Elias Bejjani/Lebanese Authorities In Occupied Lebanon Arrested Arbitrarily Director & Producer Youssef Al Koury


Lebanese Authorities In Occupied Lebanon Arrested Arbitrarily Director & Producer Youssef Al Koury
Elias Bejjani/November 03/2020

The judicial authorities in Iranian occupied Lebanon has arrested yesterday (Monday 02 November/2020) the well know producer and director and staunch opposition figure Youssef AlKhoury.

AlKhoury was Arbitrarily charged with incitement of denominational strives.

The charges are totally false, malicious, vindictive and merely fabricated as well as the lawless arrest .

The charges and the arrest were based on the content of an article that AlKhoury wrote lately and published in which he criticized the dire Iranian influence on Lebanon in general and in particular on the Shiite Hezbollah and Amal political parties.

Al Khouy’s article was merely a document that exposed certain historical and political well known facts and certain past and recent practices by Lebanese Shiite political figures.

It was completely within the the frame of his right and freedom of expression and did not infringe on any Lebanese law.

The kind of charges that were harshly and vendictively inflicted on AlKhoury have been systematically used by the occupational Lebanese authorities as tools of oppression in a bid to intimidate, terrorize, tame and deter opposition Lebanese citizens, activists and journalists who cry foul the occupational status quo and all the atrocities committed against opposition figures from all walks of life.

We strongly condemn this judicial bold atrocity and call on the Lebanese authorities to drop the fabricated and false charges and release Mr. Khoury without any further infringements on his rights and freedom.

*Elias Bejjani
Canadian-Lebanese Human Rights activist, journalist and political commentator
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