Charles Elias Chartouni: The Beirut Port Terrorist Attack, the Complicit Government and the Omertà Culture/شارل الياس شرتوني: الهجوم الإرهابي على مرفأ بيروت، الحكومة المتواطئة وثقافة السكوت المافياوية


The Beirut Port Terrorist Attack, the Complicit Government and the Omertà Culture
Charles Elias Chartouni/July 08/2021
شارل الياس شرتوني: الهجوم الإرهابي على مرفأ بيروت، الحكومة المتواطئة وثقافة السكوت المافياوية

The presumed arrest mandates ordered by Judge Tarek Bitar, the open defiance of the convicts (Abbas Ibrahim, Ali Hassan Khalil, Ghazi Zeaiter… ) and the support campaign orchestrated by Shiite fascists, follow a well patterned script since August 4th 2020: the trail of tampering with the crime scene, the realtors targeting the devastated landscapes and property owners, the flaunted official moral apathy towards the victims, the string of assassinations, the ostensible disengagement from reconstruction and reparation undertakings, the utter rejection of international investigation and the shadowy legal modus operandi are quite indicative of the criminal complicities, and the deliberate ambiguities are conveying clear messages pointing towards a fully assumed subversive strategy. The Shiite fascists have sent straightforward messages, the criminal complicity of subservient State institutions, and the Omertà political culture which have relayed, define altogether the coordinates of a mounted judicial process following a predetermined scenario.

The recalcitrance of the whole political class to take responsibility for the legal, administrative and moral omissions, their faked legal immunities, moral and legal extraterritorial statuses and due complicities, put them beyond the realm of the law, and undermine the very foundation of the constitutional State. The discretionary and instrumental relationship to State institutions are the hallmarks of Lebanese statehood under the Taef regime, the path to its progressive unraveling throughout the three decades, and barely depart from the initial scheme which has led to its implosion under the concurring strategies of internal and external power politics.

The Port Terrorist attack Scenario cannot be set apart from the overall political scheme which aims at subverting the geopolitical, economic and ecological dynamics that have been operating since the beginning of the nineties. It’s a methodological flaw to separate the terrorist attack from its political framing and narrow the investigation scope to the pitfalls of a corrupt and politically manipulated administration.

The secretive nature of the ongoing investigations are far from being due to professional considerations, they were intentionally contrived to blur the road but mostly set an environment of fear and uncertainty, pursue the strategy of systemic destruction and institutional unraveling, and consolidate the state of moral helplessness. The vindication of the basic Human Rights and moral claims of the voiceless victims and defrauded areas is not only a legal and moral duty, but a lucid and firm civic and political stand against an unequivocal strategy which aims at destroying the political and moral leverage of the Christian community, and put the politics of subversion on an irreversible course.
