Elias Bejjani: Machrouh Lyla Band Challenge is A Leftist-Agnostic Riot Against Lebanon’s Culture & Faith


Machrouh Lyla Band Challenge is A Leftist-Agnostic Riot Against Lebanon’s Culture & Faith
Elias Bejjani/July 25/2019

Freedom has nothing to do with the on going leftist-agnostic charade of the “Machrouh Lyla Band” phenomena at all.

This kind of blatant Freedom is not what the majority of the Lebanese people, from all religious faiths want, accept or even can keep a blind eye on without an angry loud and straightforward “NO”.

What is going on is a mere leftist-agnostic media shameless riot against the actual core and essence of freedom.

What is going on is actually blemishing freedom, because Freedom does not mean at all to advocate in Lebanon openly for sexual deviations or choices without any kind of restrictions, limits, or respect for the majority of the Lebanese peoples’ social norms.

Freedom is not at all a means of instigation of hatred or grudges against ethical and social norms in our Lebanese deeply, established society norms of living and worshiping.

Freedom is not a means of humiliating or insulting Christianity or any other religion and their holy figures.

Freedom is not a means of Free and rude advocacy for LG or any other sexual, life style or social deviations-choices.

Freedom is not is not by any means a venomous media or art tool for the destruction of the Lebanese social and human norms and solid faith convictions.

In conclusion, People are free to be odd or to adopt any odd of life style in any social or faith domains, as long as they do not harm others or break the laws of the country, but they are not free and must not be allowed to advocate openly and freely for their odd life choices.

It is worth mentioning that shame is a biological and Godly gift and privilege that is merely owned and enjoyed only by Human beings.

Accordingly those who kills this godly gift in their lives voluntarily alienate themselves from all that is human in all domains and fields.

Meanwhile, shame definitely is a grace, and a blessing .. Lucky are those who appreciate its privileges, values and virtues.

In this regard we thank Almighty God that the shame gift is still vibrant, active and alive among the majority of our Lebanese multi-cultural and faith Mosaic communities.

N.B: Below Two Related editorials for the Writer in Arabic

*عُقد اليسار الملحد وسعيه لتعهير المجتمعات وضرب وحدة العائلات فيها/الياس بجاني/24 تموز/2019
*إباحية عروض “مشروع فرقة ليلى” ونعمة الخجل التي تميز الإنسان عن باقي المخلوقات/الياس بجاني/24 تموز/2019

*Elias Bejjani
Canadian-Lebanese Human Rights activist, journalist and political commentator
Email phoenicia@hotmail.com media.lccc@gmail.com
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