Elias Bejjani/The Holy Journey Of The 40 Lent Days


The Holy Journey Of The 40 Lent Days
Elias Bejjani/February 14/2021

 A true believer is the one who through faith can like Virgin Mary and Jesus Christ turn  the water it into wine, and enjoy genuine happiness that never ends.

Lent is a forty-day period that starts on the ASH Monday and ends on the Easter Day.

Lent in principle is a Holy period that is ought to be utilized with Almighty God in acts of genuine praying, contemplation, self humility, repentance, penances, forgiveness, and conciliation with self and others.

Lent is a a privileged time for an interpersonal pilgrimage towards Almighty God Who is the fount of mercy.

Lent is a Holy pilgrimage Journey in which Almighty God accompanies us far away from the deserts of our human poverty in a bid of sustaining us on our way towards the intense joy of Easter.

During the Lent time Almighty God will be guarding us all the time to strengthen our faith and to open our eye, minds and hearts to see and understand the truth.

Through the Lent prayers and repentance we can help ourselves to understand  God’s Word with particular abundance.

During the lent and though meditating and internalizing we learn how to live with the Word of God every day.

 During the Lent we are ought to learn a precious and irreplaceable form of prayer; by attentively listening to God, who continues to speak to our hearts.

Via the lent we nourish the itinerary of faith initiated on the day of our Baptism.

The Act of Praying during the lent allows us to talk to Our Holy Father, Almighty God all the time.

The lent is a crossing journey from all that is a mortal lust of instincts to all that is genuine faith and spirituals through graces of Christ.

Lent is a journey of spiritual joy and an interaction with the heavenly bridegroom.

Lent is also a process of liberation from selfishness and hatred.

Lent is a time of repentance and reconciliation with Almighty God, own self and all others

Lent is a 40 day period of contemplation, prayers and all possible acts of charity.

Lent is a period of taming our own mortal hunger and lust for all that is earthly riches.

Lent is a time for sharing and helping those who are in need.

NB: Click Here To read the Arabic version of the above piece

*Elias Bejjani
Canadian-Lebanese Human Rights activist, journalist and political commentator
phoenicia@hotmail.com & media.lccc@gmail.com
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