Elias Bejjani: There will be no salvation, cure, or resurrection for Lebanon, as long as Hezbollah poisons and ravages the Lebanese minds, and drags them by force to pre-stone times.


There will be no salvation, cure, or resurrection for Lebanon, as long as Hezbollah poisons and ravages the Lebanese minds, and drags them by force to pre-stone times.
Elias Bejjani/13 June/2022

The Lebanese Minister of Culture warns Israel: We will leave, crawling towards you
Twitter/June 13/2022
Caretaker Culture Minister Muhammad Wissam Al-Mortada tweeted this morning in response to Israeli threats, saying: “Kochavi threatened massive and devastating bombing if the war with Lebanon broke out. If you do it, and you are answerable and unable to do so, then yes “we will leave”, but to the south, i.e., crawling towards you, and it will not be a short visit.

Click here to read this piece in Arabic

This above childish tweet is a blatant example of stupidity, ignorance and grandiose delusions. It shows with no shed of doubt, the dire dangers of such an evil mentality, that is based and motivated by illusions, delusions and hallucinations. Such an approach portrays total detachment and alienation from both, reality and capabilities.
Such devastating, and cancerous mentality, life style, and education, are adopted, promoted and imposed on occupied Lebanon and the Lebanese, by the terrorist Hezbollah, and its Iranian Mullahs.
Therefore, there is no resurrection for Lebanon from the yoke of the Iranian occupation, and no cure from the poisons and cancers of Hezbollah, before its entire eradication from all Lebanon, arresting and putting its Trojan leaders on trial, and the implementation of all UN Resolutions related to Lebanon, foremost of which are the 1559, 1701, and 1680, after declaring Lebanon a failed and rogue country, and handing over its governance responsibilities to the United Nations, pursuant to the International Article VII. in bid to rehabilitate the Lebanese to govern themselves.
Meanwhile those who are more dangerous than Hezbollah and from the expansionist, colonial and ideological schemes of its Iranian masters, are the cowardly and traitorous, Lebanese politicians, and in particular the dictators, Iscariots and Trojans, who control, own and run all Lebanese political parties.

Hezbollah Is a mere Iranian occupation army that occupies Lebanon
Elias Bejjani/June 13/2022
Satan’s party is the enemy of Lebanon, and an Iranian-sectarian – criminal – oppressive armed and stone age tool of occupation. Its leaders including Nasrallah, are in reality mere slaves and mercenary puppets, that are recruited and trained to serve the mullahs expansionism-sectarianism schemes. This terrorist Iranian armed militia it not Lebanese by any means, and does not represent the Lebanese in any thing..

Elias Bejjani
Canadian-Lebanese Human Rights activist, journalist and political commentator
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