الياس بجاني: الإحتلال الإيراني يأخذ لبنان وشعبه وحكمه وحكامه رهينة ويختطف ويعهر كل مؤسساته بما فيها القضاء/فيديو مقابلة مع الصحافي يوسف دياب يكشف من خلالها خلفيات قرار تنحية القاضي صوان عن ملف جريمة تفجير مرفأ بيروت/مع تقارير تتناول قرار التنحية واخطاره باللغتين العربية والإنكليزية


الإحتلال الإيراني يأخذ لبنان وشعبه وحكمه وحكامه رهينة ويختطف ويعهر كل مؤسساته بما فيها القضاء
الياس بجاني/18 شباط/2021

فيديو مقابلة من صوت بيروت انترناشيونال مع الصحافي يوسف دياب يكشف من خلالها أسرار تكشف للمرة الأولى عن فترة تولي القاضي صوان لملف تفجير مرفأ بيروت ويتناول أيضاً وبالتفصيل خلفية قرار تنحية صوان عن ملف تفجير المرفأ وهي سياسية بإمتياز ومن مصلحة المتورطين في التفجير مباشرة ومواربة.

محكمة التمييز الجزائية قبلت نقل ملف تفجير مرفأ بيروت من يد صوان
الخميس 18 شباط 2021

وقفة تحذيرية لاهالي ضحايا انفجار المرفأ رفضا لقبول نقل ملف التحقيق من صوان: القرار سياسي بامتياز
الخميس 18 شباط 2021

نقل ملف انفجار المرفأ من صوان…القضية الى اين؟
المركزية/18 شباط/2021

مكتب نجم: وزارة العدل تبلغت قرار نقل ملف الانفجار من صوان
الخميس 18 شباط 2021”

Court of Cassation Recuses Judge Sawwan from Port Blast Case
Agence France Presse/Associated Press/February 18, 2021

Lebanese activists slam removal of Judge Sawan from blast probe
The Arab Weekly/February 18/2021

Activists Slam ‘Charade’ as Sawwan Removed from Beirut Blast Probe
Agence France Presse/February 18, 2021

Prosecution Approves Request to Release 2 Port Blast Suspects
Naharnet/February 18, 2021

Sawwan Postpones Questioning of Fenianos
Naharnet/February 18, 2021

Sawwan Reportedly Issues Arrest Warrant for ex-Minister Fenianos
Naharnet/February 18, 2021

الإحتلال الإيراني يأخذ لبنان وشعبه وحكمه وحكامه رهينة ويختطف ويعهر كل مؤسساته بما فيها القضاء
الياس بجاني/18 شباط/2021
إن تنحية القاضي فادي صوان عن ملف جريمة تفجير المرفأ هو قرار سياسي بإمتياز يقف وراءة حزب الله وحركة أمل وكل الطرواديين السياسيين والمافياويين الدائرين في فلك حزب الله بذمية وتبعية وذل وهم من كل المذاهب.

إن الهدف المكشوف والوقح والفاجر لهذه التنحية المسيسة بالكامل هو التعمية على التحقيق ولفلفة كل وتعطيل محاسبة قد تطاول زلم وأوباش وإرهابيي الثنائية الشيعية وكل الذميين والطرواديين الذين سلموا رقابهم وقرارهم للمحتل الإيراني مقابل منافع سلطوية ومالية.

هذا التصرف الأرعن بالتنحية هو نتاج وحصاد إرهاب وفجور الإحتلال الإيراني للبنان الممسك بقوة السلاح بكل مفاصيل الدولة اللبنانية وبقرارات وممارسات حكامها وأطقمها السياسية والحزبية والمتحكم بحياة ومصير الشعب اللبناني، والقضاء هو في مقدمة المؤسسات التي وضع يده عليها وارعبها وسيسها وعهرها وجعلها مطية تنفذ فرماناته.

باختصار ودون مواربة نقول بصوت عال وعن قناعة تامة بأن لا حلول في لبنان المخطوف والرهينة لا كبيرة ولا صغيرة وفي أي مجال كان طالما أن حزب الله الإرهابي والمذهبي والملالوي يحتله.. وبالتالي لا خلاص من هذه الوضعية  الإحتلالية الإبليسية المدمرة دون اعلان لبنان دولة مارقة وفاشلة ووضعهه تحت البند السابع الأممي وتنفيذ القرارات الدولية، اتفاقية الهدنة مع إسرائيل و1559 و1701 و1680 بالقوة وعن طريق قوات اليونيفل وإلا فالج لا تعالج.

*الكاتب ناشط لبناني اغترابي
عنوان الكاتب الألكتروني
رابط موقع الكاتب الألكتروني

فيديو مقابلة من صوت بيروت انترناشيونال مع الصحافي يوسف دياب يكشف من خلالها أسرار تكشف للمرة الأولى عن فترة تولي القاضي صوان لملف تفجير مرفأ بيروت ويتناول أيضاً وبالتفصيل خلفية قرار تنحية صوان عن ملف تفجير المرفأ وهي سياسية بإمتياز ومن مصلحة المتورطين في التفجير مباشرة ومواربة.

في أسفل تقارير بالغتين العربية والإنكليزية ذات صلة مباشرة بقرار التنحية

محكمة التمييز الجزائية قبلت نقل ملف تفجير مرفأ بيروت من يد صوان
الخميس 18 شباط 2021
وطنية – أفادت مندوبة “الوكالة الوطنية للاعلام” ان محكمة التمييز الجزائية برئاسة القاضي جمال الحجار، والناظرة في ملف نقل الدعوى المقدم من الوزيرين السابقين علي حسن خليل وغازي زعيتر للارتياب المشروع، أصدرت قرارا قضى بقبول الدعوى شكلا، وفي الأساس قبول طلب نقل ملف تفجير مرفأ بيروت من يد القاضي فادي صوان وإحالتها على قاض آخر يعين وفقا لنص المادة 360 من أصول المحاكمات الجزائية.

وقفة تحذيرية لاهالي ضحايا انفجار المرفأ رفضا لقبول نقل ملف التحقيق من صوان: القرار سياسي بامتياز
الخميس 18 شباط 2021
وطنية – نفذ عدد من اهالي ضحايا تفجير مرفأ بيروت وقفة احتجاجية تحذيرية امام مبنى قصر العدل في بيروت، رفضا لقبول نقل ملف التحقيق بالانفجار من القاضي فادي صوان الى قاض آخر. ورفع المعتصمون صور الضحايا ولافتات تدعو الى “عدم تمييع وتأجيل وتسييس التحقيقات، والى ضرورة كشف الحقيقة بأسرع وقت”.
وفيما توجه وفد منهم لمقابلة نقيب المحامين ملحم خلف، جلست احدى أمهات الشهداء وسط الطريق حاملة صورة ابنها فانضم اليها عدد من المعتصمين الذين قطعوا الطريق بالاتجاهين.
ورفض المتحدثون باسم المعتصمين، “كل محاولات ارجاعهم الى نقطة الصفر في موضوع التحقيقات”، معتبرين ان “التدخلات السياسية لعبت دورا كبيرا في ما حصل”، مؤكدين أنهم “لن يسكتوا على هذا الامر وسيتجهون نحو تصعيد تحركاتهم”. ورأوا ان “القرار الصادر اليوم سياسي بامتياز”، مؤكدين عدم “ثقتهم بالقضاء اللبناني المسيس والتابع للزعامات السياسية الفاسدة”. وأعلنوا ان “كل الخيارات مفتوحة أمامهم ومنها التوجه الى القضاء الدولي، وأنهم لن يتركوا دماء شهدائهم تذهب هدرا”، لافتين الى ان “أي قاض عدلي جديد لن يعين قبل عدة اشهر وسيكون مسيسا”. واعتبر ابراهيم حطيط ان “شهداء تفجير المرفأ وعائلاتهم قتلوا مجددا اليوم، لان القاضي الجديد لن يعين قبل أشهر ولن يقوم بواجباته من دون إذن سياسي”، منتقدا “كل من تم استدعاؤه للتحقيق ولم يحضر”. وقال: “أردتموها معركة فلتكن، وسنتجه الى التصعيد بدءا من مساء اليوم، وسنبقى في الشارع”. ونقل عن نقيب المحامين “بعد الاجتماع به، ان النقابة تدرس الموضوع للوصول الى قرارات بشأن التحرك في مواجهة القرار الذي اتخذ اليوم”.

نقل ملف انفجار المرفأ من صوان…القضية الى اين؟
المركزية/18 شباط/2021
اصدرت محكمة التمييز الناظرة في ملف نقل الدعوى المقدم من الوزيرين السابقين علي حسن خليل وغازي زعيتر للارتياب المشروع، قرارا قضى بقبول الدعوى شكلا، وفي الأساس قبول طلب نقلها من يد القاضي فادي صوان وإحالتها الى قاض آخر يعين وفقا لنص المادة 360 من أصول المحاكمات الجزائية. فما هي الخطوات القانونية التي ستليه؟ الخبير الدستوري المحامي سعيد مالك اوضح لـ”المركزية” ان “من الثابت وعملا بأحكام المادة 355 اصول المحاكمات الجزائية، أحيلت الدعوى الى المجلس العدلي بمرسوم صدر عن مجلس الوزراء، وعملاً بأحكام المادة 360 من أصول المحاكمات الجزائية ايضا، عيّنت وزيرة العدل قاضي تحقيق بناء على موافقة مجلس القضاء الاعلى، اما اليوم ونحن أمام قرار قضى بقبول دعوى الارتياب المقدمة من الوزيرين ونقل الدعوى من يد الرئيس صوان، لا بد من الاشارة الى ان ليس من امكانية لنقل الدعوى الى اي قاض آخر كون تعيين وزيرة العدل جاء لهذا القاضي حصراً دون سواه”. أضاف مالك: “من الثابت أن الكرة باتت في ملعب وزيرة العدل، فيحق لها الموافقة على قرار محكمة التمييز تنحية صوان، كما الاصرار على إبقائه وباستطاعتها ذلك، كون قرار تعيينه جاء نتيجة مرسوم إحالة الدعوى الى المجلس العدلي، اي نتيجة عمل حكومي أقدمت عليه الحكومة، وباستطاعتها الاصرار على التعيين وعدم استبداله، كما يحق لها الاستبدال والاتفاق على اسم آخر مع مجلس القضاء الاعلى”. اما عن مصير الموقوفين، فأجاب: “الامور معلقة حتى تاريخ اليوم، حتى إبلاغ قرار محكمة التمييز من وزارة العدل لاتخاذ الوزيرة القرار المناسب، إما برفض هذا القرار والاصرار على صوان للاستمرار في مهامه وعمله وإما الاتفاق مع مجلس القضاء الاعلى على اسم قاض جديد”.

مكتب نجم: وزارة العدل تبلغت قرار نقل ملف الانفجار من صوان
الخميس 18 شباط 2021
وطنية – صدر عن المكتب الاعلامي لوزيرة العدل في حكومة تصريف الاعمال ماري كلود نجم البيان التالي: “تبلغت وزارة العدل بعد ظهر اليوم الخميس الواقع في 18 شباط 2021، القرار الصادر عن محكمة التمييز الجزائية – الغرفة السادسة تحت رقم 5/2021 تاريخ 18/2/2021 والقاضي بنقل الدعوى المتعلقة بانفجار مرفأ بيروت من تحت يد المحقق العدلي القاضي فادي صوان ورفع يده عنها. وعليه ستتخذ وزيرة العدل المقتضى القانوني عملا بأحكام المادة 360 من قانون أصول المحاكمات الجزائية”.

Court of Cassation Recuses Judge Sawwan from Port Blast Case
Agence France Presse/Associated Press/February 18, 2021
The Court of Cassation, headed by Judge Jamal Hajjar, decided to recuse Judge Fadi Sawwan from investigation into the Beirut port blast case, the National News Agency reported Thursday. Hajjar, tasked to study a memorandum submitted by former ministers Ali Hassan Khalil and Ghazi Zeaiter on grounds of legitimate suspicion, issued the decision Thursday to remove Sawwan. Sawwan, the lead investigator into the August 4 horrific explosion at the Beirut port, filed charges against caretaker PM Hassan Diab and former Finance Minister Ali Hassan Khalil, as well as Ghazi Zoaiter and Youssef Fenianos, both former ministers of public works, accusing them of negligence that led to the death of hundreds of people. On Wednesday, media reports said Sawwan issued an arrest warrant against Fenianos. A questioning session for Faniaons was scheduled to take place Thursday by Sawwan, but the Judge postponed it until February 23 before he was recused. Rights activists condemned Thursday’s ruling to remove Sawwan. Sawawn’s removal “makes a mockery of justice and is an insult to the victims of the blast,” Human Rights Watch researcher Aya Majzoub wrote on Twitter. “More than six months later, we are back to square one.”Lawyer and activist Nizar Saghieh said he needed to see the full court decision, but feared the worst. “By refusing to be held accountable, the ministers and political class are drawing a red line in the investigation,” he said, adding it was a “common occurrence in Lebanon that prevents any justice from being achieved.” The development is likely to further delay the investigation into the horrific explosion that killed more than 200 people, wounded over 6,000 and disfigured much of Beirut. The explosion, one of the largest non-nuclear blasts in history, has been one of the most traumatic national experiences the Lebanese have faced. Family members of those killed had been skeptical of a transparent and independent investigation into the Aug. 4 explosion, in a country where a culture of impunity has prevailed for decades. Details of the court’s decision were not made public. A judicial official, speaking on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak to the media, said the office of the attorney general had received a copy of the decision. The official said all summoning now are off since Sawwan has been asked to step down.
According to the law, the minister of justice now has to propose a new lead investigator, before a government-appointed judicial body signs off on the nomination. Sawwan’s appointment process itself was considered opaque and the investigation, so far secret, has been tainted with political interference, Human Rights Watch has said. Two judges named by the caretaker justice minister before Sawwan were rejected without an explanation by the body in charge of approving the selection. The families of the victims had welcomed Sawwan’s decision to summon senior officials, saying no senior politician should be spared.
After the decision was announced, Kayan Tleis, whose 40-year-old-brother was killed in the blast, said Sawwan was up against major political actors. “We had put a lot of hope in Judge Sawwan. But there were lots of political pressure on him, and once he started summoning senior officials, it was likely they would get rid of him or take the file away,” Tleis said.

Lebanese activists slam removal of Judge Sawan from blast probe
The Arab Weekly/February 18/2021
BEIRUT–Rights defenders condemned a “mockery of justice” after a Lebanese court Thursday removed the judge leading a probe into the massive blast at Beirut’s port last August. Lebanese authorities have come under increasing pressure to provide answers over the August 4 explosion of hundreds of tonnes of ammonium nitrate on the dockside that killed more that 200 people, injured thousands and ravaged large parts of the capital. But Fadi Sawan’s removal, after two former ministers he had charged with negligence in the case filed a complaint, risks bringing the whole investigation back to square one.
On Thursday, “the Cassation Court decided to transfer the investigation… from Sawan to another judge”, a judicial source said. The court ruling found in favour of the plaintiffs who had questioned the judge’s impartiality in view of his home having been damaged in the explosion, the source said. Rights activists slammed Thursday’s ruling as the latest example of an entrenched political class placing itself above the law. Sawan’s removal “makes a mockery of justice and is an insult to the victims of the blast”, Human Rights Watch researcher Aya Majzoub said.
The ruling showed “politicians are not subject to the rule of law”, she added. On December 10, Sawan had issued charges against caretaker prime minister Hassan Diab and three former ministers for “negligence and causing death to hundreds”, triggering outrage from politicians. Premier-designate Saad Hariri and the powerful Shia Hezbollah movement were among those to oppose the indictment. Among those charged were former finance minister Ali Hassan Khalil and ex-public works minister Ghazi Zaiter, who accused Sawan of violating the constitution on the grounds of immunity and moved to have him removed from the case.
“Red line”
Majzoub said: “More than six months later, we are back to square one.”“This charade needs to end… We need an international, independent investigation as soon as possible.”Lawyer and activist Nizar Saghieh said he needed to see the full court decision, but feared the worst. “By refusing to be held accountable, the ministers and political class are drawing a red line in the investigation,” he said. He said it was a typical pattern in Lebanon that “prevents any justice from being achieved”. The probe into Lebanon’s worst peace-time disaster has led to the detention of 25 people, from maintenance workers to the port’s customs director, but not a single politician. It has focused mainly on who was to blame for the fertiliser being left to languish unsafely at the port for more than six years, not how the ammonium nitrate ended up in Beirut. On Monday, however, Sawan requested information from Lebanese security forces on three Syrian businessman thought to be behind the procurement of the fertiliser shipment that arrived on a dilapidated ship from Georgia in 2013. Diab resigned after the port explosion, but the deeply divided political class has failed to agree on a new cabinet line-up. Pressure from former colonial power France, whose President Emmanuel Macron has visited twice since the explosion, has failed to end the deadlock. Lebanon desperately needs the government to launch reforms and unlock international aid to lift the country out of its worst financial crisis since the 1975-1990 civil war.The value of the local currency has plummeted by more than 80 percent and around half the population live in poverty.

Activists Slam ‘Charade’ as Sawwan Removed from Beirut Blast Probe
Agence France Presse/February 18, 2021
Rights defenders condemned a “mockery of justice” after a Lebanese court Thursday removed the judge leading a probe into the massive blast at Beirut’s port last August. Lebanese authorities have come under increasing pressure to provide answers over the August 4 explosion of hundreds of tons of ammonium nitrate on the dockside that killed more that 200 people, injured thousands and ravaged large parts of the capital. But Fadi Sawwan’s removal, after two former ministers he had charged with negligence in the case filed a complaint, risks bringing the whole investigation back to square one. On Thursday, “the Cassation Court decided to transfer the investigation… from Sawwan to another judge,” a judicial source said. The court ruling found in favor of the plaintiffs who had questioned the judge’s impartiality in view of his home having been damaged in the explosion, the source said. Rights activists condemned Thursday’s ruling as the latest example of an entrenched political class placing itself above the law. Sawwan’s removal “makes a mockery of justice and is an insult to the victims of the blast,” Human Rights Watch researcher Aya Majzoub said.
The ruling showed “politicians are not subject to the rule of law,” she added. On December 10, Sawwan had issued charges against caretaker Prime Minister Hassan Diab and three former ministers for “negligence and causing death to hundreds,” triggering outrage from politicians. Premier-designate Saad Hariri and Hizbullah were among those to oppose the indictment. Among those charged were former finance minister Ali Hassan Khalil and ex-public works minister Ghazi Zoaiter, who accused Sawwan of violating the constitution on the grounds of immunity and moved to have him removed from the case.
– ‘Charade needs to end’ –
Majzoub said: “More than six months later, we are back to square one.””This charade needs to end… We need an international, independent investigation as soon as possible.” Lawyer and activist Nizar Saghieh said he needed to see the full court decision, but feared the worst. “By refusing to be held accountable, the ministers and political class are drawing a red line in the investigation,” he told AFP. He said it was a typical pattern in Lebanon that “prevents any justice from being achieved.” The probe into Lebanon’s worst peace-time disaster has led to the detention of 25 people, from maintenance workers to the port’s customs director, but not a single politician. It has focused mainly on who was to blame for the fertilizer being left to languish unsafely at the port for more than six years, not how the ammonium nitrate ended up in Beirut. On Monday, however, Sawwan requested information from Lebanese security forces on three Syrian businessman thought to be behind the procurement of the fertilizer shipment that arrived on a dilapidated ship from Georgia in 2013.

Prosecution Approves Request to Release 2 Port Blast Suspects
Naharnet/February 18, 2021
The public prosecutor’s office on Thursday approved a request for the release of two Beirut port officials held in connection with the catastrophic August 4 explosion. State-run National News Agency identified the two officials as Hassan Qureitem, the head of the interim committee for the port’s administration and investment, who was relieved of his duties after the disaster, and Mohammed Ziad al-Aoun, the head of the port’s security and safety department. Both suspects had been officially charged by the lead judicial investigator into the case, Judge Fadi Sawwan, who was removed Thursday by the Court of Cassation following a challenge filed by two former ministers. The request for the release of Qureitem and al-Aouf had been filed by their lawyer Sakhr al-Hashem and has been returned to the judicial investigator to take the appropriate decision, NNA added.
The next move is now to be decided by the judge who will replace Sawwan.

Sawwan Postpones Questioning of Fenianos
Naharnet/February 18, 2021
The lead investigator into the Beirut port blast Judge Fadi Sawwan on Thursday postponed until Tuesday the questioning session of former transport minister Youssef Fenianos. On Wednesday, Sawwan had issued an arrest warrant for Fenianos on charges of negligence leading to the devastating explosion, TV networks had said. Earlier Wednesday, Fenianos had announced that he would not attend a questioning session scheduled for Thursday by Sawwan. He said the notice came in violation of the Code of Criminal Procedures. “I received a phone call at 7:21 pm from the Central Criminal Investigations Department, informing me that I should appear tomorrow morning as a defendant before Judge Sawwan,” Fenianos tweeted. “Seeing as the notice came in violation of the Code of Criminal Procedures, I will not be attending tomorrow’s session,” the ex-minister added.

Sawwan Reportedly Issues Arrest Warrant for ex-Minister Fenianos
Naharnet/February 18, 2021
The lead judicial investigator into the Beirut port blast catastrophe, Judge Fadi Sawwan, has issued an arrest warrant for former public works and transport minister Youssef Fenianos on charges of negligence leading to the devastating explosion, TV networks said on Wednesday.
LBCI TV later quoted judicial sources as saying that Sawwan “cannot issue an arrest warrant over the phone against ex-minister Youssef Fenianos prior to tomorrow’s session.” “Fenianos can object against the notice if it is not received three days before the session’s date,” the sources added.
Earlier in the day, Fenianos had announced that he would not attend a questioning session scheduled for Thursday by Sawwan. “I received a phone call at 7:21 pm from the Central Criminal Investigations Department, informing me that I should appear tomorrow morning as a defendant before Judge Sawwan,” Fenianos tweeted. “Seeing as the notice came in violation of the Code of Criminal Procedures, I will not be attending tomorrow’s session,” the ex-minister added.
