Elias Bejjani: Our Father, Almighty God Is Our Sole Refuge/أبانا السماوي هو ملجأنا الوحيد


Our Father, Almighty God Is Our Sole Refuge
Elias Bejjani/March 29/2020
أبانا السماوي هو ملجأنا الوحيد

In the midst of the Corona Virus spread and hazards we are ought to pray and pray for the recovery of all those who are sick and specially for the ones who are either unable to take care of themselves, or living in countries where the health services are not good or unqualified to deal with the corona spread.

Currently, in the face of the Corona Virus attack the whole world is in state on fear and confusion.

Yes it is very true and extremely wise to resort to science and scientists hoping for a curing drug or a preventative vaccine, but at the same we have to hold on to Jesus Christ and pray and pray that our Father, Almighty God Who definitely shall come rescue us at the right tome, we His children.

It remains that faith is a very powerful means for hope when it is genuine and solid.

John 09:39: “I came into this world for judgment, that those who don’t see may see; and that those who see may become blind.”

The faithful all over the world strongly believe that Jesus is the holy and blessed light through which believers can see God’s paths of righteousness.

There is no doubt that without Jesus’ light, evil darkness will prevail in peoples’ hearts, souls and minds.

Without Jesus’ presence in our lives we definitely will become preys to all kinds of evil temptations.

John 09:5: “While I am in the world, I am the light of the world”.

In every community, there are individuals from all walks of life who are spiritually blind, lacking faith, have no hope, and live in dim darkness because they have distanced themselves from Almighty God and from His Gospel, although their eyes are physically perfectly functional and healthy.

Meanwhile the actual blindness is not in the eyes that can not see because of physical ailments, but in the hearts that are hardened, in the consciences that are numbed and in the spirits that are defiled with sin.

Romans 8:26: “In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans”

Sadly our contemporary world hails atheism, brags about secularism and persecutes those who have faith in God and believe in Him and belief strongly that He is our only sanctuary and refuge in face of all kinds of evil temptations.

Where ever we live, there are opportunists and hypocrites who advocate for the denial of faith and all that is love, forgiveness, humbleness, sharing and peace.

Meanwhile, Christian believers do suffer dire persecution in many countries on the hands of ruthless oppressors, Jihadists and rulers who refuse to witness for the truth.

But despite of all the dim spiritual darkness, thanks God, there are still too many meek believers who hold strong to their faith no matters what the obstacles or hurdles are.

In the midst of the Corona Virus plague we call on the loving and merciful Lord to enlighten our minds and hearts with His light and open our eyes to realize that He is our only refuge.

Lord Help us to solidify and strengthen our faith.

Lord help us to defeat all kinds of sin that might take us away from Your light, and deliver us all from all evil temptations.

*Elias Bejjani
Canadian-Lebanese Human Rights activist, journalist and political commentator
Email phoenicia@hotmail.com & media.lccc@gmail.com
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