا المجال، لبنانيّون يقيِّموا ويُفصِّلوا المخارج والحلول، ولبنانيّون يتمنّوا لوطنهم الحاكم العادل “الظالم”، المتجرِّد في مواقفه وأحكامه بين الناس، المدافع عن تطبيق القانون، الملتزم بقسمه، الحريص على ميثاق وطنه. ربما بتجرُّده وتطبيقه للقوانين والتزامه بروحيَّة القسم تمكن من إعادة المواطن إلى رشده وواقعيته، وتمكن من إعادة الضوابط إلى النفوس، وإعادة القيم والمبادئ إلى المجتمعات.

نتذمَّر دائماً من الواقع ونفتش دائماً على الخطأ عند الآخرين، نحمِّلهم المسؤوليّة دون أن نفعل شيئاً ودون أن نلزم أنفسنا بشيء. والحلول نريدها مُنزلة، نقبلها دائماً، نتعامل معها كيفما أتت، ونفرح أبداً بالانتقاد والاستهزاء ونرتاح بالترقب والانتظار. نحن اليوم في قعر الهاوية، لم نعد نخاف السقوط وقد سقطنا، هي نتيجة ما فرضه أمر الطائف علينا، فمقرِّر “الحرب بيننا” هو نفسه مُقرِّر “السلام بيننا”.

والحرب المخطط لها في لبنان إن أضرَّت فبالأملاك والأرواح، أما الهدوء الذي سلبنا السلام فقد أضر بالمبادئ والقناعات، وأوصلنا لحدود التشكيك بالمواطنية ومزاياها، وبمكانة الأوطان في عالم أثبت سقوطه أمام سلطان البراغماتية والسعي لفتوحات الأسواق على حساب الحقوق والمبادئ والمسلِّمات.
يُمتدح دكتاتور ويُستقبل آخر، ويبتهج السياسيّون بإنجازهم، ويُصفِّق الإعلاميّون لحنكتهم، وتُصمّ أفواه الناس المطالبين بحقوقهم الثائرين على الظلم والرافضين العودة لعصور الجهل والإستعباد والسبي والإنتهاك.

فإذا كان التطوّر والتقدّم يفرضان على الناس التخلي عن حقوقهم والتنازل عن كرامتهم فنحن أول من يقف سدّاً منيعاً بوجههما، وإذا كانت حدود الأوطان تُرسم في رؤوس بعض الحكام فنحن أول من يسقط هذه الحدود لتقوم، سواها، على المبادئ والقيم والأنظمة العادلة. لقد ولّى عهد الفتوحات وحروب البعثات، وولّى عهد الاستعمار والاستعباد، حدود الأوطان ليست خطوطاً أو مساحات، حدود الأوطان سدود في النفوس شُيِّدت، في لبنان، على مداميك الحرّية، وشُيِّدت في محيطه، على مداميك الأنظمة الدكتاتورية التي فُرضت على الناس وغذّت فيهم روح الإنصياع والكبت والجهل.

من هنا يخطئ من يعتقد أن بإمكانه بلع لبنان، وهو أكبر من أن يُبلع، حدوده تتلاقى مع حدود الحرِّية في العالم فيها لاقى اللبنانيّون فُسحتهم، بها تمكنوا، عبر التاريخ، من نقل أسواقهم وحضارتهم، غذوا العالم بعقولهم وكفاءاتهم وانفتاحهم، وبقوا مشدودين إلى جذورهم. فيا من عرفتم الغزو والإحتلال، ويا أهلنا ورفاقنا في لبنان وعالم الإنتشار، لا تدعوا الشك يدخل قلوبكم، والتوجيه المُضلِّل ينال منكم، تلاقوا على الأمل وعلى المثابرة والعمل، ليأتي ممثلونا عبركم نخبة وكفاءة، ولنرتاح من أوجه مثّلت الإحتلال عندنا وادعت تمثيلنا، قامت على العمالة والدم والنار، ولنرتاح من احتلال ندعوه لملاقاتنا على مقاييس الحرية والعدالة والمساواة واحترام حقوق الإنسان

Lebanon, is bigger then to be swallowed
General Fayez Karam/From May 12/1999 Archive
Free translation by: Elias Bejjani
At the bottom of every Lebanese heart there are deep feelings of bitterness, disappointment, and disgust. We all dream of an independent, free, sovereign and liberated country. We know that dreaming is a healthy practice for it expresses hope, activity and righteousness. We offered precious sacrifices to save our country, and thousands gave their own lives. Sacrifice, faith and hard work are important components of the needed formula for resurrection of Lebanon.

In our disappointment, bitterness and disgust we exhibit a sincere quest for liberation and independence. Each of us expresses his feelings his own way, but all of us are striving for liberation. We endeavor to find reasons for the current occupational status imposed on us, and to explain the circumstances that led to it. We try hard to rescue the country from its stagnation, subservience and look thoroughly into our hidden dreams hoping to find the ideal means that enables us to perform our patriotic role.

We have heard a great deal of analytical, theoretical rescuing proposals from numerous politicians and ordinary citizens, suggesting different solutions. Others are practically struggling to put in place a fair, strict, democratic, patriotic and neutral regime.
One that adopts justice among the people.
One that implements laws fairly,
One that is committed to its oaths
One that is willing to abide by the constitution,
One that honors Charter of Human Rights and International Declaration of Rights.

A regime with patriotic commitment, neutrality, justice, devotion, integrity and genuine readiness to honor laws might be able to bring Lebanon back to its senses and reality. Such a regime will bring back self-peace and self-order to the Lebanese. It will restore national principles, and codes of conduct into Lebanon’s multi-cultural society.

People in general are accustomed to complain of the bitter reality and to blame others for not doing anything about it. They make others accountable for every wrongdoing and constantly wait for Godly solutions to come from heaven. Once these imaginary solutions are forced by foreigners people accept them blindly and deal with them haphazardly, no matter how they come. Our people constantly become happy with criticism, sarcasm and feel comfortable with waiting and watching attitudes.

Currently, we are at the bottom, we do not fear falling any more, we have already fell. All our current problems are an outcome of what the “Taef Accord” has imposed on us. The same country that orchestrates, financed instigated and launched the war against our people since 1975, is the same one that is occupying our country at the present time and controlling its puppet regime. The same country (Syria) is orchestrating a faked and camouflaged peace that is more dangerous then war.

The wars of others against Lebanon and its people have inflicted devastating damages on the country and took thousands of lives. Meanwhile the current fake tranquility status imposed by Syria has led to fatal damages to our people’s principles and patriotic convictions. It made them question their citizenship and its privileges. It made them wonder where do small countries like Lebanon fit in a merciless world that has proved its worst failure in face of Pragmatism, dictatorship, and evil powers at the expense of human rights, principles, justice, democracy and freedom.

Lebanon’s mercenary politicians and officials praise the Syrian dictator who appointed them, and welcome another puppet installed by the dictator to run the country as a custodian. With no shame they brag happily about their slavery acts and consider subservience and collaboration great achievements.

In the same context, journalists hail the Syrian dictators’ wisdom and shrewdness and lobby for his occupation and annexation schemes focusing on their own country, Lebanon. Meanwhile the Lebanese who are fighting for their rights, revolting against injustice, refusing ignorance, slavery, infringements and thievery are persecuted, murdered, imprisoned, sent into exile, impoverished and their voices muffled.

If evolution and progress will force people to abandon their rights and give up their dignity, we oppose strongly such a mockery equation. If fate of nations will be fantasized and decided by dictators, we will fight such fantasies and struggle strongly to erect a nation of principles, freedom and justice.

Acts of imperialism, military invasion, occupation, slavery and oppression have become history. Countries are not mere land and borders, but people with dignity, feelings, rights, self-resistance, self-respect and quest for freedom. Lebanon has been erected 6000 years ago on freedom, while neighboring countries have been always dominated by dictatorship regimes. Regimes forced on its people and foster in them spirit of submissiveness, ignorance and oppression.

Tyrants, dictators, politicians and ordinary people who deluded themselves that Lebanon can be swallowed will be disappointed. It is time for them to wake up from their sickening false believes…. Lebanon is bigger than to be swallowed.

Lebanon’s borders and horizons are those of global freedom through which the Lebanese have created their worldwide reputation and network. All though 6000 years of, Lebanese have been masters and pioneers in international trade and foreign relations. They enriched humanity with their diversified products, civilization, arts, education, courage openness, intelligence and gave the world its first Alphabet, but always remained loyal to their Lebanese roots, identity and heritage.

Our beloved people of Lebanon, friends and comrades in occupied Lebanon and Diaspora:
You have experienced pain and humiliation of invasion and occupation, do not allow suspicion to enter your hearts or the mercenary media to control your minds. Meet with each other, maintain your faith, work together, share hope and be persistent and stubborn in your quest for liberation. We want Lebanon’s legitimate representatives, MPs, Ministers, Presidents, politicians and officials, to be elected freely from you. We want representatives who are devoted, educated, honest, patriotic, believers in Lebanon’s great history, known by integrity and ready to die for our holy cause.

It is time for puppet officials and politicians, who forged our representation, forced themselves on us and committed all kinds of treason and murder to be sent to jail and charged with treason. It is time to see our country free again from occupation, oppression and puppet mercenary regimes.

It is time for the Syrian occupier who alleges to be our brother to leave our country and establish with us an authentic brotherhood relationship based on mutual respect, justice, freedom, equality and respect of human rights.
Long Live Free Lebanon
