عامر الفاخوري الى الحرية: المحكمة العسكرية اللبنانية كفت التعقبات عن عامر الفاخوري/ Freedom For Amer Al-Fahoury: The Lebanese military court quitted Amer Al-Fakhouri & Dropped all Charges against Him


Freedom For Amer Al-Fahoury: The Lebanese military court quitted Amer Al-Fakhouri & Dropped all Charges against Him
LCCC/ Monday 16 March 2020

Military Court Orders Amer Fakhoury be Released
Associated Press/Naharnet/March 16/2020


عامر الفاخوري الى الحرية: المحكمة العسكرية اللبنانية كفت التعقبات عن عامر الفاخوري
وطنية – الإثنين 16 آذار 2020
أصدرت المحكمة العسكرية في لبنان برئاسة العميد حسين عبد الله، حكما قضى بكف التعقبات عن الموقوف عامر الفاخوري، في قضية خطف مواطنين لبنانيين واعتقالهم وتعذيبهم داخل سجن الخيام، ما أدى إلى وفاة اثنين منهم. واعتبرت المحكمة في حكمها الذي حمل الرقم 515/2020 الصادر بعد ظهر اليوم، أن الجرائم المسندة إلى المتهم عامر الفاخوري، لجهة تعذيب سجناء في العام 1998، سقطت بمرور الزمن العشري، وقررت إطلاق سراحه فورا ما لم يكن موقوفا بقضية أخرى.
ويلاحق الفاخوري بملف آخر أمام قاضي التحقيق في بيروت بلال حلاوي، في الدعوى المقامة ضده من عدد من المعتقلين السابقين في سجن الخيام، بجرم اعتقالهم وحجز حريتهم وتعذيبهم، الا أن قاضي التحقيق لم يستجوب الفاخوري بعد بسبب وضعه الصحي ولم يصدر مذكرة توقيف بحقه.

المحكمةُ العسكريّةُ تُصدر حُكمها …عامر الفاخوري الى الحرية
ليبانون ديبايت/الاثنين 16 آذار 2020
عَلِمَ “ليبانون ديبايت” أن المحكمة العسكرية الدائمة قد أصدرت حُكمها بتاريخ اليوم، استناداً الى الدفوع الشكليّة المقدّمة من وكلاء الفاخوري كفّت التعقبات عن المدعو عامر الياس الفاخوري بما أسند إليه وذلك لمرور الزمن العشري. علماً أنه قد أسند الى الفاخوري أنه خلال توليه أمرة سجن الخيام قبل العام 1998، إقدامه على قمع احتجاجات بالقوة أدّت الى وفاة الأسيرين ابراهيم أبو عزة وبلال السلمان. كما أنه قام بممارسة ضروب التعذيب على بقية الأسرى ومنهم الأسير علي حمزة. وجاء كفّ التعقبات بحق الفاخوري بمرور الزمن العشري سنداً للمادة 10 أصول المحاكمات الجزائية.
وكانت قاضي التحقيق العسكري نجاة أبو شقرا قد أسقطت سابقاً عن الفاخوري جرائم العمالة بمرور الزمن العشري أيضاً. وأفاد مرجع قانوني لليبانون ديبايت الى أنه مع إسقاط القاضية أبو شقرا لجرائم العمالة عن الفاخوري لم يعد هذا الملف من اختصاص القضاء العسكري. وتشير المعلومات لموقعنا أن القرار لن يتمّ نقضه وبالتالي سيصبح نافذاً وينال الفاخوري حريته. وكانت محكمة التمييز العسكرية ردّت في 12 كانون الاول الماضي طلب التمييز المقدّم من وكلاء الدفاع عن الفاخوري شكلًا، لجهة إسقاط الدعوى ضده بمرور الزمن العشري. وكانت الهيئة الاتهامية في بيروت صادقت على قرار قاضي التحقيق العسكري الأول نجاة ابو شقرا بردّ الدفوع الشكلية استنادًا الى ان الجرائم المدعى عليها الفاخوري لا تخضع للتقادم عملًا بالاتفاقيات الدولية التي تسمو على القوانين الداخلية وفي هذه الحال أصول المحاكمات الجزائية

The Lebanese military court quitted Amer Al-Fakhouri & Dropped all Charges against
 LCCC/ Monday 16 March 2020
The Lebanese Military Court in Lebanon, headed by Brigadier Hussein Abdullah, issued today a ruling that ended the arrest of Amer Al-Fakhoury, in the case of the kidnapping, detention and torture of Lebanese citizens inside the Khiam prison, which resulted in the death of two of them.
In its ruling, No. 515/2020 that was issued this afternoon, the court considered that the crimes against the accused Amer al-Fakhoury, in terms of torturing prisoners in 1998, has become obsolete based on time, and decided to release him immediately unless he is charged and arrested in another judicial cases.
It is worth mentioning that Al-Fakhouri who is USA-Lebanese citizen is being prosecuted with another file before the Beirut investigating judge, Bilal Halawi, in the lawsuit against him from a number of former detainees in Khiam prison, with the crime of arresting them, seizing their freedom, and torturing them. The ruling is apparently is an appeasing one to the USA who has officially accused the Lebanese Judiciary of unlawful arresting of Al-Fakhoury and threatened to sanction all officials involved unless he is released and all charges dropped.
We learned from reliable Lebanese-USA sources that a Bipartisan legislation was about to slam sanctions on the Lebanese armed forces. It was too big to keep him as he has no value for them.
Sadly they have damaged him. Had he passed in their hands, it would have been big sanctions. Now he needs to recover. Lawmakers and those who moved in the USA, including his family did a great job

Military Court Orders Amer Fakhoury be Released
Associated Press/Naharnet/March 16/2020
Lebanon’s Military Court on Monday ordered the release of a Lebanese-American held in the country for nearly six months on charges of working for the Israeli-backed South Lebanon Army militia two decades ago, Lebanon’s state-run news agency said.
Amer Fakhoury was ordered released because more than 10 years had passed since he allegedly tortured prisoners at a jail run by the SLA, the National News Agency said.
Fakhoury, 57, is is a former SLA member who became a U.S. citizen last year, and is now a restaurant owner in Dover, New Hampshire. His case has been closely followed in his home state of New Hampshire, where U.S. Sen. Jeanne Shaheen and other officials have called for imposing sanctions on Lebanon to pressure Beirut to release him.
Fakhoury has not been attending questioning sessions in Lebanon over the past few months, after being hospitalized with stage 4 lymphoma.
It was not immediately clear if he will be set free, as he’s facing another case filed by former prisoners who say they were tortured by him.
Fakhoury has been jailed since Sept. 12 after returning to Lebanon on vacation to visit family. Lebanon’s intelligence services said he confessed during questioning to being a warden at Khiam Prison, which was run by the SLA during Israel’s 18-year occupation of southern Lebanon. Human rights groups have described the prison as a center for torture.Fakhoury’s family and lawyer, however, say he had no direct contact with inmates and was never involved in any interrogation or torture.Lebanon and Israel have been officially at war since Israel’s creation in 1948. Lebanon bans it citizens from traveling to Israel or having contact with Israelis. His lawyer and family say he fled Lebanon in 2001 through Israel and eventually to the United States because of death threats he and many other SLA members received after Israel ended its occupation of Lebanon in 2000. In February, Fakhoury was charged by a military investigative judge with the murder and torture of inmates at Khiam Prison. Hundreds of former Lebanese members of the SLA militia had fled to Israel, fearing reprisals if they remained in Lebanon. Others stayed and faced trial, receiving lenient sentences.