فيديو ونص كلمة نتنياهو بالإنكليزية أمام الأمم المتحدة: أقول للبنانيين إيران من يريد Benjamin Netanyahu’s full speech at the United Nations-Video & Text…To the people of Lebanon, Israel means you no harm. But Iran does.”
نتنياهو: حزب الله يملك “مصنع أسلحة سريا” قرب مطار بيروت اندبندنت عربية ووكالات /الثلاثاء 29 أيلول 2020 كشف رئيس الوزراء الإسرائيلي بنيامين نتنياهو أن “حزب الله” اللبناني يخزن أسلحة بجوار شركة غاز في حي سكني في العاصمة بيروت، وحث المواطنين على “التحرك الآن” والاحتجاج على هذا المستودع.وفي كلمة مسجلة مسبقاً عبر الفيديو بسبب فيروس كورونا أمام الجمعية العامة للأمم المتحدة، حذّر نتنياهو من أن مستودع الأسلحة في حي الجناح هو “المكان الذي يمكن أن يحدث فيه الانفجار التالي”، في أعقاب الذي وقع في الرابع من أغسطس (آب) في مرفأ بيروت، وأدى إلى سقوط 200 قتيل. مصنع أسلحة سري وفي خطاب ألقاه من القدس الغربية، وبث أمام الجمعية العامة للأمم المتحدة في نيويورك مساء، عرض نتانياهو خريطة لـ “مصنع أسلحة سري” في الضاحية الجنوبية لبيروت، قرب مطار العاصمة اللبنانية على حد قوله، لافتًا إلى أن هذا المكان يقع على بعد 50 متراً من محطة وقود وشركة غاز. وقال وهو يشير إلى الخريطة، “أريد أن أظهر لكم مدخل مصنع الصواريخ التابع لحزب الله”. كيف يحشد “حزب الله” بيئته المتململة؟ وبات لبنان على شفا الانهيار بسبب أزمة مالية خانقة وفراغ سياسي أعقب استقالة الحكومة المؤقتة على وقع الانفجار الأخير، والذي أنحت السلطات باللوم فيه على نيترات الأمونيوم شديدة الانفجار التي تم تخزينها لسنوات في ظروف سيئة. وأضاف نتنياهو، “أقول لسكان الجناح إن عليكم أن تتحركوا الآن. عليكم أن تحتجوا على ذلك، لأنه إذا انفجر هذا الشيء فستكون تلك مأساة أخرى”، وزاد، “أقول لشعب لبنان إن إسرائيل لا تريد لكم أي ضرر، لكن إيران تريد”. صواريخ دقيقة وتابع، “إيران وحزب الله يعرضانكم أنتم وعائلاتكم لخطر جسيم، وما يتعين عليكم أن توضحوه هو أن ما يفعلونه غير مقبول. يجب أن تقولوا لهم اهدموا هذه المستودعات”. وطالب المجتمع الدولي بأن يصر على أن “يكف حزب الله عن استخدام لبنان ومواطنيه كدروع بشرية”. وتتهم إسرائيل “حزب الله” حليف إيران، منذ عامين بتحويل الصواريخ إلى صواريخ دقيقة في منشآت مختلفة في أنحاء عدة من لبنان. وفي كلمة متلفزة للأمين العام لحزب الله حسن نصرالله، مساء الثلاثاء 29 سبتمبر (أيلول)، أعاد التأكيد على شروطه المسبقة في ما يتعلق بتشكيل الحكومة، مكرراً التمسك بوزارة المالية. وقال إن “حزب الله يجب أن يشارك في الحكومة لحماية ظهر المقاومة كي لا تتكرر حكومة 5 أيار 2008، التي اتخذت قراراً خطيراً كان سيؤدي إلى مواجهة بين الجيش والمقاومة”، على حد قوله. وشن هجوما على الرئيس الفرنسي إيمانويل ماكرون مؤكدا أن جماعته لا توافق على أي حكومة أو أن يتصرف الرئيس الفرنسي مثل حاكم البلاد.
نتنياهو يحذر من حدوث انفجار آخر في بيروت وكالات/29 أيلول/2020 قال رئيس الوزراء الاسرائيلي بنيامين نتنياهو في كلمته أمام الجمعية العامة للأمم المتحدة: “قد يحدث انفجار آخر في بيروت بسبب مستودعات الأسلحة السرية لحزب الله” وطالب نتنياهو الشعب اللبناني أن يتحرك حفاظاً على أمنه. واتهم رئيس الوزراء الاسرائيلي بنيامين نتنياهو حزب الله بتخزين أسلحة في مناطق سكنية. وأكّد نتنياهو أنّ انتهاكات إيران مستمرة وسيكون لديها ما يكفي من اليورانيوم في الشهرين المقبلين لإنتاج قنبلة نووية، معتبرًا أنّ رفع العقوبات عن إيران سيفتح أمام طهران الأبواب للحصول على المزيد من الأسلحة.
Benjamin Netanyahu’s full speech at the United Nations/Video & Text/To the people of Lebanon, Israel means you no harm. But Iran does./Jerusalem Post/September 29, 2020… فيديو ونص كلمة نتنياهو بالإنكليزية أمام الأمم المتحدة: أقول للبنانيين إيران من يريد لكم الأذى وليس إسرائيل
To the people of Lebanon, Israel means you no harm. But Iran does.”
The Middle East is not exactly renowned for producing good news, and few expected this year to be any different. You know, the pandemic is ravaging our part of the world like everywhere else. But I am pleased to report to you that this year, I can tell you about good news from the Middle East. In fact, I can report two pieces of good news. Earlier this month, at a White House ceremony hosted by President Trump, Israel signed historic agreements with the United Arab Emirates and the Kingdom of Bahrain. This was the first peace treaty between Israel and an Arab country in over a quarter of a century. And it was the first time peace agreements between Israel and two Arab countries were signed on the same day. These new agreements will bring our peoples the blessings of peace and the enormous benefits that come with more trade, more investment, more commerce, transportation, tourism, increased cooperation in so many other areas. I also have no doubt that more Arab and Muslim countries will be joining the circle of peace, soon, very soon. This good news about peace came about because of a clear break with the failed strategies of the past. For far too long, the Palestinians effectively wielded a veto on peace between Israel and the broader Arab world. For decades, all progress was halted and was held hostage to completely unrealistic Palestinian demands, such as the demand that Israel withdraw to the indefensible lines of 1967 and place its security in the hands of others; or the demand that Israel expel tens of thousands of Jews from their homes, effectively committing ethnic cleansing; or the demand that Israel absorb millions of Palestinians who are descendants of refugees from a war that was launched by the Palestinians against Israel more than half a century ago. Of course, these demands, along with many others, are complete non-starters for any responsible Israeli government. Yet for years, many in the international community have tried to appease these absurd Palestinian demands, and as a result, they have wasted time to try to advance an illusion that won’t happen, instead of working for a realistic solution that could happen. Thankfully, President Trump chose a different path to peace—a path anchored in reality. He recognized Jerusalem as Israel’s capital; he recognized Israel’s sovereignty over the Golan Heights; and he put forward a realistic peace plan that recognizes Israel’s right, addresses Israel’s security needs and provides the Palestinians with a dignified realistic path forward if they make peace with Israel. The critics argued that each of these steps by President Trump would kill the chances for peace. Well, they were wrong. Dead wrong. Those steps advanced peace. Now two Arab states have decided to make peace with Israel, and more will follow. The expanding circle of peace will not make an agreement between Israel and the Palestinians less likely. It will make peace between Israelis and Palestinians more likely. Palestinian leaders will increasingly realize that they no longer have a veto over peace and progress in our region, and hopefully, those leaders will ultimately decide to make peace with the Jewish state. And when that happens, Israel will be ready. I will be ready and I’d be willing to negotiate on the basis of the Trump plan to end our conflict with the Palestinians once and for all. Ladies and Gentlemen, Israel and states across the Arab world not only stand together in advancing peace. We stand together in confronting the greatest enemy of peace in the Middle East—Iran. Iran wantonly and repeatedly attacks its neighbors, and it’s terror proxies are directly involved in violence throughout the Middle East, including in Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Gaza and of course, Lebanon. We all saw the terrible explosion at Beirut port last month. The explosion happened here. This is the Beirut port. Two hundred people died, thousands of people were injured, and a quarter of a million people were made homeless. Now, here is where the next explosion could take place. Right here. This is the Beirut neighborhood of Janah. It’s right next to the international airport. And here, Hezbollah is keeping a secret arms depot. This secret arms depot, right here, is adjacent, a meter away, from a gas company. These are gas canisters. Right here. It’s a few meters away from a gas station. It’s fifty meters away from the gas company. Here are more gas trucks. And it’s embedded in civilian housing here, civilian housing here. For the Janah neighborhood residents this is the actual coordinates. So I want to show you the entrance to Hezbollah’s missile factory. Because that’s what it is. It’s right here. This is the gas company, and this is the missile explosive depot. I say to the people of Janah, you’ve got to act now. You’ve got to protest this. Because if this thing explodes, it’s another tragedy. I say to the people of Lebanon, Israel means you no harm. But Iran does. Iran and Hezbollah have deliberately put you and your families in grave danger. And what you should make clear is that what they have done is unacceptable. You should tell them, tear these depots down. Just a few days ago, one of these depots exploded at Ain Qana in south Lebanon. And that is why the international community must insist that Hezbollah stop using Lebanon and Lebanese civilians as human shields. Ladies and Gentlemen, We must all stand up to Iran, and President Trump deserves praise for doing exactly that. First and foremost, I commend President Trump for withdrawing from the flawed nuclear deal with Iran. In 2015, I stood alone among world leaders in opposing the shameful nuclear deal that was made with Iran. I opposed it because the nuclear deal did not block Iran’s path to the bomb, it actually paved its way to it. I opposed it because the deal’s restrictions on Iran’s nuclear program were only temporary and were no way tied to Iran’s change of behavior. Now, Iran has violated even those temporary restrictions. Because of these violations, Iran will have enough enriched uranium in a few months for two nuclear bombs. And Iran has been working on a new generation of centrifuges, it’s called the IR9, which will multiply Iran’s enrichment capability fifty-fold. Ladies and Gentlemen, There is no question that Iran is seeking nuclear weapons. The once secret nuclear archive, Israel’s agents obtained from the heart of Tehran, proves that beyond a shadow of a doubt. In the run-up to the nuclear deal, Israel was told—especially by our European friends—that any Iranian violation would be met with a quick and severe response. But in the face of Iran’s brazen violations, in the face of the irrefutable evidence of the nuclear archive, the Security Council has done, well, absolutely nothing. And wedded to the failed nuclear deal, the Security Council also still refuses to see what was obvious to anyone who understands anything about the Middle East. Rather than curb Iran’s aggression, the nuclear deal fed and funded it. Five years ago, in removing the sanctions on Iran, the leading powers of the world opened the door of a tiger’s cage, and then they simply hoped for the best. But instead, exactly as I warned five years ago, we who live in the Middle East are suffering the consequences of that irresponsible deal. A richer and emboldened Iran used the billions that flowed into its coffers to fuel its campaign of carnage and conquest across the region. Thankfully, President Trump recognized the disastrous nuclear deal for what it was and he acted. He restored US sanctions, forced countries to choose between doing business with America or doing business with Iran, and took out the world’s most dangerous terrorist, Qassem Suleimani. And last month, when the Security Council refused to extend an arms embargo on Iran, the United States snapped back the sanctions. While the Security Council is divided, we in the region are united. Both Arabs and Israelis are together urging tough action on Iran. And when Arabs and Israelis agree, others should pay attention. Israel calls upon all members of the Security Council, stand with the United States against Iran’s aggression, stand with it in insisting that Iran end its nuclear weapons program once and for all, stand with the United States in confronting the greatest danger to peace in our region. And if you do, I am confident that in the years ahead we will be able to celebrate more good news from the Middle East. Good news for Israel. Good news for our Arab neighbors. And good news for the world for all those who seek peace, security and prosperity.
************* Netanyahu, in UN speech, warns of more Hezbollah peril for Beirut Lahav Harkov/Jerusalem Post/September 29, 2020 PM says ‘no doubt’ other Arab, Muslim states will sign treaties. Hezbollah has a secret arms depot next to a gas company that could trigger yet another massive explosion in Beirut, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu warned in his speech to the UN General Assembly by video link on Tuesday. “Here is where the next explosion could take place,” Netanyahu said, pointing to a map of the Janah neighborhood in Beirut, less than two months after a devastating blast at the Lebanese capital’s port killed 200 people and injured thousandsThe map showed a Hezbollah arms depot abutting gas canisters that belong to a gas company. A few meters away is a gas station, and another gas company and gas trucks are situated 50 m. away. These explosive risks are surrounded by civilian housing and are very close to the end of the runway of Beirut-Rafic Hariri International Airport. “It’s right here. This is the gas company, and this is the missile explosive depot,” Netanyahu said. The prime minister called on the people of Janah to “act now,” and tell Hezbollah to “tear these depots down,” warning that Hezbollah and its Iranian backers deliberately put them in danger. “If this thing explodes, it’s another tragedy,” he added. “I say to the people of Lebanon, Israel means you no harm. But Iran does.” Netanyahu pointed out that a Hezbollah depot in Ain Qana in south Lebanon exploded several days ago. “The international community must insist that Hezbollah stop using Lebanon and Lebanese civilians as human shields,” he stated. Hezbollah is working on precise missiles in a number of civilian residential areas in Lebanon, including directly under apartment buildings. The terrorist organization manufactures and stores parts of those precise missiles at the Janah site. Another site, in the Laylaki neighborhood, is under four seven-story residential buildings, home to more than 70 families and 130 m. from a church and medical center. Yet, another such site is in the Chouaifet neighborhood, under five residential buildings that are home to 50 families and 90 m. from a mosque. Israel and the IDF have repeatedly reported similar sites that endanger Lebanese civilians to the UN and through other diplomatic channels. In revealing the Janah site, Netanyahu sought to call once again for the Lebanese government to get involved in what is happening in its country and protect its citizens from Iran and its proxy, Hezbollah. Immediately after Netanyahu’s speech, Israel’s ambassador to the UN, Gilad Erdan, called on the Security Council to designate Hezbollah as a terrorist organization and condemn its use of Lebanese civilians to shield its activities. Hezbollah Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah claimed that the terrorist group’s munitions are not kept in civilian areas, despite Netanyahu’s claims to the commentary, during a speech on Tuesday on the Hezbollah-affiliated Al-Manar TV. Nasrallah invited the media to visit the facility that Netanyahu referred to in his UN address, “so that the world can watch the Netanyahu lie on the air.” Simultaneously, Hezbollah media relations announced that they were arranging a media tour of the area for Tuesday night “to learn about the reality of the situation there and to uncover the false claims of the enemy Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.” Nasrallah claimed that Hezbollah is not placing munitions near civilian homes. “We know very well where we should put our missiles,” added the Hezbollah leader. Netanyahu also condemned Iran, “the greatest enemy of peace in the Middle East.” He praised US President Donald Trump for leaving the Iran nuclear deal, which he said was flawed because it did not block Iran’s path to the bomb, only restricting its nuclear program temporarily. Iran has violated those restrictions, he pointed out. “Because of these violations, Iran will have enough enriched uranium in a few months for two nuclear bombs. And Iran has been working on a new generation of centrifuges, it’s called the IR9, which will multiply Iran’s enrichment capability fifty-fold,” Netanyahu warned. He recounted that Israel’s European allies promised that Iranian violations “would be met with a quick and severe response,” but the UN “Security Council has done, well, absolutely nothing.” “The Security Council also still refuses to see what was obvious to anyone who understands anything about the Middle East. Rather than curb Iran’s aggression, the nuclear deal fed and funded it… Exactly as I warned five years ago, we who live in the Middle East are suffering the consequences of that irresponsible deal,” he stated. Netanyahu commended Trump for reinstating sanctions on Iran and ordering the strike on Quds Force commander Qassem Soleimani. “Both Arabs and Israelis are together urging tough action on Iran. And when Arabs and Israelis agree, others should pay attention,” he added. Netanyahu opened his remarks with “two pieces of good news,” in the form of the two peace agreements Israel signed with the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain. “I also have no doubt that more Arab and Muslim countries will be joining the circle of peace, soon, very soon,” he said. These agreements highlight “the failed strategies of the past,” Netanyahu said. “For far too long, the Palestinians effectively wielded a veto on peace between Israel and the broader Arab world,” he lamented. Progress in the region was “held hostage to completely unrealistic Palestinian demands… [that] are complete non-starters for any responsible Israeli government,” like an Israeli withdrawal to pre-1967 lines, outsourcing Israel’s security, ethnic cleansing of tens of thousands of Jews from Judea and Samaria, or the absorption of millions of Palestinians descended from refugees of the 1948 war. Netanyahu criticized the international community’s attempt to appease the Palestinians and behave as though their demands were realistic, strengthening an illusion. Trump, however, chose “a path anchored in reality,” the prime minister said, including recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and of Israeli sovereignty in the Golan Heights, as well as a peace plan addressing Israel’s security needs while giving the Palestinians “a dignified realistic path forward if they make peace with Israel” – meaning a demilitarized state in 70% of the West Bank and Gaza. Netanyahu expressed hope that Palestinian leaders will seek to join “the expanding circle of peace” between Israel and Arab states. “When that happens, Israel will be ready,” he said. “I’d be willing to negotiate on the basis of the Trump plan to end our conflict with the Palestinians once and for all.” *Tzvi Joffre contributed to this report.