In First Appearance Since Declaration Of Caliphate, ISIS Leader Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi Calls For Attacks Against France, Its Allies, And Saudi Arabia, Urges Algerians, Sudanese To Wage Jihad Against Their Regimes
ميمري: في أول ظهور له منذ اعلان دولة الخلافة البغدادي يدعو لمهاجمة فرنسا وحلفائها والسعودية ويحث الجزائريين والسودانيين لإعلان الجهاد انظمتهما الحاكمة
MEMRI/April 29/2019
The following report is now a complimentary offering from MEMRI’s Jihad and Terrorism Threat Monitor (JTTM). For JTTM subscription information, click here.
On April 29, 2019, Al-Furqan, one of the media arms of the Islamic State (ISIS), released a video featuring ISIS leader Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi, calling on his fighters to carry out attacks against France, its allies, and Saudi Arabia. In the video, titled “In The Hospitality Of The Emir Of Believers,” Al-Baghdadi urges the people of Algeria and Sudan to declare jihadi against their governments, praised the attacks in Sri Lanka and also recognized a group of military commanders including foreigners and media officials.
Al-Baghdadi started by commenting on ISIS’s defeat in Al-Baghouz, Syria, saying it was part of the ongoing war between Muslims and the Crusaders and that the group’s fighters had shown steadfastness that “terrorized the hearts of the Crusaders.” He then listed the names of commanders and officials who had been in charge of Al-Baghouz. Among them were a few Saudi citizens.
Next, he praised ISIS media officials, naming one Abu Abdallah Al-Australi, Khallad Al-Qahtani, Abu Jihad Al-Shishani, and two French nationals named Abu Anas Fabyan Al-Faransi and Abu Othman. He then acknowledged members of the religious committee, naming a Saudi national called Abu Raghad Al-Da’jani and praised ISIS commanders, naming Belgium national Abu Yassir Al-Baljiki and Abu Tariq Al-Iraqi.
Praising ISIS fighters, Al-Baghdadi stressed that they had not lost any territory that had been under their control without a fight and asked Allah to accept those who were killed in Al-Baghouz as martyrs and prayed that those imprisoned be freed. “With Allah’s permission,” he said, “their brothers will never forget these sacrifices and generosity and they will avenge them and they will not forget them as long as they live and there will be other parts to this battle with Allah’s permission.” Al-Baghdadi also the series of attacks carried out by various ISIS branches to avenge ISIS defeat in Al-Baghouz, saying that 92 operations had taken place in eight countries.
Al-Baghdadi then congratulated his fighters in Libya for briefly taking over the town of Al-Fuqaha, Libya, saying that they “have proved to their enemies that they are able to attack first, knowing that they are fighting a war of attrition.” He then called on them to “chase out their enemies and attack all their assets including manpower, military, economic, and logistics… And they should also know that jihad will continue until Judgement Day and that Allah has ordered us to wage jihad, not to attain victory.”
Al-Baghdadi then welcomed the pledge of allegiance from fighters in Burkina Faso and Mali, saying: “We bless their pledge of allegiance and their joining the caravan of the Caliphate and we ask Allah to protect them and to protect our brother Abu Al-Waleed Al-Sahrawi. I urge them to intensify their attacks against Crusader France and its allies and to avenge their brothers in Iraq and Syria.”
Delving into the situation in Khorasan, Al-Baghdadi welcomed those who have repented and joined ISIS there and prayed that Allah grant them steadfastness and success.
Commenting on the ousting of the presidents of Algeria and Sudan, Al-Baghdadi expressed his disappointment in the people in both countries, saying: “They didn’t know why they protested and as soon as they ousted a tyrant he was replaced by one who is worse and more oppressive toward Muslims.” Addressing them, he said: “We remind them that the only method that would work with these tyrants is waging jihad for the sake of Allah. By waging jihad, the tyrants would be silenced and dignity and glory can be attained by waging jihad and only the sword works with these tyrants.”
The video featured a voice message by Al-Baghdadi in which he praised the attacks in Sri Lanka, saying they were was revenge for those killed in Al-Bagouz, Syria. He said that attack was “a fraction of the revenge awaiting the Crusaders and their tails with the permission of Allah. Blessing due to Allah that among those killed were Americans and Europeans.” Al-Baghdadi acknowledged ISIS’s foiled attack against a security building in Al-Zulfi, Saudi Arabia and called on more attacks in the country and against the House of Saud.
The video ends with Al-Baghadi skimming monthly reports about ISIS branches around the world including those in Iraq, Syria, Khorasan, West Africa, Saini, Somalia, Yemen, Central Africa, Caucasia, Tunisia, and Turkey.
Source: April 29, 2019.
البغدادي بأول فيديو منذ 2014: “معركة الباغوز انتهت”
ظهر الارهابي أبو بكر البغدادي، أمس، للمرة الأولى منذ خمس سنوات في فيديو دعائي نشره التنظيم المتطرف عبر قنواته على تطبيق “تلغرام”. وفي الفيديو الذي يحمل عنوان “في ضيافة أمير المؤمنين”، يظهر البغدادي بلحية طويلة بيضاء ومحناة على الأطراف، واضعا منديلا أسود على رأسه، ويفترش الأرض إلى جانب آخرين أخفيت وجوههم. وليس واضــحا تاريــخ تصــوير الفيديو، غــير أن البغدادي يقول في بدايـته إن “معركة الباغوز انتهت”، في إشارة إلى طرد التنظيم من آخر جيوبه في شرق سورية قبل ما يقارب الشهر. ودعا البغدادي لمهاجمة فرنسا والسعودية وحلفائهما وناشد السودانيين والجزائريين إعلان الجهاد على أنظمة الحكم في بلادهما.