Elias Bejjani/Video-Text/A/E: No Solution In Lebanon Without A UN Military Intervention/الياس بجاني/لا حل لكارثة الإحتلال الإيراني للبنان دون تدخل عسكري مبإشر بإشراف مجلس الأمن الدولي


Video-Text/A/E: No Solution In Lebanon Without A UN Military Intervention
Elias Bejjani/January 16/2021
الياس بجاني/لا حل لكارثة الإحتلال الإيراني للبنان دون تدخل عسكري مبإشر بإشراف مجلس الأمن الدولي

Sadly most of the free and patriotic Lebanese from all walks of life, and specially those who are living  in the Diaspora, like myself, all strongly believe there is no way any more or any slight hope that the Lebanese themselves are alone able to rescue their own country and free it from both, the Iranian occupation and the local Mafiosi political class.

The country has reached a stage of chaos that made the Lebanese helpless and unable to do any thing, but to leave Lebanon if this option is available for them.

practically, Lebanon and the Lebanese are both kidnapped by the armed Iranian terrorist proxy, Hezbollah by force, intimidation, murder, oppression and all kinds of barbaric and savage evil means.

Meanwhile all the ruling officials, as well as the political class from the top to the bottom of the governing hierarchy especially and foremost the president and both the Prime Minster and the House speaker as well as the Parliamentary majority are all mere puppets, mercenaries and Trojans.

The satanic occupation formula that is destroying systematically every thing in Lebanon is a marriage between the armed and terrorist Iranian Militia which is Hezbollah, and the criminal Mafia which is the political class with no one exception.

Corruption, chaos, and all kinds of crimes are invading the country on all levels and in all domains in both the public and the private sectors.

Banks are holding peoples’ assets and money and impoverishing them, while the majority of the financial experts believe that the these banks are all heading towards bankruptcy very soon.

There is no way that the Lebanese and their country who are both kidnapped and taken by Iran and its Hezbollah hostages can free themselves alone without a regional and international serious and powerful military help via the United Nations assembly.

The only window of help that the Lebanese are hoping to see open wide is the formal and official UN declaration of Lebanon as a rouge-failed country.

Lebanon sooner and later Must be declared a rogue-failed country and put under the UN clause # 07.

A UN urgent military intervention under clause number 07 is the only left vehicle to rescue the hostage, occupied and kidnapped Lebanon.

In conclusion, there is No hope from the political Lebanese rotten and corrupted class, or from getting rid of the terrorist Iran military proxy, Hezbollah without an urgent UN foreign military intervention

Notice: Click Here To Read The Arabic Version of the above piece

*Elias Bejjani
Canadian-Lebanese Human Rights activist, journalist and political commentatorEmail phoenicia@hotmail.com media.lccc@gmail.com
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