Jean-Marie Kassab’s Letter To Guterres/رسالة من الناشط جان ماري كساب إلى الأمين العام للأمم المتحد تبين خطورة وفداحة الإحتلال الإيراني وتشدد على أهمية وضرورة مساعدة المجتمع الدولي ومنظماته للبنان للتخص من هذا الإحتلال
رسالة من الناشط جان ماري كساب إلى الأمين العام للأمم المتحد تبين خطورة وفداحة الإحتلال الإيراني وتشدد على أهمية وضرورة مساعدة المجتمع الدولي ومنظماته للبنان للتخص من هذا الإحتلال
To the kind attention of M. António Guterres,Secretary General of the United Nations. Jean-Marie Kassab/Beirut December 19, 2021
Dear sir,
My name is Jean-Marie Kassab. I head a civil society group that goes under the name of Task Force Lebanon.
Let me first of all welcome you sir in my country Lebanon. Lebanon is even tinier than your native Portugal, yet with a grand history such as yours. Both our countries, even if at different epochs, roved the seas, created cities and spread civilization: The Phoenician alphabet is one of the oldest in the world.
As you know well, Lebanon is currently agonizing and may not survive this ordeal unless international help is provided. This agony is due to a combination of foreign occupation, execrable management of government and unprecedented corruption that plundered the country’s riches.
Let there be no doubt sir: Unless the international community deals with the Iranian occupation, the country will irremediably collapse. Let there be no doubt sir, and beyond the reports you have in hand: Lebanon is under Iranian occupation, and the Hezbollah is only one more brigade of the IRGC. Let there be no doubt sir, unless the international community acts to free Lebanon, there will be no Lebanon anymore.
The people of Lebanon are no match to this powerful evil occupation who like an octopus has presence in every part of the government, alongside its military pernicious occupation of the country with only one mission on their mind: to undermine the Lebanese State until it crumbles and forcedly becomes a fully-fledged Iranian province.
My meeting with you sir, if you wish to allow me this privilege, would be to expose these facts and dreadful reality and implore you to do whatever if possible to rock the international community in order to extend help to liberate a fellow country, a founding member of the United Nation, from occupation. Moreover, I will be expecting your guidance in order to know, as civil society, how to address the UN in this regard.
Faithfully yours,
Task Force Lebanon.