Maronite Blinded and Escariotic leaders With idol-Derailed Worshipers Elias Bejjani/January 24/2020
Leadership wise, we, the Maronites, are currently orphans in both religious and political domains. Our childish and marginalized present leaders are totally detached from every thing that is a requirement and gifts for leadership, Lebanese identity, faith, self respect, planning, vision, conscience, principles, and self-respect. Sadly they are a bunch of greedy , self-centred, narcissistic and iscariot creatures blinded by their earthly hunger for power and money. No hopes what so ever for our people at any level in their presence and influence…replacing them is an urgent obligation and a must.
قادة موارنة عميان واتباع من القطعان وعبدة الأصنام الياس بجاني/24 كانون الثاني/2020
نحن الموارنة راهناً يتامى قادة على المستويين الزمني والديني. كل قادتنا لا ذمة ولا ضمير ولا فكر ولا ثوابت ولا احترام للذات. اسخريوتيون بامتياز ولا خلاص ولا قيامة بوجودهم..تغييرهم واستبدالهم بآخرين يخافون الله ويوم حسابه ضرورة عاجلة وملحة