Elias Bejjani: Bashir Gemayel The Dream And Cause Will Never Die


Bashir Gemayel The Dream And Cause Will Never Die
Elias Bejjani/August 23/18

On the 36 annual anniversary of Bashir’s election as Lebanon’s president on August 23/1982, we renew our vows and declare again our commitment to Bashir’s cause and dream, to our national Lebanese identity, to liberation, to our deeply rooted dignity and to a holy ongoing peaceful resistance against the Iranian occupation and its local mercenaries.

Bashir’s cause is not dead because it is Lebanon’s cause..this cause that cannot die and will never die as long as one Lebanese citizen remains committed to Bashir’s patriotic beliefs and loyalty to Lebanon, to the 7000 years of history and civilization … to Lebanon the 10452 km2.

36 years after the assignation of Bashir, the Lebanese cause is still alive in the minds and hearts of many patriotic Lebanese citizens in Diaspora as well as in Lebanon itself.

The Lebanese cause is still glowing in spite of the serious hardships, the numerous difficulties and the deviated and shameful conduct of many corrupted and marginalized Lebanese politicians as well as several major Lebanese parties who sadly gave up on the resistance and succumbed cowardly to the Iranian occupation.

In spite of all the major loses and setbacks, Bashir’s national dream for Lebanon is not dead, because no criminal can kill dreams and abort hopes.

Dreams are acts of intellectual imaging and portrayal of aspirations, objectives and hopes that people endeavour to fulfill in reality.

Bashir’s dream is still alive in the hearts and spirits of the patriotic Lebanese all over the world.
History teaches us that patriotic, national, and religious causes cannot be killed by assassinating their founders or those who lobby for them. In fact, the contrary usually happens.

History shows that major worldwide religions spread after the departure of their founding leaders. Christianity, for example, spread all over the world after the crucifixion of Jesus Christ.

The Pharisees crucified Jesus, believing his death would put an end to his new religion. They were disappointed, and Christianity became the number one religion in the whole world.

(Luke 12:4 “Don’t be afraid of those who kill the body and can do nothing more”.)

In the steps of the Pharisees, Lebanon’s collaborators joined by some regional tyrants deluded themselves into believing that assassinating President-elect Sheik Bashir Gemayel, would also kill the Lebanese cause. They thought killing Bashir would destroy Lebanon’s history and identity, and sever the Lebanese from their roots.

What happened 2000 years ago, happened again in a way. History repeated itself and the contemporary Pharisees were no more lucky than the Pharisees of the Christ era.

Sadly 36 years after Bashir’s assassination, our beloved Lebanon is still occupied and the 10452 km2 are not yet liberated. But in spite of all hardships and difficulties, the torch that Bashir lit and carried is still held high and glowing, and the struggle will go on.

The fight for Liberating our beloved country will not cease before complete liberation takes place.
Bashir, the cause and the dream is still alive.

Bashir spoke to the conscience of every Lebanese who believes in Lebanon and its people.
Bashir’s dream is still alive.

Long Live Free Lebanon.

Elias Bejjani
Canadian-Lebanese Human Rights activist, journalist and political commentator
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