Jerusalem Post/Senior Israeli officer- IDF: No Hezbollah militant will return alive from infiltration attempt الجروزلم بوست: أعلن قيادي كبير في الجيش الإسرائيلي بأن أي مسلح من حزب الله يحاول التسلل إلى بلادنا لن يعود حياً
Senior Israeli officer- IDF: No Hezbollah militant will return alive from infiltration attempt الجروزلم بوست: أعلن قيادي كبير في الجيش الإسرائيلي بأن أي مسلح من حزب الله يحاول التسلل إلى بلادنا لن يعود حياً
By Anna Ahronheim/Jerusalem Post/September 06/18
The construction of the barrier, which began several months ago by the Northern Command, is led by the 91st Regional Division and is expected to cost 1.7 billion NIS.
As the IDF continues to strengthen Israel’s northern border by completing 11 kilometers of a concrete barrier along the Lebanese border, a senior officer in the Northern Command has warned any Hezbollah militant who infiltrates into Israel will be killed.
“Anyone who crosses into Israel will not return to Lebanon,” the IDF senior officer told journalists on the Lebanese border on Wednesday, stressing that “in the next war Hezbollah’s Radwan unit will be eliminated.”
The border fence with Lebanon was originally built in the 1980s and while sections of it have been upgraded several times it is said to be in poor condition.
According to a senior officer, the Northern Command would not stop an infiltration by Hezbollah’s elite Radwan unit who in the next war, is expected to attempt to capture an Israeli community or military outpost.
Due to the threat of infiltrations by Hezbollah, 22 Israeli communities along the border with Lebanon will be evacuated.
Israel has never carried out a mandatory evacuation of any community since the founding of the state but in addition to the threat posed by Hezbollah rocket barrage, the IDF is now concerned about the very real possibility of ground attacks by the terror group’s Radwan unit against Israeli civilian communities in border communities.
Israel began construction on a new barrier along the border with Lebanon several months ago and is expected to cost 1.7 billion NIS.
Currently under construction in the areas of the Sulam Ridge, Metula and Misgav Am to the south and east of the Blue Line by the engineering forces of the Northern Command and the 91rst Division together with the “Gvulot VeTefar” administration, is expected to be completed in the coming months.
The project takes place entirely in Israeli territory, and is fully coordinated with UNIFIL.
“This is a planned operation designed to maintain long-term stability on the frontier and is fully coordinated with UNIFIL forces,” the IDF said. “The interest in maintaining relative stability is clear and there is no reason that it should be affected by construction work.”
Similar to the “smart fence” which runs along Israel’s border with Gaza and Egypt and some 30 kilometers along the border with Jordan, the concrete, steel and barbed wire fence will be nine-meters high stretching for several kilometers, with sensors, cameras, information collection centers and warning systems.
The cameras along the fence are connected to a war room to alert troops to any possible infiltration. It will also have lifting devices for the safe and secure maintenance of the cameras to prevent any possible firing towards IDF troops.
According to the IDF, Israel’s intelligence capabilities has increased dramatically since the Second Lebanon War in 2006 and has five times the number of targets in the north if another war were to break out.
The IDF has carried out several large-scale drills simulating war with the Lebanese terror group in the past year, including one by the Paratroopers brigade which finished on Thursday, the fourth combined brigade exercise that took place in the past month as part of the IDF’s training exercises to improving the preparedness of troops.
IDF Chief of Staff Lt.-Gen. Gadi Eisenkot told members of the security cabinet and the Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee this week that the military is ready for war under any scenario.
“The IDF is at a high-level of preparedness and readiness for war with regard to any threat scenario,” Eisenkot wrote, adding that “as the person responsible for the army’s readiness for war, I declare that IDF is prepared for any mission required of it.
مسؤول إسرائيلي يهدد بـ«ضرب لبنان» وبناه التحتية في أي نزاع مقبل مع حزب الله
جنوبية/06 أيلول/18
في تصريح له لصحيفة “هآرتس” الإسرائيلية، هدد مسؤول في القيادة الشمالية في الجيش الإسرائيلي بـ”ضرب لبنان وبناه التحتية في أي نزاع مقبل مع “حزب الله”، معتبرا أن “الأخير يسيطر فعليا على الجيش اللبناني، وإسرائيل لن تفصل بينهما حال نشوب حرب جديدة”.
وأشار إلى أن “التفريق الذي قمنا به بين حزب الله ولبنان خلال الحرب اللبنانية الثانية عام 2006 كان خاطئا”، مشيراً إلى “أننا لن نقوم بمثل هذا التفريق في الحرب القادمة، سنضرب لبنان وأي بنية تحتية لبنانية تساهم في القتال”.
وشدد على أنه “لو كان علي الاختيار بين ضرب لبنان والفصل بينه وبين حزب الله، فسأختار ضرب لبنان”، موضحاً أن “حزب الله” طور قدراته من خلال عملياته القتالية في سوريا”، معتبرا أنه “حصد ثقة في القتال، لكنه غير قادر حاليا على التسلل إلى الأراضي الإسرائيلية والسيطرة على الأرض”.
ولفت إلى أن “الجيش الإسرائيلي لا يعتقد أن “حزب الله” معني اليوم بجولة جديدة من الصراع”، ورأى أن “تصريحات الامين العام لـ”حزب الله” السيد حسن نصر الله، لا معنى لها وهي لا تعكس نواياه الحقيقية وهو لا يزال مقيما داخل سرداب ومرعوبا من الحرب اللبنانية الثانية”.
وأضاف: “من جهة أخرى، يعرفون جيدا أن التحديات التي واجهوها خلال القتال في سوريا ليست شيئا مقارنة مع التحديات التي سيواجهونها حال اندلاع نزاع مع الجيش الإسرائيلي، والانتخابات الماضية أسفرت عن تقوية مواقع “حزب الله” في السياسات اللبنانية، ولهذا السبب لن ترغب المنظمة في دفع أي ثمن سيؤدي للتقليل من نفوذها هناك””.