Detailed Lebanese & Lebanese Related LCCC English News Bulletin For October 10/2018
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Titles For The Latest LCCC Bulletin analysis & editorials from miscellaneous sources published on October 09-10/18
US Ambassador. To UN Nikki Haley resigns/Reuters, and Ynetnews/October 09/18
Turkey, Jailer of Journalists, Now Slams Saudi Arabia – for Murdering a Journalist/Simon A. Waldman/Haaretz/October 09/18
Saudi journalist’s disappearance developing into diplomatic mess/Simon Henserson/The Hill/October 09/18
A New Arab Military Alliance Has Dim Prospects/The Economist/October 08/18
Big spectacles, bigger shoes/Turki Aldakhil/Al Arabiya/October 09/18
What Kavanaugh nomination tells us about American politics/Walid Jawad/Al Arabiya/October 09/18
Establishing equality in Saudi Arabia/Hassan Al Mustafa/Al Arabiya/October 09/18
Why is the Russian GRU so hopeless/Dr. Azeem Ibrahim/Al Arabiya/October 09/18
New York City’s Islamist Grant/Oren Litwin/Gatestone Institute/October 09/18
How Iran Plans to Take Gaza/Khaled Abu Toameh/Gatestone Institute/October 09/18
Russia’s Bungled Spying/Leonid Bershidsky/The Guardian/October, 09/18
KSA and the Hyperloop Century/Josh Giegel/Asharq Al Awsat/October 09/18
Disappearance of Saudi journalist puts Erdogan in difficult situation/Semih Idiz/Al Monitor/October 09/18
The Disappearance Of Journalist Jamal Khashoggi: Before He Disappeared, The Saudi Press Accused Him Of Treason; Now It Is Expressing Concern/MEMRI/October 09/18
Titles For The Latest LCCC Lebanese Related News published on October 09-10/18
Sources: Most of New Lebanese Govt. Structure Ready
Siemens to Solve Lebanon’s Chronic Electricity Crisis
Lebanese FM Embarks on Arab Tour ahead of Economic Summit
Report: No Breakthrough in Government Formation
Report: France in Focus on Lebanon Refugees Crisis, Economy and Govt Lineup
‘Cowboy’, Accomplice Sentenced over ‘Jumblat Assassination Plot’
Bassil Talks ‘Railways and Electricity’ with Jordan King
Qaouq Slams Parties Seeking to ‘Weaken Presidency’
Kataeb Calls for Government of Specialists
Kataeb Party Renews Call for Government of Specialists
Kataeb Leader Seeks Joint Struggle for Reform in Lebanon
Titles For The Latest LCCC Bulletin For Miscellaneous Reports And News published on October 09-10/18
US Ambassador. To UN Nikki Haley resigns
Netanyahu Recommends Israeli Army Prepares for Gaza Violence
Jordanian King Stresses Need to Revive Peace Process
Most heavy arms out of planned Syria buffer zone, monitor says
Eight killed in suicide attack on afghan election candidate
Saudi Arabia has agreed to let Turkish authorities search the kingdom’s Istanbul consulate
Erdogan Asks Riyadh to ‘Prove’ Journalist Left Consulate
Trump Says America Owes Kavanaugh Apology after Supreme Court Battle
Saudi’s Crown Prince: Reformism and Authoritarianism
Syrian President Grants General Amnesty to Army Deserters
Most Heavy Arms Out of Planned Syria Buffer Zone
Public Strike in Iran Protests Worsening Living Conditions
Wave of Assassinations in Basra Claims 2 New Victims
Saudi ambassador set to return to Germany, meet with FM Heiko Maas
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