Germany bans groups close to Hezbollah, raids offices/في ألمانيا… مداهمات وحظر 3 جمعيات مرتبطة بحزب الله


Germany bans groups close to Hezbollah, raids offices
The Arab Weekly/May 19/2021

في ألمانيا… مداهمات وحظر 3 جمعيات مرتبطة بحزب الله
رويترز/19 أيار/2021
أعلنت وزارة الداخلية الألمانية أنها “حظرت 3 جمعيات متهمة بالتبرع لحزب الله”. وقال متحدث باسم الوزارة عبر “تويتر”: “إن الشرطة نفذت مداهمات في الصباح الباكر لعدة مواقع في سبع ولايات”. وأضاف، بحسب ما نقلت وكالة “رويترز”: “أولئك الذين يدعمون الإرهاب لن يكونوا آمنين في ألمانيا. بغض النظر عن الصورة التي يكون عليها أولئك الداعمين فإنهم لن يجدوا لهم مأوى في بلادنا”. والجمعيات الثلاث التي حظرتها السلطات هي (دويتشه ليبنانيش فاميليا) و(مينشين فور مينشين) إضافة إلى (جيب فريدين) التي حُظرت بالفعل في 15 نيسان الماضي. واتهمت السلطات هذه الجمعيات بجمع تبرعات “لأسر شهداء” حزب الله في لبنان تحت ستار أغراض دينية وإنسانية في ألمانيا.

Germany bans groups close to Hezbollah, raids offices
The Arab Weekly/May 19/2021
BERLIN – The German government said Wednesday it is banning three groups close to Hezbollah, the powerful Lebanese Shia movement, against the backdrop of the current military escalation in the Middle East.
Interior Minister Horst Seehofer “has banned three groups that are financing the terrorist organisation Hezbollah,” his spokesman wrote in a tweet.
“Whoever supports terror will not be safe in Germany… They will find no refuge in our country.” The interior ministry said that searches were currently under way in a number of different regional states in Germany.
According to German media reports, the operations had been carried in the states of Hamburg, Bremen, Hesse, Lower Saxony, North Rhine-Westphalia and Schleswig-Holstein. Hezbollah is designated a terrorist group by Israel and much of the West. Founded in the 1980s to fight the Israeli occupation of southern Lebanon, it has grown into Iran’s main regional proxy with operatives in Syria, Iraq and Yemen. The only Lebanese faction to have kept its weapons after the 1975-90 civil war, Hezbollah now has a more powerful arsenal than the Lebanese national army.
Israel’s deadly Gaza offensive has many eyes trained on the Lebanese border for a Hezbollah reaction, but observers argue the Iran-backed movement is unlikely to risk an all-out conflict.
Incidents at the border in recent days have raised the temperature but, with Lebanon already on its knees amid a deep political and economic crisis, the Shiite group seems intent on refraining from an escalation. In face of the renewed violence in the region, German authorities are concerned about a rise in violence and anti-Semitism. A pro-Palestinian demonstration in Berlin resulted in clashes and arrests.
Last week, Israeli flags were burned in front of synagogues in Bonn and Muenster.
“Our democracy will not tolerate anti-Semitic demonstrations,” the spokesman for Angela Merkel had said at the time.