التحالف الأميركي الشرق أوسطي للديموقراطية يرحب بتعيين هيذر نويرت سفيرة لأميركا في الأمم المتحدة/AMCD (The American Mideast Coalition for Democracy) Supports the Appointment of Heather Nauert as UN Ambassador

WASHINGTON, DC - MAY 29: U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo (L) listens as State Department spokesperson Heather Nauert (R) speaks during a press event at the State Department May 29, 2018 in Washington, DC. The State Department held the event to release of the 2017 Annual Report on International Religious Freedom. (Photo by Alex Wong/Getty Images)

التحالف الأميركي الشرق أوسطي للديموقراطية يرحب بتعيين هيذر نويرت سفيرة لأميركا في الأمم المتحدة

AMCD (The American Mideast Coalition for Democracy) Supports the Appointment of Heather Nauert as UN Ambassador
December 9, 2018

Washington DC: The American Mideast Coalition for Democracy fully supports President Trump’s pick to replace UN Ambassador Nikki Haley, the intelligent and capable Ms. Heather Nauert.

Ms. Nauert has been a first-rate journalist for many years, working at both Fox News and ABC News and covering a variety of national and international affairs. More recently, Ms. Nauert has proven herself very capable of representing the administration as State Department spokeswoman. In this role, she has worked closely with Secretary Pompeo and earned his trust and confidence as well as that of the President.

“The fact that the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) opposes Nauert’s nomination is proof she is right for the job,” said AMCD co-chair John Hajjar. “CAIR is an arm of the global Muslim Brotherhood operating in the US as a ‘civil rights organization.’ The UAE has designated CAIR a terrorist organization and they have proven links to Hamas. So again, if they are opposed to Nauert’s nomination, that is a good sign.”

”CAIR operatives have repeatedly refused to denounce Hamas and Hezbollah as terrorist groups with American blood on their hands,” stated AMCD vice chair, Hossein Khorram. “Several former CAIR officials have been convicted of various crimes related to jihad terror in the United States and CAIR has opposed every anti-terror measure that has ever been proposed or implemented. Its California chapter actually distributed a poster telling Muslims not to talk to the FBI, and its officials have told Muslims not to cooperate with law enforcement.”

Khorram, himself a Muslim, finds CAIR’s silence in condemning terror and not cooperating with FBI totally un-American.

“The Iranian people have endured the implementation of Sharia law by the Islamic Republic, proving it to be a total failure that has brought death and famine to one of the wealthiest countries in the world,” continued Mr. Khorram. “Ms. Nauert comments on Sharia law are based in proven facts that Sharia law is a failure and should never be implemented in any country let alone the United States which is the beacon of democracy in the world – the very antithesis of Sharia Law.”

“Ms. Nauert is well respected in the journalistic community and the diplomatic community in Washington,” added AMCD chair, Tom Harb. “She is poised and unshakable under pressure. We believe she will represent the United States brilliantly at the United Nations.”

“This appointment continues President Trump’s dedication to promoting intelligent and capable women to high-level posts in the administration,” added AMCD Secretary Rebecca Bynum. ‘We applaud this latest example of the administration’s dedication to selection on the basis of talent and merit. Ms. Nauert is a superb choice to fill Ms. Haley’s shoes.”

AMCD lends its full support to this excellent nomination.