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Jean-Marie Kassab/Any attempt to fight corruption is futile unless you get to liberate Lebanon from the Iranian occupation/جان ماري كساب: عبثية محاربة الفساد في لبنان قبل تحريره من الإحتلال الإيراني


جان ماري كساب: عبثية محاربة الفساد في لبنان قبل تحريره من الإحتلال الإيراني
مقالة لجان ماري كساب تلقي الأضواء على ابليسية وخبث وإجرام الإحتلال الإيراني المدمر للبنان، وتؤكد بأن التلهي بصبيانية الإنتخابات المسرحية هي غباء وجهل وهرطقة، خلفياتها اجندات سلطوية شخصية ونرسيسية، وعملياً تقوي سيطرة حزب الله على البلد، وعلى مفاصله وكل مؤسساته، وتساعده على استكمال قبضته الفارسية والإلغائية عليه، ويستنتج عملياً وواقعاً وعن قناعة راسخة بأن كل محاولات محاربة الفساد ستبقى عقيمة وفاشلة وهزيلة، ولن تثمر أية نتائج إيجابية قبل تحرير لبنان من الإحتلال الإيراني

Any attempt to fight corruption is futile unless you get to liberate Lebanon from the Iranian occupation
Jean-Marie Kassab/March 28/2022
It is fairly accurate to state that only 2 or 3 years after Khomeini took over power in late 1979 that the Hezbollah, a fully-fledged Iranian brigade, rose in Lebanon and that its pernicious occupation of the country was inaugurated.
They almost instantly took Lebanon to places that never were in Lebanon’s interest: Two trucks loaded with explosives were sent by the Hezbollah to blow up and kill hundreds of American and French military, part of the peace keeping forces present in Lebanon, following the Israeli invasion. As a rule of thumb, attempting at the life of peace keepers is not good for peace.
The rest of the story you know since those days and needs not to be reminded as it is too long, too bloody and utterly sad. Yet and as short reminder one has to remember that a lot more killing was done: Rafeek Hariri and a score of other politicians who defied the occupation. One has to recall how the Iranians became part of the state and government, how they built a strong alliance with local Lebanese and particularly the FPM represented by Michel Aoun, how they gangrened the Lebanese official apparatus inside out while using corruption as a retribution in order to pay those who served their purpose.
The importance of history resides in the way you make good use of it. In other words, how smartly you read history and learn lessons from it in order to better manage your future.
Corruption is a universal ailment and not exclusive to Lebanon. However, ours is a particularly malignant one because it was organized and managed by the occupant, for obviously a purpose. It is all part of a plan.
Accordingly, any attempt to fight corruption is futile unless you get to liberate the country from the Iranian occupation. No matter what you do, win the elections or cry out loud your war against corruption, corruption will stay.
Iran now is in the final process of destroying the country. They wish to construct another over the ashes of the existing republic. We are at the final stages of this destruction and particularly our economy. What is happening, the raging actions of the judiciaries you know of that is, clearly demonstrates that major staging is in the process, with command and control features.
During and meanwhile, the so-called sovereign groups have one single thing on their minds: a bloody seat in the parliament. During and meanwhile, Lebanon is wiped out. During and meanwhile Iran is obliterating Lebanon.
Ladies and gentleman of the candidates: Your actions are indirectly helping the Iranians to bring down the last walls of the republic.
Is it a bad knowledge of your country’s recent history? Is it a total lack of judgement? Is it deep ignorance? Is it obsession with power and the reaps of it? Is it a combination of all that preceded?
Maybe. I would actually say probably.
God have mercy on us.
Vive la Résistance.
Vive le Liban
Task Force Lebanon