Elias Bejjani/No Trust In Lebanon’s Caretaker PM, Mr. Saad Al Hariri/ لا ثقة برئيس الوزراء اللبناني المستقيل السيد سعد الحريري لتشكيل حكومة جديدة


No Trust In Lebanon’s Caretaker PM, Mr. Saad Al Hariri
 Elias Bejjani/December 16/2019
لا ثقة برئيس الوزراء اللبناني المستقيل السيد سعد الحريري لتشكيل حكومة جديدة

Lebanon’s PM, Caretaker Mr. Saad Al Hariri protects covertly and covertly the most corrupt officials and businessmen in what is known the Lebanese deep government that is leading the country into bankruptcy.

At the same time he has no sovereign or patriotic back bone, to the extent that he has even compromised on his father’s assassination case (Raffic Al Hariri), and put the ongoing trial by the Special Tribunal For Lebanon (STL) on a marginal scale of his priorities.

In this realm he forged a political alliance with his father’s assassins, The Hezbollah Terrorist Militia, while the STL has accused a number of  its security topnotch members to have committed the criminal assassination in year 2005.

Mr. Hariri, in his PM, capacity has been totally serving Hezbollah’s occupation of Lebanon status quo, as well as the Iranian-Mullahs’ expansionism schemes in exchange for staying as an MP.

Practically, Mr. Hariri is the first politician who should not be trusted any more in any official position and especially as a PM.

He is not only one of all of the corrupt Lebanese politicians and officials, but in fact the first of them all.

In summary, No trust is ought to be granted by the Lebanese revolution to Mr. Hariri in a bid to head the new Lebanese Government.

Hariri is not a talented or a professional politician, and based on his record since 20015 he will never be one.

Meanwhile, he surrounds himself by advisers who in general serve their our businesses and lead him into un-patriotic and non-sovereign deals with the Lebanese warlords, political parties, contractors and oligarchies.

His record as PM shows that he moves disastrously from one failure to another.

He is not the right PM, for dealing with serious and devastating current Lebanese crisis.

*Elias Bejjani
Canadian-Lebanese Human Rights activist, journalist and political commentatorEmail phoenicia@hotmail.com media.lccc@gmail.com
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