ولما تمت ثمانية ايام ليختنوا الصبي سمي يسوع كما تسمى من الملاك قبل ان حبل به في البطن/And when, after eight days, the time came for his circumcision, he was named Jesus, the name which the angel had given to him before his birth


ولما تمت ثمانية ايام ليختنوا الصبي سمي يسوع كما تسمى من الملاك قبل ان حبل به في البطن.
إنّ كلمة “يسوع” تعني بالعبريّة “يِشوع” أي ” الله يُخَلِّص”، وهو اسم كان يشير إلى رسالة معيّنة بالنسبة إلى الأنبياء
لوقا02/من21حتى40: ولما تمت ثمانية ايام ليختنوا الصبي سمي يسوع كما تسمى من الملاك قبل ان حبل به في البطن. ولما تمت ايام تطهيرها حسب شريعة موسى صعدوا به الى اورشليم ليقدموه للرب 23 كما هو مكتوب في ناموس الرب: ان كل ذكر فاتح رحم يدعى قدوسا للرب. ولكي يقدموا ذبيحة كما قيل في ناموس الرب زوج يمام او فرخي حمام. وكان رجل في اورشليم اسمه سمعان كان بارا تقيا ينتظر تعزية اسرائيل والروح القدس كان عليه. وكان قد اوحي اليه بالروح القدس انه لا يرى الموت قبل ان يرى مسيح الرب. فاتى بالروح الى الهيكل. وعندما دخل بالصبي يسوع ابواه ليصنعا له حسب عادة الناموس اخذه على ذراعيه وبارك الله وقال: «الان تطلق عبدك يا سيد حسب قولك بسلام لان عيني قد ابصرتا خلاصك الذي اعددته قدام وجه جميع الشعوب. نور اعلان للامم ومجدا لشعبك اسرائيل». وكان يوسف وامه يتعجبان مما قيل فيه. وباركهما سمعان وقال لمريم امه: «ها ان هذا قد وضع لسقوط وقيام كثيرين في اسرائيل ولعلامة تقاوم. وانت ايضا يجوز في نفسك سيف لتعلن افكار من قلوب كثيرة». وكانت نبية حنة بنت فنوئيل من سبط اشير وهي متقدمة في ايام كثيرة قد عاشت مع زوج سبع سنين بعد بكوريتها. وهي ارملة نحو اربع وثمانين سنة لا تفارق الهيكل عابدة باصوام وطلبات ليلا ونهارا. فهي في تلك الساعة وقفت تسبح الرب وتكلمت عنه مع جميع المنتظرين فداء في اورشليم.

And when, after eight days, the time came for his circumcision, he was named Jesus, the name which the angel had given to him before his birth
*The word “Jesus” means in Hebrew “Yeshua” meaning “God saves,” a name that used to refer to a specific message regarding the prophets
Luke 02/21-40: And when, after eight days, the time came for his circumcision, he was named Jesus, the name which the angel had given to him before his birth. And when the necessary days for making them clean by the law of Moses had come to an end, they took him to Jerusalem to give him to the Lord (As it says in the law of the Lord, Every mother’s first male child is to be holy to the Lord), And to make an offering, as it is ordered in the law of the Lord, of two doves or other young birds. And there was then in Jerusalem a man whose name was Simeon; and he was an upright man, fearing God and waiting for the comfort of Israel: and the Holy Spirit was on him. And he had knowledge, through the Holy Spirit, that he would not see death till he had seen the Lord’s Christ. And full of the Spirit he came into the Temple; and when the father and mother came in with the child Jesus, to do with him what was ordered by the law, Then he took him in his arms and gave praise to God and said, Now you are letting your servant go in peace, O Lord, as you have said; For my eyes have seen your salvation, Which you have made ready before the face of all nations; A light of revelation to the Gentiles, and the glory of your people Israel. And his father and mother were full of wonder at the things which were said about him. And Simeon gave them his blessing and said to Mary, his mother, See, this child will be the cause of the downfall and the lifting up of great numbers of people in Israel, and he will be a sign against which hard words will be said; (And a sword will go through your heart;) so that the secret thoughts of men may come to light. And there was one, Anna, a woman prophet, the daughter of Phanuel, of the family of Asher (she was very old, and after seven years of married life She had been a widow for eighty-four years); she was in the Temple at all times, worshipping with prayers and going without food, night and day. And coming up at that time, she gave praise to God, talking of him to all those who were waiting for the freeing of Jerusalem. And when they had done all the things which were ordered by the law of the Lord, they went back to Galilee, to Nazareth, the town where they were living. And the child became tall and strong and full of wisdom, and the grace of God was on him.