Charles Elias Chartouni/The Destruction of a Centennial Lebanese Professional Legacy … A Deliberate Crime in the Making/شارل الياس شرتوني: تدمير تراث مهني لبناني عمره مئة سنة … جريمة متعمدة في طور التكوين


The Destruction of a Centennial Lebanese Professional Legacy …A Deliberate Crime in the Making
Charles Elias Chartouni/March 24/2021
شارل الياس شرتوني: تدمير تراث مهني لبناني عمره مئة سنة … جريمة متعمدة في طور التكوين

Click Here To Watch The Video That Is The Subject Of This Piece

Shiite fascists and oligarchic mafias are deliberately destroying a hundred year legacy of institution building (schools, hospitals, universities, social services and advocacy, urban settings and mainly the humanitarian, intellectual and professional skills).

This observation is captured in a nutshell in this quick report, which highlights the drama of the ongoing brain drain depleting the country of its highly trained professionals.

Leaving by droves, the country is going to be confronted very soon with serious professional and high-end expertise shortages in every sector. The case of Nour Jalbout, a young MD at the American University Hospital, highlights the tragic circumstances and the brutal degradation of the medical sector and its manifold consequences on life conditions in our country (1000 health care professionals have left the country in a year time).

Aside, from the sociological observation, the mere watching of this video yields the state of moral devastation that is taking over when we realize what we are losing: the best and the brightest of this brilliant young generation.

Their moral stature, empathy, dedication and humanitarian commitments are of no match, I am in awe when I watch them at work, with their multiple talents, high education, well honed professional expertise, managerial know how, relational abilities and moral elevation.

While watching this video, make sure to grasp the magnitude of our losses, when Nour and her ilk leave the country and its future is left to the monsters who destroyed it, on a daily basis, throughout the last three decades. When I look at Nour and see her crying her desperation while leaving a country to whom she dedicated her 24/7 of her time, energy, love and dedication, I understand the depth of the abyss and the looming hazards awaiting us.

The criminals and predators who have reigned over this country for the last three decades, were not only catering to their predatory instincts, absence of ethical and intellectual credentials, cultivating their depravation and lack of moral sense, they were deliberately destroying what generations and centuries have built: the Human in Lebanon.