Amer Fakhoury Foundation (AFF) Statement on Recent Events in Lebanon/بيان صادر عن مؤسسة الشهيد عامر فاخوري تتناول على خلفية سيادية واستقلالية وحقوقية أخر التطورات التي شهدتها الساحة اللبنانية، وفي مقدمها غزوة عين الرمانة الإيرانية، وكل ما سبقها وتبعها من خطاب إرهابي للمحتل الإيراني الإرهابي واستكبار ممجوج لنصرالله وأبواقه 


بيان صادر عن مؤسسة الشهيد عامر فاخوري تتناول على خلفية سيادية واستقلالية وحقوقية أخر التطورات التي شهدتها الساحة اللبنانية وفي مقدمها غزوة عين الرمانة الإيرانية وكل ما سبقها وتبعها من خطاب إرهابي للمحتل الإيراني الإرهابي واستكبار ممجوج لنصرالله وأبواقه 

Amer Fakhoury Foundation (AFF) Statement on Recent Events in Lebanon
October 29th, 2021

Hezbollah’s Threats to Citizens Continues to Expose their Chokehold on the Lebanese Government
The Amer Fakhoury Foundation condemns the clashes between Lebanese civilians and members of the terrorist organization Hezbollah that took place in Beirut on October 14, 2021. What happened on this day, however, is monumental being the first time in recent history Lebanese citizens have stood up and fought against the Hezbollah militia. Hopefully, this begins the major steps necessary lessening the influence of Hezbollah in the Lebanese government and bringing reformation to the whole of Lebanon.

On October 18, 2021, four days after the fighting, Hassan Nasrallah threatened to utilize his 100,000 Hezbollah fighters against anyone that stands in the way of his militia in Lebanon ever again. Even though many of us are aware of Hezbollah’s influence in Lebanon, to publicly announce his illicit army of 100,000 fighters is concerning and a cause for alarm.

Hassan Nasrallah also targeted the Lebanese political figure and chair of the Lebanese Forces, Samir GaeGae, in his speech because of his political views against Hezbollah. Soon after Nasrallah’s comments, Samir GaeGae was summoned by Lebanese Army intelligence to appear in the military court on October 25, 2021 and testify in regard to the Beirut clash. Although no evidence was provided linking Samir GaeGae to the clash, it was his political views on Hezbollah, and his call to disarm them, that caused Hassan Nasrallah to declare war against Samir GaeGae.

AFF joins the concerns of many around the globe regarding the glaring political influence Hezbollah exerts over the military court and each of its judges. The Fakhoury family witnessed firsthand Hezbollah’s influence on the military court with the events leading to the death of US hostage Amer Fakhoury. But AFF is hopeful in seeing Lebanese people awakening to Hezbollah’s control over their military court. AFF was the first to publicly note the corruption in the military court it experienced yet are surprised the Lebanese media is only now realizing the level of corruption in their military court.

The Fakhoury family’s experience began with prosecutor Peter Germanos illegally detaining Amer Fakhoury without legal evidence. Next military court judge Abou Chakra charged Fakhoury with crimes without him being interviewed. When exculpatory evidence was attempted to be provided by Fakhoury’s attorney, Chakra refused to even review it, let alone be entered into the hearings. Finally, faced with mounting evidence to Fakhoury’s innocence, Chakra admitted to Fakhoury’s attorney that any decision to free Amer was not in her control and she could do nothing without checking with her political affiliation [re: Hezbollah].

It is well known in the global community that the Lebanese General Security, the military court, and the Army intelligence forces are controlled by Hezbollah. Against this, the United States government recently provided more than $200,000,000 USD in aid to the Lebanese army, yet all the military sectors are controlled by Hezbollah. AFF believes this begs the question, if such essential government sectors are so overtly controlled by Hezbollah, then who are we sending our tax dollars to?