من أرشيف عام 2000/مقالة للعميد فايز كرم باللغتين العربية والإنكليزية تلقي الأضواء على الظلم الذي تعرض له أهل بلدة جزين. عنوان المقالة: من هم العملاء/ Fayez Karam: Who Are The Traitors?


من هم العملاء
العميد فايز كرم/12 كانون الثاني/2000

من السهل توزيع الاتهامات على الناس وتجريمهم، ومن السهل انتقاد العاملين من موقع المنظّر والمتفرّج، فالتبجّح والاكتفاء بتعداد الأخطاء وإدانة الناس دون الاهتمام بمعرفة ظروفهم ومواقفهم الحقيقية ومبرّر تحرّكهم، والمزايدة في تجريمهم وتخوينهم وتهديدهم دون الاهتمام بمعرفة حقيقة معاناتهم وأوجاعهم، أمور تغذّي الخلفة والتفرقة، وكم نحن بغنىً عنها، وتفقد ثقة المواطن بدولته التي يفترض بها أن تكون حاميةً وضامنةً لحقوقه، وكم بحاجة لها.
دولة القانون، هي الدولة التي تجمع ولا تفرّق، هي الدولة العادلة الساهرة على مصلحة مواطنيها كل مواطنيها، هي المرجع الذي يُفترض أن يلجأ إليه كل لبنانيّ ولبنانيّة لحلّ مشاكلهم عندما تكون تلك مستعصية.

ودولة القانون لا تتعاطى مع المواطن من خلال موقعه السياسي أو الطائفي أو الحزبي أو العائلي، بل من خلال انتمائه الوطني والإنساني.
أما اليوم فبات للجريمة هويتها، تصنّف كتصنيف المواطنين لتكون سياسيّة أو طائفية أو حتى أحياناً عائلية.

و”دولة القانون”، عندنا، لم تحترم يوماً القانون، تكتفي بتنفيذ أوامر الخارج لتنحصر مهمتها بالاجتهاد وتبرير المواقف والتصرّفات “والثوابت”، لا قانون يحدّها ولا عرف يقيّدها ولا نصّ يلزمها. وجريمة أهالي جزّين، نموّذج حيّ لنوعيّة الجرائم التي تشغل الدولة اللبنانيّة اليوم والأوصياء عليها، فالجزينيّون يحملون الهوية السياسية والطائفية التي ترتاح هذه الدولة إلى ضربها، ولا سيّما وأن العالم والوطن والحق الدولي قد تخلّوا عنهم.

بأي تهمة يدان أهالي جزّين؟؟
الخيانة؟؟ أي خيانة؟؟ وأرضها تشهد، اليوم كما بالأمس، على لبنانيّتها، وأجيالها تشهد على مآسيها، وترابها يشهد على تضحياتها.
التخلّي؟؟ ومواقف أبنائها تشهد على تشبّثها، وتعلّقهم بالأرض يشهد على وطنيّتها، واللجوء إلى دولتهم يشهد على مرجعيّتها.
أهالي جزّين هم الضحيّة، تخلّت عنهم دولتهم، كما تخلّى عنهم جيشهم وحكومتهم وشعبهم وحكامهم، صمدوا وثبتوا حيث دولتهم فشلت وحيث شريعة الحرب والضرب والخراب احتلّت مواقع السلام والأمان والوئام.

من يحاكم من؟؟ أيحاكم شعب بقرار؟؟ أيحاكم من أختار التمسّك بالأرض عوض الانهزام؟؟ أيحاكم من بلحمه ودمه ورزقه وماله وجهده واجتهاده ثبّت الهوية والاستمرارية، في حين غابت الدولة ومؤسسّاتها وأجهزتها وعجزت الدبلوماسيّة الدولية عن تحقيق أي انتصار؟؟
كفاكم تغنّياً بدولة وقانون، كفاكم تفتيشاً عن تجريم وقصور، كفاكم مزايدة بمواقف وفجور، الشعب يحاسب، والشعب يحاكم، والتاريخ يسجّل، الشعارات الفارغة ما بقيت، ودول الوصاية ما عاشت.

إن اقتضت المحاكمة وجب الارتكاز على قانون، وإن وجد القانون وُجب الارتكاز على تفسير، وإن وجد التفسير وُجب الارتكاز على قاموس موحّد للمفردات.  فهلا بدأتم بتفسير معاني الخيانة والعمالة والتخلي والتواطؤ والانهزام.

Who Are The Traitors?
By: Fayez Karam/January 12/2000
Translated freely: By Elias Bejjani)

It is easy to haphazardly distribute accusations on people and incriminate them. It is also easy to criticize others when the criticizer is solely an observer or an analyst. It is not right by any criteria to be mouthy, bragging, merely enumerating others’ mistakes and judging them without looking seriously into their circumstances, actual stances and the justifications for their actions. It is also not fair to exaggerate in incriminating, threatening and accusing others of being traitors without a full knowledge of their pains, difficulties and hardships.

Meanwhile judging and sentencing others according to ones own interests, ambitions or standards is not a healthy conduct. When officials follow this trend of hypocrisy citizens lose all trust in the regime that is supposed to be a protector and guarantor for their rights. The regime needs its citizen because without their trust loses its legitimacy.

The state of law is the one that unites and not divides,
The state of law is the one that protects the interests of all its citizens equally and uses no double standards,
The state of law is the one that is a sanctuary, to which each citizen could take refugee when in danger,
The state of law is the one that does not deal with citizens in accordance to their political, religious, familial or feudal affiliations,
The State of law is the one that deals with its citizens in accordance to their national and humane affiliations with no discrimination what so ever.

In occupied Lebanon the crime currently has its significant identity. It is classified in accordance to the citizens’ affiliations in the domains of politics, religion and even family. The Lebanese-Syrian installed regime, the so-called “state of law” is an expert in breaking laws and in infringing on people’s rights. Its main mandate has become merely to execute the foreigners’ orders, invent mockeries and rationalize its official’s traitorous stances, bizarre conduct and thwarted convictions. No law governs its acts, no understanding restricts its conduct, and no code dictates its behaviour.

The alleged Crime of the Jezzinis is the kind of crime the Lebanese regime and its regional master focus on. The Jezzinis carry the political identity and the religious affiliation that the regime feels comfortable in attacking them, especially after the world, the nation and the international law have abandoned them.

What are the charges of the Jezzinis? Is treason among them, and if this is the case, what kind? Meanwhile the Jezzinis have been proving day after day their love and affiliation to Lebanon and its principles. The Jezzini’s new generation is a live witness on the past and current hardships their city and their people have been and are still enduring. The Jezzine soil is another witness on the Jezzini’s sacrifices, it is mixed with both their blood and sweat.

Jezzine has been abandoned by the Lebanese successive regimes, but its people never abandoned their solid holy affiliation to Lebanon. They constantly proved this fact by staying in their land and defending it no matter who is the invader or the occupier. They faced numerous invaders and foreign troops, but never betrayed their country and remained loyal to its identity and authorities.

The people of Jezzine became the actual victims after their state, the Lebanese Army, the people and the officials abandoned them. The Jezzinis stayed in their land heroically and endured all kinds of hardships while the state failed to play its role or assume its responsibilities. They lived the actual destruction, the killing the poverty and the war atrocities while the officials were safe and comfortable in their palaces.

Who is judging who?
Is it possible to put the victims and the heroes on trial while the criminals and the traitors are loose and controlling the regime and the judiciary?
It is rational to put on trial those who protected their land instead of fleeing?
Is it right to put on trial those who offered themselves on Lebanon’s alter, and jeopardized all their interests, safety and property to maintain their solid loyalty to the Lebanese identity?
While the Jizzinis were suffering and encountering all kinds of grievances the Lebanese State was completely absent from their region with all its institutions. At the same time the international diplomacy failed in achieving any plan to rescue the Jezzinis

It is time the Lebanese officials put an end to their camouflage conduct,
It is time to stop bragging about the alleged State of law,
It is time to stop incriminating the patriots and heroes,
It is time to stop their mockeries and prostitution stances.

The people’s memory retains every thing. The Day of Judgment will come soon and history will have no mercy on traitors. Empty slogans will disappear, and occupiers ultimately will leave with shame and humiliation. All those officials who served them shall pay the price for their people and answer for their conduct. In the civilized countries when a trial is needed it has to conducted in accordance to laws that are based on rationalism, equality and not just arguments. Justice must be one for all citizens with no double standards or favouritism.

In occupied Lebanon the installed regime and its regional custodian tailor laws according to their needs for intimidating, torturing, persecuting and murdering the patriots and the innocent. They have their own criminal standards according to which people are on trial. In their dictionary treason and collaboration are the norm while devotion faith, patriotism and sacrifice are the deviation.

Lebanon through its 6000 deeply rooted history has seen hundreds of tyrants and invaders, they all had to retreat and leave with disgrace while the Lebanese remained and were always in the end victorious. The fate of the current occupiers will not be any different.

Long Live Free Lebanon.
